Just because I have AS, do I have to respect all autists?

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04 Jun 2009, 2:35 am

mm parasitic lifestyle is right! I'm a bit of a magnet for them so I have learnt the hard way.

These days I only feel guilt or pity for those who can prove they also feel those sentiments.


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16 Jun 2009, 4:12 am

Zoonic wrote:
I don't see the point in coming together as one big, stereotype family "against the NT's". I'm also extremely annoyed with the most rigid and ignorant AS zealots who believe there is a type of AS conformity which is the "norm" for AS people. Much of their idea seems to be based on playing the weakness and victim card over and over and trying to point out that no one who acts dominant, looks down on others or isn't Jesus in the form of Spock can ever have AS. It's just so wrong and pathetic.

There's also a grave misconception about AS being in direct conflict with sociopathy. I have sociopathic traits and I have encountered a few far worse sociopaths who also most likely had AS. Really ruthless and calculating people who actually benefited from the fact that they couldn't identify well with people. It helped them manipulate even better.

I'd have to agree with you. I've been here for a couple of days now and lots of things I read are very victim-ish. It seems lots of people with AS "hate" the "NT world" as they call it, and they do love to play the victim card. Just because I have AS! No one understands me! Sometimes I honestly wonder how hard THEY tried to understand this "NT world". I can honestly say I've tried all I can to getting to understand this world around me, not just to benefit myself in the end but also because it just doesn't seem fair to me to expect the WORLD to adapt to me in stead of the other way around.

I can't really blame anyone who doesn't have AS that they sometimes don't understand typical AS stuff, and I can't blame AS people for not understanding NT stuff, but I sure as hell can blame them for not even TRYING.

About the sociopath thing, I can see your point. I do agree with you that AS and any form of sociopathy don't have to conflict with each other. To give you a (lame) example, I've been leading this clan website for quite a while now, and having AS AND my past made efforts to understand NT emotions probably helped a lot. AS helped me build an awesome website, and prevents me from getting emotionally attached to my members. Understanding their emotions though also helped with building a website (after all, you gotta understand what people would like that website to have, and where to put it, etc), but more importantly, I can give them the idea I care about them by emphasising with their thoughts (which is easier over the net as all you have are words, I'm still working on the body language thing "In Real Life").

Anyone who has AS and a great will to adapt and understand the world around him, combined with self-awareness and at least SOME acting skills, could probably make a pretty good sociopath.


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16 Jun 2009, 4:29 am

Daniella wrote:
Anyone who has AS and a great will to adapt and understand the world around him, combined with self-awareness and at least SOME acting skills, could probably make a pretty good sociopath.

Lol at the idea of that....

Trying to be a sociopath for the average AS person would be like juggling ferrets, water jugs and bowls of spaghetti.


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16 Jun 2009, 5:07 am

zen_mistress wrote:
Trying to be a sociopath for the average AS person would be like juggling ferrets, water jugs and bowls of spaghetti.

Maybe such a person wouldn't be an average AS person then.


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16 Jun 2009, 8:08 am

Sociopathy is a serious problem. It's an extremely undesirable way of life to lead.

It's sad if people become sociopaths... it could be a number of things that cause all this, internal and external.

It's ok man - perhaps you're just a confused teenager or something... do a few good deeds perhaps, and even if you don't feel anything for them, at least you have the satisfaction knowing you've done some good deeds.

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16 Jun 2009, 9:06 am

Yes, you have to respect them. You don't have to like them, but you have to respect them.

Why are people here talking about aspiring to be sociopaths? You don't 'aspire' to be one, you just ARE. It can be affected by how you were raised, or some traumatizing event, or you can be one from birth, but I don't think you can become a sociopath under your own power. I think it's possible to be sociopathic with AS, but not ALL people with AS are one, or even can become one.
I think most of the disputing of this is just because people tend to think that sociopath equals serial killer, and no one wants to be associated with those! 8O Being a sociopath is not being a gold star, it's just another type of humanity.

As for the victimish things, some of it is damn annoying, but most seems to be people with genuine problems asking for help. Or something like that. Besides, isn't it better to let someones' ego be stroked then letting a perfectly innocent person be flamed and attacked, when they were just looking for some advice? 8O


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16 Jun 2009, 10:20 am

My personal opinion is that inherited AS and inherited sociopathy are not correlated either positively or negatively. They aren't mutually exclusive but at the same time I don't think people on the spectrum are any more or less susceptible to it. It's just that sociopaths on the spectrum aren't as likely to be successful in life. I suspect that he vast majority are not even able to integrate with society. They either end up in jail or permanently institutionalized because they don't ever develop the ability to hide their antisocial traits and blend in with society, not even on a superficial level.

NT sociopaths OTOH develop a high level of superficial social ability. Their social skills are a conscious survival adaptation. Someone without any moral or ethical boundaries can't function in society without becoming skilled at deceit and manipulation. Someone who is NT can more easily pull it off.

I agree with what you've said really, NT's with sociopathic traits are bound to be more sucessful.

My emotional side, while there... is completely invisible to me. I could do extremely terrible things and not care one bit. With that said there is no desire to do said terrible things, i would get no enjoyment from them. I've taken on the beliefs that i grew up with, the beliefs that were drilled into me. I can be very sociopathic in ways though, I've been extremely manipulative in the past. Usually in ways that help others, for example, forcing people to stop smoking, without them realising what i'm doing (The ends justify the means i suppose). I can see that with different parents i could have turnt out a lot different. There is nothing about autism that precludes one from being sociopathic. And there is nothing about sociopathy that states you must break the law or kill people. (Not claiming i'm a sociopath here, just stating that looking at myself, it's easy to see how someone with autism could be).

I don't think we should frown upon the traits in autism like a lack of empathy, or even try to detach them from diagnosis's because they don't necessarily apply to everyone. They are neither positive or negative traits, we should be attempting to destigmatise them, not bury them.


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16 Jun 2009, 11:21 am

wigglyspider wrote:
aspiesteve wrote:
Most aspies I encounter are also psychopaths and aspergers was originally called autistic psychopathy for a reason. Asperger's and psychopaths go hand in hand. Not sure about HFA and LFA's as they are not as smart.


Yes thank yo for accusing us of all being psychopaths, very jubliant of you in fact in all other there is another solution, just go away and take your narrow minded sociopathetic thoughts elsewhere because hey yo could just be as you put it a psychopath.

There is one very fatal flaw in yor accusation and logic and that is that PSYCOPATHS are based upon SOCIOPATHIC IMPULSES
Rule number 1 in Aspies

take your views elsewhere if you want to allocate yourself and us with dilluded people with no sense of logic at all


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16 Jun 2009, 4:09 pm

I am pretty sure I would make a bad sociopath. The biggest worry would be bursting out laughing while I was in the middle of a lie.

Telling lies gives me a terrible feeling, and then I find I have endless work to do when people question me on the lies and then I would have to build up lie upon lie upon lie, and it would be ridiculous. A tangled web.

Sociopaths can handle this but I cannot. Not to mention the moral disgust I would have with myself. The truth is just so much more simple and easier to deal with and remember.

And, I know this because I have been in situations before which required me to lie to keep the situation going... it took such a toll on me, I lost a lot of sleep over it and I regret it all.


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16 Jun 2009, 6:50 pm

zen_mistress wrote:
I am pretty sure I would make a bad sociopath. The biggest worry would be bursting out laughing while I was in the middle of a lie.

Telling lies gives me a terrible feeling, and then I find I have endless work to do when people question me on the lies and then I would have to build up lie upon lie upon lie, and it would be ridiculous. A tangled web.

Sociopaths can handle this but I cannot. Not to mention the moral disgust I would have with myself. The truth is just so much more simple and easier to deal with and remember.

And, I know this because I have been in situations before which required me to lie to keep the situation going... it took such a toll on me, I lost a lot of sleep over it and I regret it all.

Yea. I don't like having to be dishonest. It's not that I can't tell a lie convincingly, that's the easy part. It's the mental stress of holding on to lies and secrets over long periods of time that would do me in. Holding on to secrets is like keeping down ingested poison. Honesty is just so much easier.


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16 Jun 2009, 7:29 pm

It's been said before but you shouldn't judge other people by your own standards (especially peope whose standards are notoriously unrealistic) just because you coudn't live with the guilt doesn't mean another couldn't. I thin it's lain from reading this site there's more than one type of aspie, there's more than two as well.

So what's this thread about again? Oh yeah, no I don't see how you could to be honest.


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16 Jun 2009, 8:10 pm

Hmmmn wrote:
It's been said before but you shouldn't judge other people by your own standards (especially peope whose standards are notoriously unrealistic) just because you coudn't live with the guilt doesn't mean another couldn't.

The problem is not only the guilt, but the paranoia of being found out! It becomes harder and harder to control a situation which is based on lies.

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16 Jun 2009, 8:21 pm

I might be turned back away from here for posting this but since I don't plan to stay ( despite this place is nice I am here due to a thought experiment that made me conclude I wasn't misdiagnosed with AS long ago if you see what I mean)
but... from reading a LOT of various AS articles / forums / opinions etc
frankly I do have to say... . that no I can't tolerate a big chunk of people with AS I assume more or less then I can't tolerate any (random NT or otherwise) person by default
We live in a low entropy high repetition universe that is while everything is made of a collection of simpler similar things arranged in some order it's an extreme fallacy of the human brain to stick names onto things without discrimination of detail this is really when stuff like ideologies brand names or guess what even your own mind that's far from singular despite everyone (as in most I guess) convinced it is well . You can have a unique pointer for every concept if you try (and some do aka big words, medical usage of latin and the like) and still someone will pop up and bastardize that conciseness would-be.

makes sense?
Well if not ill try it from this angle:
If you think typical/mean AS removes more "annoying" instances then it creates about other people with it compared to an NT/ random person (Well maybe some might object I doubt it though)here and now (not some utopia world theory) well even then there will be some B4574/d5 among us to a lower extent that you would be ashamed they put the same label on themselves as you do. or heck illl say it some ret*ds too.

first serious post, I assume.


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16 Jun 2009, 8:39 pm

I need punctuation :(


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16 Jun 2009, 8:40 pm

A psychopath with AS... that sounds like some nasty s**t. A laser beam focus on scheming doesn't sound too good.


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16 Jun 2009, 8:47 pm

re: cc469: yeah more punctuation might help.

are you saying there's always exceptions to the rule? i wouldn't deny that but we do have evidence of a sociopath trying to infiltrate and pass itself off as an aspie. If one would then so would others, they prefer a less notorious dx, which i can understand but that doesn't mean i accept their subterfuge.

i don't know. aspies are always talking about how they can tell who are the sociopaths and who aren't, but they have always seemed to me as clueless regarding sociopaths as they are regarding neuro typicals. in fact, i'm pretty sure sociopaths have already infiltrated the aspie/autie movements and do their business with those groups undetected. the good news is, though, that if it hasn't become a problem already, maybe the socios and aspies can live symbiotically.

....sometimes i even claim to be an aspie myself. who wouldn't? if for nothing else, for the aspie pride t-shirts! i mean, i have certain of the signs -- inability to pick up social cues, weak sense of empathy, inability to conform to social norms. all i would have to do is tone down the charm a little. if i can pass amongst the empaths, certainly i can keep a low profile amongst the remarkably unaware aspies. and who knows, maybe all sociopaths are aspies. right aspies? just like the movie underworld with the vampires and werewolves being long lost cousins, socios and aspies can finally realize that we are really just two sides of the same coin. what do you say, aspies? ready to become one big family again?
