I would love to do that. Never did anything that cool. And I told my parents anytime I thought they'd notice. My fav was walking the railroad tracks to see where they'd go. But the longest was when I spontaneously decided to drive from Victoria BC to Toronto Ontario (Canada) nonstop; 4300 KM. I remembering it taking 66 hours, but technically it should have taken 43. My wife flew. I think stopping to see Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore and driving the badlands must have slowed me down. I did have a co-driver, but I was angry at him and refused to talk to him the whole trip. Dreamed of dumping him out of the moving car. I'd drive for 6 hours... drink a pint of beer... sleep 4 hours while he drove... repeat. Never got out of the car cept for gas, beer, pee break. In South Dakota he finally begged to go to a real restaurant. I walked in, but couldn't handle all the people and left, sitting on the curb for the hour. Never saw that guy again after that. Thank god.
Oh, I want to do another nonstop road trip! I've done three and never been friends with my co-driver afterwards. Toronto > Austin in 28 hours. Toronto > Charlottetown PEI in 23.
diagnosed aspie and professor of stuff