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Snowy Owl
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12 Apr 2011, 11:42 pm

Nope, not my first languege. I honestly don't see why my post whould qualify me as a troll, can you please elaborate on that? 8)


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13 Apr 2011, 4:23 am

I don't actually know my IQ. I tested as gifted in the first grade, but I was also hyperlexic which probably significantly affected my vocabulary results.

I did take some online IQ tests for swbluto's thread, but I really find myself not caring (beyond wondering if I have a VIQ/PIQ discrepancy) what my score is now. Trying to explain that IQ doesn't necessarily translate to functioning more effectively is just frustrating.


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13 Apr 2011, 4:24 am

I don´t know exactly what my IQ is but I do think it´s way too low.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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13 Apr 2011, 6:34 pm

When I was a kid (around age 6), I had a bunch of IQ tests. They gave varying results from the 120s to the 160s. (I should look them up again, I still have the reports.)

When I was about 14, I took tests to qualify for Mensa. I got 137 on the Culture Fair test, and >150 on the Otis-Lennon test. I also took a test in Omni magazine called "The Hardest IQ Test Ever" or some such, and got 141 on that.

At age 25, I took the GMAT, and scored 780, >99th %ile. Don't know if that translates into anything meaningful on an IQ scale (but it sure helped me get into the grad school I wanted to attend).

Now that there are tests all over the Internet, I take them as I see them, and I usually end up in the 130-140 range. (But then, I also usually rush through them, and don't "properly" take my time the way I would with a formal sit-down timed test.)

So nowadays, if anyone asks me what my IQ is, I say "around 140".


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13 Apr 2011, 10:01 pm

RichardRamon wrote:
I do have a question for you guys with the high IQ's.

What is your income level? Are you making a living in a creative type of business, such as being a writer or musician? Are you multi-millionaires or run successful businesses?

Above average income, though below average for my IQ, which may be due to asperger's. I'm a software engineer, which is creative, though I wouldn't consider it art; IQ is not all that relevant to artistry. Not a multimillionaire but do run a business.

As far as I'm concerned, making good grades at school, and memorizing a bunch of facts, has little to do with *real* intelligence. I remember how all the kids in school who made straight A's on their report card were considered smart. I disagree. It just means they are good at memorizing facts, not that they are necessarily good or above average at applying info they've learned into real life situations. What makes someone intelligent is what he or she does with the info they've learned. Do IQ tests somehow actually measure that ability?

While I'm terrible at memorizing things, I wouldn't reject out of hand the idea that memorization is an element of intelligence. In general, though, I think IQ tests are more indicative of intelligence than are grades; grades are more reflective of good work habits.


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16 Apr 2011, 1:20 am

Mdyar wrote:
140 on this: untimed one. This one is supposed to be the gold standard.

Interesting test. I got the maximum "balanced score", but I can't figure out question 5 in section 2. Any idea how you are supposed to get the answer to that one?

I think the answer to question 3 in the same section is questionably unique, though I chose the correct one. Most of the other questions are very well designed.


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16 Apr 2011, 1:27 am

Hmm, if my IQ is accurately measured at gifted, my income has never measured up. Oh, the vagaries of neurological disorders.

Apparently I do a splendid job at finding ways to cope with anxiety and depression, however. The last time I had an income, it was creative (writing). Hope to do that again soon.


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16 Apr 2011, 1:29 am

I know my IQ, and it is above average. Still, I'd feel weird posting it here.

Still looking for that blue jean baby queen, prettiest girl I've ever seen.


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16 Apr 2011, 1:32 am

AldousH wrote:
Don't mean to be rude, but judging by your bellow post I'd guess it's pretty low.

I find it quite ironic and amusing that you are questioning his intelligence, yet you spell the word BELOW wrong. :?


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16 Apr 2011, 1:36 am

AldousH wrote:
I am of above avarege inteligence...

Also....I think you mean you are "of above average intelligence" (note, however, that the one you accused of having a low IQ spelled neither word wrong....)


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16 Apr 2011, 2:30 am

psychohist wrote:
Interesting test. I got the maximum "balanced score", but I can't figure out question 5 in section 2. Any idea how you are supposed to get the answer to that one?

Image is how i got the answer

Snowy Owl
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16 Apr 2011, 5:12 am

Check one of my other posts for your answer...

Spelling is more affected by your level of attention atm (e.g. like being drunk or tired) then your IQ. I stand by my claim about RichardR. His opinions seem pretty childish.

Emu Egg
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16 Apr 2011, 5:40 am

My IQ has been tested twice in my life, once when I was 9 years old, because my teachers suspected me to have a high IQ. The result was 133 back then.

Then the second test was in a rehab clinic, when I had been awake for 3 days on an amphetamine binge. The result was 117. I was 16 when that test got taken.


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16 Apr 2011, 2:55 pm

I scored 143 when I was 18 years old. The conventional wisdom is that IQ does not change significantly during a person's lifetime, so if that's true then I suppose that my IQ is still 143. It may be considered rather high, but it certainly hasn't done me much good.

Tufted Titmouse
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16 Apr 2011, 3:27 pm

Top 1%, no idea what number that corresponds to.


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16 Apr 2011, 3:37 pm

But there are two types of IQ tests which can give very different results...

In the standardized testing 35 years ago, I tested at 131.

The WISC Childrens test includes number recall and such - which I am horrible at. And probably worse at now as an adult. The adult test is more pattern recognition ,etc... might be interesting to retest.