Yes, I always did...that was, before I married someone who had a child from his previous marriage. Before that, I had all my bills paid in full always, never any debt, except my house. That was about 8 years ago...Back then, I had a house and paid more in mortage per month than I do in our crappy apartment nowadays...It is a constant source of stress for me, since I don't have much control everytime that crazy witch decides she wants to go on vacation and come after us...What little I have left, not much, I probably owe in debt anyway...sigh...but I'm now afraid to pay off my debt because if I do, I might not have enough money to feed our child...He has autism, speech therapy, etc...and somehow the governent expects him to live off 2% of what his daughter with no disabilities, medical conditions does...and we'll be supporting her until she's 21 since she's a lazy girl, that is only interested in messing around with boys and not school...and keeps failing...
Oops, sorry...yes, money is a major stress factor in my life...