I have a father who is undiagnosed but most certainly an Aspie.
My personal background is an undergrad degree in Speech Pathology. I moved frequently during my first marriage so i had many jobs in the teaching realm. I began as a swimming instructor during my college years. I went on to work in elementary. preschool, daycare, kindergarten and each time ended up being place with a child or children that i now believe were misdiagnosis. , but had behaviors of ASD. So somehow i must have been able to be patient with them and worked effectively with them too.
I have so many anecdotal stories and situations about my own parent because after a divorce in 1999. I came to work and care for my aged parent, even living in the same house for a time. I moved out for my own sanity but continued to work and care for him, i thought for the money, but probably because i desired to have a positive relationship with the unemotional, rigid , seemingly unloving man. I am coming to terms with this after intensive studies on Asperger over the last 3+ years. I happened to hear the author of a book about her family , specifically her son and a light bulb went on in my head. At last i had finally found the answers to the behaviors, seeming illogical thinking, oddities, receptive & expressive language issues. This has been my salvation, for i have been on the verge i mental & emotional collapse for 12 years. The grace of God saved my sanity and gave me the reasons i had been seeking..
Daddy is 88, difficult, friendless, OCD-like, riturals, sensory issures, etc. If you want to ask me questions or hear more then write me. It will surely help me to talk about it.
I do know ,having run across a recent report card of my dad's, that he was promoted to 9th grade in 1941 at the age of 17. His 2 years younger brother was promoted to 9th grade in 1940. These 2 brothers rarely speak, usually on one of their birthdays annually.
I have other family members that have this too, again in denial and undiagnosised but i am hopeful for them to eventually seek helpf and not live their life as a wondering about themselves.