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03 Aug 2008, 10:12 pm

Inspired by catspurr in the Wright brothers thread. Who is your most famous relative/ancestor, and are they the autistic sort?

Mine is John Molson, the beer guy (late 18th century Montreal): beer, hotel, steamships, banking. No autism. Didn't leave me a trust fund, either. :(

On my mother's side, Sir Richard Scott, a left wing do-gooder politician in Ottawa (6 decades in politics in 19th century). No signs of autism there, either. He was vegetarian, though. Is that a sign?

Ignore this thread if it seems too dumb. It was just a thought I had.

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03 Aug 2008, 10:20 pm

apparently an uncle of mine with some number of greats in the title was edgar allen poe. not sure if he was an aspie, but he was definitely a strange character :o

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03 Aug 2008, 10:28 pm

My family has a number of characters that have reached a degree of infamy for one strange reason or another. On my father's side, I have the founding members of a town, who now fill up the cemetery in that town.

On my mother's side I have an accused witch who was burned on a stake. On the other side of the family I have some relations (how many cousins removed, I know not) to a fairly well known sitcom comedian. On that side are also several women who claim some ESP. One who became fairly well known for this talent.

Lots of weirdity, but no autism (unless it was high functioning and thus not recognised). I have several people on my mother's side that are at various points on the spectrum, but not famous.

I shall have to ponder this. It's an interesting topic.

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03 Aug 2008, 10:44 pm

Judy Garland was my grandfather's cousin.

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03 Aug 2008, 10:47 pm

Martha Pennoyer Crowe is a distant Great Aunt several times removed. She was hanged at Salem Town Mass. as a witch.

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03 Aug 2008, 10:56 pm

Anemone wrote:
Inspired by catspurr in the Wright brothers thread. Who is your most famous relative/ancestor, and are they the autistic sort?

Mine is John Molson, the beer guy (late 18th century Montreal): beer, hotel, steamships, banking. No autism. Didn't leave me a trust fund, either. :(

On my mother's side, Sir Richard Scott, a left wing do-gooder politician in Ottawa (6 decades in politics in 19th century). No signs of autism there, either. He was vegetarian, though. Is that a sign?

Ignore this thread if it seems too dumb. It was just a thought I had.

Patricia Richardson of "Home Improvement" fame. Distant cousin, or maybe it's aunt. But a relative, at least


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03 Aug 2008, 10:59 pm

A Grandfather of mine, Toxey Hall (alternatively spelled Toxie Hall). Sparred with MArciano and knocked him out once. Well-known boxer from the late 40s-50s in the Chicago Area. Went to Japan, The Phillipines, Berlin, etc during his tours. He was cool 8)

Also a decently-known Police Officer in where he patrolled and the like. One of the first Afro-Americans to drive a police car and some other minor/local stuff in his areas of patrols. Supposedly could, if he wanted could 'curry favor' with the Cook County Judge at the time and up until late 1990s. Was invited to Leo Boxing Tournaments every year and shook Barack Obama's hand/talked to him back when he was a State Senator.

I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
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03 Aug 2008, 11:03 pm

I have been told that on my dads side, we have ancestry with two different families from England that were dukes (not sure on how all royalty works over there). Also on my dads side, I have an ancestor who was the cousin to the Prince of Orange in the Netherlands. Also, apparently one of my ancestors was one of the Norman knights who accompanied William the Conquer at the Battle of Hastings.

How true any of that is, I don't know. Even if none of it is true, I would still enjoy doing some genealogy.

Now on my moms side, I do know that I am related to the two of the families that originally settled Bradford county in northern Pennsylvania. Also, another ancestor (different family) who was in the American Revolutionary War. Records indicate he fought at Bunker Hill, was with the detachment under Washington when they crossed the Delaware, and was at the battle of Yorktown when the British surrendered. I found his grave when I did some genealogy back in 2006. It was cool. :)


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03 Aug 2008, 11:20 pm

my aunt (not by blood but by marriage) is aparently related to some former president i forgot which one it think is was Benjamin Harrison

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03 Aug 2008, 11:46 pm

My great-grandfather was a hollywood silant film actor. But I think his carreer stopt when the talkies came. He was Icelandic.
I think Im realated to Njáll from Njála and varius other carecters from the sagas.


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03 Aug 2008, 11:49 pm

John Bartram, Thomas Paine, and The Earl of Bath (whoever the heck he was...soem dude in England).


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04 Aug 2008, 12:12 am

Benjamin Franklin. He was way back on my mom's side, but I forget exactly how. I believe he is an uncle with seven or so "greats" in front.


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04 Aug 2008, 12:40 am

Don't laugh, but Madonna, is my 8th cousin once removed, also my great uncle was finance minister Hon. Jean-Luc Pepin, going way back my ancestry includes french royalty, the Barony of Champagne on my mothers side and Pepin the Short and Charmaine on my fathers side.


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04 Aug 2008, 12:51 am

I believe my most famous ancestor was a satirist contemporary of Charles Dickens, named William Hone.

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04 Aug 2008, 12:53 am

Henrik Wergeland and Petter Wessel "Tordsenskjold". Neither are any famous in the US, but both are considered heroes in Norway.

WP doesn't have a working first amendment.

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04 Aug 2008, 12:56 am

My grandfather was in WWII. He almost got shot in the head but it was a fortunate the Japanese had bad accuracy. The bullet went by his head and into the ocean. He got off the dock fast. He didn't have any aspie traits as far as I know.

One of my uncles was in the Vietnam war. He might have AS because he is antisocial and he hasn't had a relationship since the 1980's. But I dunno if he has it or not. He also has anxiety.