Fo-Rum wrote:
My mother suspected a "mild form of autism" in the late eighties (without any knowledge of AS). She took me to see a couple of doctors during that time with the suggestion, and they told her no. I have seen a few school councilors to help me with my problems in school (I visited them regularly). I have seen various people in the field of psychiatry. Nobody gave any clues. I think they were all looking in the wrong places.
Out of all those people who I had seen as a child, one person over the internet a couple of years ago, whom I hadn't known more than about 2 weeks had told me, "You seem like you have Asperger's."
I've done a lot of research since then, and have actually seen a couple of professionals who were -positive- I have AS (even though they don't know me, fancy that!).
I actually want to contact a few specific individuals from my childhood, and see how they remembered me as, so I can be even more conclusive than I am now!
Yes, your childhood sounds like mine (until I was diagnosed, that is)! I'd been to see psychologists and people for years but nobody had a clue, some of them were utter rubbish. One lady told me that all my problems would be solved if I simply learned to swear at the people who were bothering me.
I think in the end the book I read and diagnosed myself with was by Tony Attwood, that must've been the first I've heard mention of AS (which was in 2000). When did that person tell you they suspected you had AS? I think before around 2000/2001 it was virtually unheard of in common society (just an obscure disorder).
Into the dark...