I love random topics like this.
For as remarkably clumsy as I am, stairs kind of stir something inside me that makes me "go." Going up I try to leap up with as few steps as possible. Doing this requires the first leap to be timed perfectly, not to mention the run-up. Reporting results to my brother was my daily habit as I got home from school every day.
Going down wasn't as fun, however the challenge brought out the same sort of determination. How to get down in as few steps as possible. Using a completely different strategy, I accomplished this in one leap. Yes, one single leap. Twas more of a "swing" as I'd plant my hands as far down the rails as I could set them, and "hop" as far out as my arms would extend.
Man, what good times of simple pleasure and excitement-over stairs! Thanks to the OP, I've not looked back in time in a possitive way in a little while. 
Still grateful.
"...do you really think you're in control...?"
Diagnosis: uncertain.