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15 Apr 2009, 9:53 pm

Temple Grandin's website actually links to CAN/Autism Speaks!

I feel betrayed.

I am a very strange female.

Don't take life so seriously. It isn't permanent!

Xfractor Card #351
Xfractor Card #351

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15 Apr 2009, 10:11 pm

i never liked her


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16 Apr 2009, 12:49 am

When the subject is selling books related to Autism, you reach out to all.

As most of her work is directed at explaining Autism to an NT world, of caregivers to the autistic, that is where she can be most effective.

Her life is an example of making it in the world, which is what most people want for their children.

Boycotting a cure mindset will not chage it, the organization is not the members, and they need as many points of view as possible. Dr. Temple Grandin is HFA and made it in the world.

"The Cure" is just as far away as it was yesterday, last week, month, year, five or ten years ago.

That still leaves millions dealing with Autism every day. Millions more are their parents.

Dr. Temple Grandin speaks to the Autistic, their Parents, Educaters, Government, and has brought a better life with greater understanding to many.

Claiming the behavior of others is out of bounds, I would sugggest getting a larger mind, 99% of the people who need this information are in the NT world.

You are not attacking Dr Grandin, but are attacking "Freedom of Speech" and "Freedom of Association."

It makes AS sound like a Hostile New Age Religion on a Witch Hunt.

I visit Autism Speaks, for I want to know what a broader community thinks.

Neither here nor there do I put up with political or religious qualification tests, or sign Loyality Oaths.

Dr. Temple Grandin is a Member of Wrong Planet who has just undergone a personal attack.

Spewing venom, feces, and attacking the character of another member is forbiden.

Many Members of Wrong Planet are also members of Autism Speaks.

This is the second recent attack directed toward Dr. Temple Grandin.

The last was also from Autism Avocates Activists.

Dr. Temple Grandin started the field of Autism Awareness, publishing in 1986. Through books, public speaking, she created the world where there are now many views of Autism. Her work has been international, reaching out to the whole population. Government, Industry, Educators, Parents, Psychologists, Doctors, have gained a greater understanding of Autism through her work.

For many autistic people her books were the first awareness that it was not just them, it was a known and shared condition, and for many years before Wrong planet, the only connection to a broader autistic world view.

Her work and life have been inspirational to millions. One of them was Alex Plank, who built upon her ground breaking work of letting autistic voices be heard.

Xfractor Card #351
Xfractor Card #351

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16 Apr 2009, 2:04 am

inventor i like you. and thought that post was well written, and thought out. however, those sites are for cureing us. do you want that? i dont. also selling stuff shouldnt direct agenda. thats what religions for

Last edited by richardbenson on 16 Apr 2009, 2:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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16 Apr 2009, 2:12 am

Im not sure who Temple Grandin is, but I also dont see anything particularly wrong with that site. what is the issue?


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16 Apr 2009, 4:46 am

Some do think in terms of a cure. Only education can change their minds.

In America, the magic pill is the answer to most things, and few understand the problem with that.

Autism Speaks has said things that call for the eradication of Autism through genetic testing and abortion. The same method used to abort Downes Syndrome, but Autism is not clearly genetic, and any marker would likely be carried by 10% of the population.

The Vaccine issue has also been brought up, which lead to studies that proved no link.

Behavior Modification has also lead to exposing the Judge Roddenburg Center, which brings up methods used to control people in institutions, bad things are happening, and are being exposed.

They are a fund raising machine, with a cause, not a Scientific Organization. They have made tens of millions in donations, and have no say on how the money is spent, for that is peer based research.

The studies paid for by Autism Speaks have improved treatment of head injuries, expanded knowledge of the brain, and done nothing to harm or help the autistic.

My complaint would be the percentage of funds raised spent on fund raising, half, but other charities spend as much as 90%. It is still directing money to generally needed research.

Head injuries from automobiles and war have been the main benefaciaries of Autism Speaks.

They express the NT world view of Autism, their misunderstandings are brought out and refruted.

Many parents of autistic children go there for support, emotional support, they can speak about how it has made a mess of their life and family. They need support, as we all do, where ever we are. They would not get that at Wrong Planet.

Autism Speaks is in the dark on Autism. At best they are saying, "Something should be done." That leads to "Do something, even if it is wrong." Their grasping at straws has lead to clearing out the straws. The Dark Ages of Autism are being cleared away.

Metals, Vaccines, Genetic Flaws, are being ruled out. Autism is not a Mental Illness, no drugs or treatment have shown any promise.

Discovering what something is not, what does not work, is Science. Everything they have proposed, they have funded research that showed they were wrong.

Autism Speaks is known for having no autistic people involved. They saw it as an evil disease to be cured or eradicated. I have heard people here say they were banned from the discussion board there, for saying, "I am Autistic."

Their publications have been to make Autism seem the worst of the world's problems. Their focus was on a childhood disease, and they denied that any grew up, lived lives. The Autistic were horrible children who would be locked away for life, a hopeless burden.

Studies of adult outcomes, Alex Plank et al, show that is not the case. We may be a strange lot, may not really ever fit in, but we do get by.

I see that Autism Speaks has run out of answers, and that many on their site, who also visit Wrong Planet, see for themselves who we become, are looking for the best outcome for their child possible.

They have tried Doctors, Autism Speaks, they have read, studied, and come here to observe. Many are lurkers, some post. They are good parents who are trying to understand.

Autism in childhood is like the terrible twos lasting for a decade. That is hard on parents. Worse, the child then becomes a teenager. That is hard on all parents.

What is shown here is with some extra care the children can become educated, and even do well at a university. Many work, and find independant adult lives that constantly fall apart just like everyone else. Everyone loses jobs, gets divorced, has problems with life, we are perhaps extra normal, but still within range.

In the degrees of Autism, Dr. Temple Grandin is HFA, hence less likely than Asperger's Syndrome folks to make something of themselves. A Doctorate, many books published, a leader in her field of Animal Science, a speaker of note, show that HFA is not a hopeless situation.

It was groundbreaking when she first wrote, the world professional view was Autism is hopeless.

It is also groundbreaking to link to Autism Speaks, that place that used to exclude autistics, and is now coming around to the view of living with autism.

Dr. Temple Grandin is still changing the way the world views autism.

Autism Speaks is changing, now accepting adult outcomes can be expected to work out sometimes, all is not hopeless.

I place less value on organizations, and more on parents. We should do all we can to help them raise someone like ourselves, for we do complain a lot about our own lives. We are expert complainers.

What Dr. Grandin has done is redirect Autism Speaks to the mainstream parent view, of, the only future I care about is for my child.

Autism Speaks could play a very useful role if they changed from extirminating us to educating us. They would better serve their core group by funding the educational research that has been shown to work.

Changing to what works, which is an offshoot of studies they funded, leads to better education and hence better adult outcomes.

Just a few years ago I do not think Autism Speaks would have allowed a link from an Autistic person.

This is a major change, they are coming to the view that the, NT only solution, will not work, and only by joining forces with the autistic can a program to minimalize the problems of the autistic and their families, schools, and adult lives be developed.

That has been the mainstream point of view on Wrong Planet. We are getting what we asked for, direct the major fund raising machine to making our current lives better, not to some impossible dream of change.

Dr. Temple Grandin lead this change, just as she has lead for over twenty years.

The politics of organizations is falling before the reality of about 3,000,000 Americans are Autistic.

They cost parents, healtcare providers, schools, governments, and are not productive workers.

Costs can be lower, people can become more productive, and the quality of life can improve.

Dr. Temple Grandin has a Doctorate in Animal Science, we are a bunch of apes,

I support her views on ape managment.


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16 Apr 2009, 5:01 am

QFT on both posts Inventor!

Temple Grandin is awesome,she made the only 'grown up' book am ever took the effort to read [thinking in pictures].
In the end,isnt it her choice what she links to though? maybe contact her and ask her about her views on them?

>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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16 Apr 2009, 8:37 am

Yeah, I see your point. I LOVE Temple Grandin, and have met her in person twice. I just couldn't believe it when I saw the link.

I am a very strange female.

Don't take life so seriously. It isn't permanent!

16 Apr 2009, 8:42 am

I read that Temple doesn't want a cure to her autism. She probably respects parents who do because they have kids who are very very badly effected by it they have zero language or hardly any, smear feces on the wall, scream none stop and etc. and will probably never be able to live independently and never be able to be on their own and lot of parents want that for their kids.


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16 Apr 2009, 8:55 am

Her whole, "Autism" is no excuse for not taking care of your appearance thingy really annoys me.

16 Apr 2009, 8:58 am

Well she did have a mother that taught her things and her autism was never an excuse in her family so she like learned disabilities are no excuse for everything. That's why I like her. I do get annoyed when people don't even try or they are lazy. I admit I'm lazy but I don't blame it on my AS. I say I suffer from Laziness and I need to try harder and not be so lazy.

Last edited by Spokane_Girl on 16 Apr 2009, 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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16 Apr 2009, 9:07 am

Spokane_Girl wrote:
Well she did have a mother that taught her things ...

Therein lies the fault. You can only be taught things that you have the capability of learning. Then, if you aren't capable of learning, this is when she toes the line where someone should be "cured". An "excuse" is a lie for why you can't do something, not a genuine reason.

Most of us had/have mothers who taught/teach us stuff.


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16 Apr 2009, 11:16 am

Are you kidding me, I went on you tube and found a video with this woman it was a seminar at a school, after 5 min of hearing her speak I knew she was no good. She gives the picture of autistics to appear ret*d.
And I hate her voice.

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16 Apr 2009, 12:02 pm

I am grateful for Temple Grandin. Her book Thinking in Pictures helped me understand how I think in pictures which has led to quite a bit of progression for me.

There are no perfect people, there are bits we like and bits we don't. Its not possible to approve of everything someone says or does and everyone should be free to choose what they agree with or not.

I would like to be cured myself because I had so much potential which was and continues to be ruined by not quiet being abe to do the social bit the way the world wants it.


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16 Apr 2009, 4:00 pm

She is a person and has her onw personal opinions so she needs to be respected for speaking her mind as anybody else should be, either here or elsewhere.

I am one of those people who your mother used to warn you about.


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16 Apr 2009, 5:24 pm

somebody sent me her video on youtube and it was longer than an hour and i watched 5 mins of it i couldnt sit and watch more it was too boring no offense.