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03 Jan 2009, 8:56 pm

Hey, are you scared of the dark? Does your imagination run wild and the slightest noise gets you panicy? Do you find weird looking people scary? Or think that someone gonna come into your bedroom with aknife and go wild? Or your too scared to open your eyes incase there's somebodies face right infront?

Well I've always been scared iof these things, I hide totally under the duvet yet tat isnt enough, I can find myself thinking of scary things and I'd start looking in my cupboards and my bed to make sure nobodies there, I know it sounds like what a five year old would do! Except it isn't monsters haha.

Do you think I need counselling?

Do you find this youtube vd scary? Cuz I can't ge to sleep because of it...
Feedback please, thankyou

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03 Jan 2009, 9:06 pm

I was a very sensitive child. I hated having to close my eyes at night for a long time, and always wanted a light left on. I still am very anxious and quite sensitive, but my sleep hasn't been disrupted and most of my friends don't realise how sensitive I am which is a good sign for me.

What I'm essentially saying here is that you can be a sensitive guy with odd fears and it's still OK as long as you can keep that in check. If you really have trouble sleeping each night out of anxiety or your fears are interfering with your friendships, that may be cause for concern.


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03 Jan 2009, 9:09 pm

It doesn't eally affect anything except for make me utterly in fear when these thoughs go through my head, it could be effecting something without me realizing it, like maybe my confidence etc?

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03 Jan 2009, 9:11 pm

Are you kept awake for hours by your fears on an even semi-regular basis? Do you sometimes unsettle people in your company with sudden reactions to things you are afraid of?


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03 Jan 2009, 9:14 pm

No I don't so I guess it hasn't effected my socializing, I am very nervoud around teenagers though, especially the ignorant looking ones, I always seem to get unwanted attention from them, like tey can smell my fear haha.

These night fdears are probably what is effecting my confidence, but I'll raqise this issue in ym diagnosis ewven thoughi t hasn't anything to do with AS but I will still get something out of it :)

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03 Jan 2009, 9:16 pm

I agree that'd be a good opportunity to at least mention it and see if you get any more advice or pointers.


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03 Jan 2009, 9:36 pm

I get so scared that I'm not even going to watch that video. I'm scared enough of the unseen things in the dark that I usually sleep with my head under the covers.


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03 Jan 2009, 9:37 pm

jmfoster wrote:
Hey, are you scared of the dark?

No. Never have been.
jmfoster wrote:
Does your imagination run wild and the slightest noise gets you panicky?

Yes, it can. Especially if I have been awake for too long, or if I am under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
jmfoster wrote:
Do you find weird looking people scary?

Everyone looks weird to me :?
But really, I'm going to assume you mean people who are disfigured or deformed. They may startle me if I'm not prepared to be looking at someone like that. But they don't scare me.
jmfoster wrote:
Or think that someone gonna come into your bedroom with aknife and go wild?

No, I have never thought that.
jmfoster wrote:
Or your too scared to open your eyes incase there's somebodies face right infront?

Also never thought that.
jmfoster wrote:
Do you think I need counselling?

You may have some issues in your past. But I don't know. If you feel like you need counselling, then go.
jmfoster wrote:
Do you find this youtube vd scary?

Not really.


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03 Jan 2009, 10:24 pm

I used to be like that, when I was younger, but I'm not so much like that anymore. I pissed my pants watching the Lion King LOL, and then I saw the Exorcist and I wasn't phased at all. So go figure.

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03 Jan 2009, 10:35 pm

I am mildly afraid of things that can cause me pain (spiders, snakes, lizards, etc.) Other than that, the only fear I have is making social blunders.

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03 Jan 2009, 10:57 pm

Um, how about getting a night light?
Maybe even some earplugs.


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04 Jan 2009, 2:04 am

I get startled by people trying to scare me sometimes, but then I get ticked...

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13 Jan 2009, 10:01 pm

i was reading a book about steven king and he says he sleeps with his light on.


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13 Jan 2009, 10:35 pm

Am I ever! :wall:

I have always been afraid of bugs ever since I was attacked by a fire ant bed when I was 3 (I still have scars), but other than that, I was pretty fearless as a child. 2 events have changed this.

1. 2 years ago someone tried to break into my apartment at 5 AM while I was home.
2. When I turned 18 (about 5 years ago now) I decided I would be a "rebel" and get my belly button pierced. Not only did the needle almost make me pass out, but my body ended up rejecting the jewelry and eventually I had to take it out.

The first has left me with an intense fear of being robbed, being alone, being in the dark, etc. I struggle with this every day.

The second has left me with a continually increasing fear of needles, razors, cuts, injuries, etc. I can't even get a pedicure anymore without feeling like I'm going to throw up or pass out.

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13 Jan 2009, 10:53 pm

pensieve wrote:
I get so scared that I'm not even going to watch that video. I'm scared enough of the unseen things in the dark that I usually sleep with my head under the covers.

Ditto, I thought about clicking the link but then remembered that it took me a week to get over just the trailers on television for that movie The Unborn.

Regardless, when I sleep alone (like I am now as I am out of town on business) I have to have pillows on each side as a safety blanket measure. Additionally, while on the road, I am compelled to turn the television off last after I am snuggled in the bed--and even then I often just leave the television on.

Not exactly your typical 30-year old man I would say, but oh well. :(

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13 Jan 2009, 11:23 pm

When I was a child, I was afraid to go to sleep in the dark. My parents had to keep a nightlight burning in my room. But that wasn't enough. I had to see the light coming from their room as they read in bed till 11:00 at night. If I fell asleep by 11:00---great. But sometimes I didn't get to sleep that fast and was tossing and turning instead---as is common for many of us on the autistic spectrum. Then, Mom and Dad's light would go off, but at least they had the TV on in their room as they watched the news followed at 11:30 by The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. At this point, I was in a rush to get to sleep, because after Johnny's monologue, they usually turned the TV off. When that happened, I all of a sudden felt like I was totally alone on an alien planet. My nightlight then cast eerie shadows that danced across the woodwork and I was afraid to look out in the hallway for fear of seeing something spooky. Sometimes when this happened I lucked out at my Dad's expense. He has asthma, and back in the '70s it was pretty bad, so if he had an attack he would get up and set in the living room across from my room.

On those nights that I was alone in that world of darkness except for my nightlight, I often felt waves of nausea ripple across my stomach. Then, I would get up, approach Mom and Dad's room and say in a trembling voice, "I think I'm going to be sick." Then we were up till the middle of the night. That was my sleeping habit for the better part of my childhood. I was up sick at least once every other week. I was a skinny kid from not only my sick nights, but also my terrible allergies.

This has brought back a special memory. Even though I was easily scared, I loved scary movies. One weekend night, King Kong was going to be on at like 3 in the morning. Dad said he would get me up and watch it with me. And he did. That memory it so special to me of us sitting together watching that old black and white thriller. I think I fell asleep on the floor before it was over because I remember waking up the next morning back in my bed.

Another good early morning memory I have was in the first of April of 1970. I always loved astronomy, and Mom and Dad promised to get me up before dawn one chilly morning to see the spectacular Comet Bennett. I can still see the image of that infinitely long bright tail sweeping across the heavens. It was so bright that I rubbed my eyes in awe and splendor. As fabulous as it was, it made me feel a little scared because it hung in the sky so dominantly, but yet so silently. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. And to this day, no comet that I have seen since has matched Comet Bennett's beauty and brilliance. Upon returning to my bed, I remember feeling the chills of excitement and wonder traveling across my body as I mind refused to vacate the image of the comet. As I lay in bed waiting for the light of dawn, I kept thinking about that beacon of the heavens overhead as my heart beat rapidly in my chest. To an autistic child fascinated by comets---that remains the most magical memory of my childhood.

Sorry I strayed a bit on the topic here, but one memory led to the next.