fiddlerpianist wrote:
bhetti wrote:
I'm not necessarily in favor of keeping quiet about your opinion just because it doesn't agree with the majority.
if everyone just chilled out in the face of a strong majority opinion, women wouldn't get to vote, dark-skinned citizens of the U.S. would be segregated, women could still be fired for getting pregnant, etc. etc.
some people just aren't aware that other options exist or might even be better, so if everyone shuts up so that society remains homogeneous, it will take longer to change for the better.
Being adamant about having the right to your opinion is one thing. Bashing others who don't agree with your ideas and saying things to provoke a reaction is entirely another matter.
Veiledexpressions, I believe we are effectively being ignored by the OP. It's probably not worth our time to try and engage her.
I agree, fiddler.
Bhetti, I certainly do not believe we should remain quiet about opinions. However, when you express it in a manner that lacks intellect, reason, and maturity, you do a disservice to your cause. In short, you create an aversion to your position. People see the offense, and cease to listen.
I am passionate about many things, one being genital integrity (no unnecessary circumcisions for minors). If I were to be rabid about such an unpopular (in the US) opinion, no one would listen to me. In fact, they may choose the opposite to spite me. If I discuss the issue in a constructive manner, I change minds.