I'd look at this website:
Click here
Also, it's a matter of being appropriate with certain people, like the severity of conversation you have with strangers, acquaintances, friends, family, significant others, etc. There are different levels. Some conversations may be more vague than others, depending on how well you know the people you're speaking with (there may be some things that others don't want to know...). Pay attention to what other people around you do. I've also found that TV shows, like sitcoms, are great for studying this. I've found Sex and the City to be great for this purpose (if the show is to your liking, of course).
On top of that, there are things like body language and eye contact that really convey a lot. I'm not so good at explaining these, but the website I posted above is great at this. Pay attention to others, and practice! It's helped me a great deal.
This is just a brief summary of what I can come up with, I hope it helps, and I hope you find what you're looking for!