TrueDave wrote:
I did it when I was 19. It was over my first true love. I'm surprised to see how many people do it now, or have done it.
When I was at make up school with a bunch of "goth" students 15 years younger than me it was epidemic.
I sometimes consider using an electric sander so the scar doesnt look so deliberate. You know lines on the left forearm. I don't want to sscar it over to hurt myself rather to hide my past mistake.
I have never hurt myself because I was depressed about something like the "goths"(or they did it because it was a foolish fad). It has always been I was freaking out (I guess what is called a meltdown), and if I didn't have something to throw or break, I would run off and hit my head. For me, it has never been something planned out or fully deliberate.