jmfoster wrote:
Hey, are you scared of the dark?
No. Never have been.
jmfoster wrote:
Does your imagination run wild and the slightest noise gets you panicky?
Yes, it can. Especially if I have been awake for too long, or if I am under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
jmfoster wrote:
Do you find weird looking people scary?
Everyone looks weird to me
But really, I'm going to assume you mean people who are disfigured or deformed. They may startle me if I'm not prepared to be looking at someone like that. But they don't scare me.
jmfoster wrote:
Or think that someone gonna come into your bedroom with aknife and go wild?
No, I have never thought that.
jmfoster wrote:
Or your too scared to open your eyes incase there's somebodies face right infront?
Also never thought that.
jmfoster wrote:
Do you think I need counselling?
You may have some issues in your past. But I don't know. If you feel like you need counselling, then go.
jmfoster wrote:
Do you find this youtube vd scary?
Not really.