Dox47 wrote:
I built this rifle from an action blank, a barrel blank and a chunk of wood. It's chambered in .22-250 on a Montana action, and the unusual stock design with Schnabel forend, shoehorn buttplate and pewter inlays is of my own devising. My instructors at gunsmithing school were rather bemused, as they'd wanted me to build a standard American sporter like everyone else, but in the end event they had to admit that it came out well. My bench even became a bit of a tour stop when they were bringing prospective students through, since no one else was really working on anything as unique at the time.
That design is lovely. If it weren't for the scope, it would have an antique feel to it.
Rascal77s wrote:
The reality is that people who commit violent crimes tend to target people who are physically weaker and often don't need a weapon whereas the victims only chance is a weapon.
This. Furthermore, if you're a law-abiding citizen, you're much less likely to contradict those laws by buying a firearm. If your intention is to use a firearm in a criminal fashion in the first place, you probably aren't bothered by the prospect of breaking one minor law by buying an illegal firearm.