What's the point in hating yourself? More to the point, why are you making such a distinction between NT and ASD, granted as a person with Asperger's syndrome, yes, life is very difficult, but it is for everyone, regardless of the label attached. (The lady (NT) who was forced to kill her child, watched her brother and children die and was raped 19 times, a common occurrence in Africa at the moment)
At times, life is unfair, but it wouldn't be life if it weren't.This is how you learn and become stronger. When things are going wrong, I say to myself, the only person who can truly help you, is yourself, so how are you going to fix the predicament? It's up to you.
The reason I gave that example, is because whenever, I can see no way out, I think to myself, well if people in that circumstance have the courage to go on living, then I do too. Again, it's up to you.