neshamaruach wrote:
As close as I've come is to have legally changed my English name to my Hebrew name. It fits.
A lot of Jews are doing that, or changing names that were altered in the old country or at Ellis Island due to persecution or the fear of it back to earlier, more openly Jewish names. A lot of Jews who immigrated to Palestine shed Germanic names for randomly picked Hebrew ones. "Netanyahu" ("sparrow", apparently) "Barak" or "Baruch" ("blessed") and "Ariel" (don't know the meaning of this one) were apparently popular choices. Henry Kissinger was born with a Polish (I think) Jew name that was impossible to pronounce, so he changed it.
In the soul era a lot of Black Americans adopted Islamic names or names that sounded African but really weren't. A few did a little research, and adopted real Swahili words as names. (Ironically, a lot of people in West Africa have English and French first names, due to the colonial legacy.) It was once common for members of the Nation of Islam, a Black cult, to adopt "X" as a last name, under the idea that their real last names had been stripped from them by slaveholders. (Actually, many tribes had no last names. In Ethiopia, it's common for children to take their father's first name as their last names. European name conventions are far from the only option.)