katzefrau wrote:
give me a break.
L.A. is mostly full of ordinary people, just like everywhere else.
most of the negativity directed toward the people here is from people who do not live here.
I've been here all my life. This is the land of fruits, nuts, and flakes. Don't get me started. All I can say in our favor is that every place has its problems, and there must be some reason I haven't yet fled. Yes, I appreciate salad bars, mild weather, some cultural amenities, good access to a lot of places and stuff. But the kookery is a bit overwhelming. Criminals, pseudointellectuals that consider themselves intellectuals, perverts, morons, more criminals, lunatics, politicians, lawyers, celebrities, wannabe celebrities, celebrity impersonators, bums, addicts, valley girls, illegal aliens, space aliens, conspirators, people working in the entertainment industry, people trying to break into the entertainment industry...I'm trying to think if I've ever seen an ordinary person here anywhere under any circumstances. Let me get back to you on that.