IstominFan wrote:
I think people assumed that when I was much younger. My kindergarten teacher assumed there was something wrong with me because I didn't speak or understand English when I started school. Today, I think most people assume I'm just shy because I don't speak much before I get to know them. I think they believe I'm a bit anxious as well, although a lot of people have said I was intelligent.
ah, do you speak english as a second language? what was your first if you don't mind my asking? i am for legal purposes, classified as an "english as a second language" speaker, even though i learned it alongside and at the same time as my first language, spanish.
as a kid, when i wasn't being silent and having people assume i was nonverbal...i'd make remarks in gibberish or in other languages, leading people to think i was from some exotic land, and most certainly not a lifelong native to where i live. i...still think that happens nowadays
and my ethnically ambiguous (IMO) appearance doesn't help matters much.
(but i think most people fit that label)lots of others have said i was intelligent too, most of the time i don't agree with them but i'd like to know what causes people to have those assumptions.
i guess people just assume that someone who is quiet and gets his work done is intelligent.
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