lionesss wrote:
There is a difference between identifying with what you read about autism symptoms and knowing deep down even before getting a dx "wow that is SO me" and blatantly lying about being under the spectrum all for attention. No need to worry and nothing to feel guilty about. You had a legitimate concern and you got it confirmed. And no I didn't have the fear because I knew something with me was very different and now I have a confirmation even though my symptoms are mild as well.
Thanks lionesss : )
I knew in my heart I was profoundly different. But I was so scared the difference wasn't going to be AS, that I was really maybe just some defective neurotypical that didn't even deserve any diagnosis.
kip wrote:
I had the same fear. What really made it go away was when both BF and boss picked me out as having some sort of ASD and I never told them about my suspicions. BF had loads of friends with ASDs as he was in SpEd classes, and boss has a bro with Autism.
I got dx'd after going in for sensory issues and migraines. I didn't mention the family history of AS, or my suspicions, so it must've been pretty blatant at the time for him to just come out with the AS diagnosis. That helped me feel better; I'm not scared anymore. But in the past if was a deep concern of mine.
?Evil? No. Cursed?! No. COATED IN CHOCOLATE?! Perhaps. At one time. But NO LONGER.?