RichardRamon wrote:
I do have a question for you guys with the high IQ's.
What is your income level? Are you making a living in a creative type of business, such as being a writer or musician? Are you multi-millionaires or run successful businesses?
Above average income, though below average for my IQ, which may be due to asperger's. I'm a software engineer, which is creative, though I wouldn't consider it art; IQ is not all that relevant to artistry. Not a multimillionaire but do run a business.
As far as I'm concerned, making good grades at school, and memorizing a bunch of facts, has little to do with *real* intelligence. I remember how all the kids in school who made straight A's on their report card were considered smart. I disagree. It just means they are good at memorizing facts, not that they are necessarily good or above average at applying info they've learned into real life situations. What makes someone intelligent is what he or she does with the info they've learned. Do IQ tests somehow actually measure that ability?
While I'm terrible at memorizing things, I wouldn't reject out of hand the idea that memorization is an element of intelligence. In general, though, I think IQ tests are more indicative of intelligence than are grades; grades are more reflective of good work habits.