Aspie males offensively generalizing about women!! !
By the way that was all one paragraph on advice to a male why would I want to give advice to a female if a male is trying to explain himself...
The fact that you're not quite understanding the point of switching the words is a demonstration of what I'm talking about. The point is not the exact message you're trying to make (advice for males). The point is that you are trying to generalize something that is false. My point about switching the words is an effort to get you to see the other side of the situation, for you to see from the offended female's eyes. It is the difficulty of understanding the other side's point of view which is one of the hallmarks of AS. If you have ever been offended by a woman generalizing about males, then the way you felt then is on par with how Melantha feels now. You need to try to see things from the point of view of the other side.
You think it's pretty easy but it is not. It is not, because even with the description you gave, it is not a complete description of how non-Aspies perceive us. I'll give you an example: earlier in this thread, somebody gave an example of inviting an Aspie over for a gathering, and the Aspie would not refer to her by name, only by the term "woman." If a non-Aspie kept getting called "woman" or "man" by the Aspie, do you think that the non-Aspie is going to accept that? The woman who gave the example was herself Aspie, and she didn't accept it. What makes anybody think that a non-Aspie should accept that too? In more extreme cases, this is how non-Aspies perceive us. Yes, from our perspective part of the problem is that we don't "read" facial expressions, vocal intonations. But you need to understand, from their perspective they think the problem is that we don't care about the unspoken rules that they more or less take for granted. To them, it is obvious, and if we just don't get it, then it's difficult for them to understand how we can have so much trouble with it. It's easy to them. It's difficult to us. Part of their problem is that they don't like what they don't understand. But that's also a problem that Aspies have too, isn't it? You might think that the other people are easy to figure out, but dig deeper and you will find that you don't understand things nearly as well as you thought you did.
If possible, record your own voice, or better yet, look at a video recording of yourself doing stuff, interacting with people. Many Aspies have remarked that when they hear their own voice, they feel that it is not their own. When they see themselves on video, they don't really think it's themselves, or they see themselves doing things that they didn't realize that they were doing. If one thinks about it... if one has this perception problem about self, what makes one think that his perception of other people is reliable??
I could say the same thing about Aspies, just like how I was switching the words earlier. It is the way the world works, for people to judge you for what you wear, for how you act. It's what I personally think is wrong with those non-Aspies who do not understand Aspies. However, Aspies can be quite equally guilty of such judgmental behavior too. We are not immune to this. It's the way the world works, as you said, but that does not make it right. We need to fix this in ourselves first, before we start pointing the finger at other people and telling them what's wrong with them.
You cannot say that that's how the world works, that people will judge based on potentially superficial things, and then turn around and complain about how others do not accept you as an Aspie. That is precisely the double standard that I referred to earlier, and that double standard needs to end! If you are telling Melantha to accept that she will be criticized and judged, then you yourself should accept the bad judgments people make against you just for being who you are, a misunderstood Aspie!
Won't you help a poor little puppy?
What you don't understand is what advice is... you tailor it to the person or persons, not people that are not... I don't blame this on As as you can learn to know how to do things, to blame something else on something you can help youreself with is shallow.
I am not going to explain an Extrovert to you in full as it would take a week or two to stick all the information down, wish you people will stop blaming everything on As not everything is to do with As you know...
Anyone who records they voice say that sounds nothing like me....
Video - unless they don't use a mirror, I never thought it wasn't me.... see your sticking everyone who is As in one bag we can argue this "cough" all day but no one is going to put all the information down...
I don't know how the hell you view As people...
Last edited by logitechdog on 25 Jan 2007, 2:54 pm, edited 4 times in total.
You're still limiting yourself in scope. Think big picture. I know it's hard and it's near impossible at first, but with practice it gets easier. Keep trying, you can do it!
Won't you help a poor little puppy?
Not everything is due to AS, but the perception problem I am referring to is definitely an AS-related phenomenon. Imagine if somebody were born with no sight, and people explained to that person what sight was. That person, never having seen, would have no clue how much of the world he was missing out on. Even if I tried to explain to that person what sight was like, it'd still be a difficult jump for the blind person to make. I think that for many Aspies, it is difficult for them (as I think it is for you too) to imagine just how much AS affects them. AS affects almost everything we do, it affects how we perceive the world, it affects how we interact with other people, it affects our feelings and emotions, it affects our ability to learn. AS affects what we enjoy, what we hate, what scares us and what comforts us. The ramifications of AS are enormous! That doesn't mean that all of such ramifications are negative; as I said earlier, AS is a mixed bag, and there are many positives to it as well.
Not quite just anyone.
I said that many Aspies feel that way (for evidence, look at the thread from months ago about recording voice and picture on video), I did not say that all do. So I do not put all Aspies in one bag, like you claim that I do. However, you were putting women in one bag in your advice to the guys.
People with AS are individuals with their own set of strengths and weaknesses. The AS provides a base set of strengths and weaknesses, and the individual person tailors themselves from that base set. You seem to imply that I have a very negative view of Aspies, and before you suggest such a thing, did you look at my profile and notice that I do not consider myself as neurotypical? Have you considered that there are Aspies who aren't exactly like you? Have you considered that Melantha herself is Aspie too, and does not agree with you? It's interesting that you act like I am attacking Aspies, even though we are Aspies here; attacking myself is hardly fruitful at all. I am a seeker of answers, and I dedicate my life to it, yeah it involves a lot of introspection but it's worth the effort. And getting answers does mean being critical, sometimes. But being critical does not always mean that it's an attack. I'm sure you've been a victim many times in your life, but that does not mean that every time somebody paints a not-so-rosy picture of AS, it's an attack on you. The person could be trying to show the reality of AS instead, that it's not as good as some Aspies think it is. The person could also be trying to show the reality of AS, that it's not as bad as some non-Aspies think it is. It works both ways, and that's precisely how I view AS: it's not as good as many Aspies think, and it's not as bad as many non-Aspies think. It's not a black-and-white issue.
Won't you help a poor little puppy?
I'll just give my opinion on this topic.
As an autistic person, I've learned that doing what my parents do is almost always right. And if there's something that I've learned from my parents, it is to RESPECT WOMEN.
Well, actually I can't really give interesting points on this, because I'm only 13 years old. And most of the time I'm shy when I talk to girls, too.
Don't worry, I won't grow into one of those monsters.
Some people say that life is hell, and some say that life's good. Who is right?
respecting women doesn't mean women are immune to any social criticism. I've stood up for women before, on here and other boards. I am not a sexist, and i do not view women as objects.
In fact, I'll repeat this again, it is stupid that if a man gets alot of action he's treated like a hero or like an icon, but if a woman gets alot of action, she's treated like a whore or a tramp. This is unfair to women in my eyes.
But, women do have it easier finding mates than men, this is true of NTs or aspies. If you argue otherwise then your just a sexist piece of crap who can't look at OBVIOUS facts. The man does ALL the courting. Yeah, a woman might not be able to find "Mr. Right" right away, but she isn't treated like she's physically repulsive to the point that no man would be interested in her, and she has ALOT more options than the man does. essentailly speaking, lets say 3 men a week ask a woman out, eventually she's going to like one of them and persue a relationship, she just has to take her pic when it gets to one she likes. An aspie man usually goes his whole life without even so much as an intimate touch. We're completely alienated. Even if a woman can't find "Mr. Right" right away, she CAN find "Mr. Right Now", which is atleast SOMETHING. As much as the feminist whine about "not just anyone will do", you'll pick one of them that interests you enough to have a one night stand before you'll do without. Of coarse you'd lie about it too.
A man has to obtain a woman, a woman only needs to find and/or pick a man. This is not a sexist statement, it is plain fact. It goes back to the wild, back when men fought over a single woman and the woman would pick the winner to mate with. The greater objective was for the man to convince the woman, the woman doesn't need to do as much to convince the man. Because men had higher sex drive, and generally we still do.
This coming from me, a man who has stood up against sexist men, and fought against people who tried to justify rape, I have fought against sexist men who have said woman belong in kitchens, I fought against them. But, feminism is equally as sexist, as they are purely emotional thinkers, they only think about themselves (and they feel left out from being just as big a victim I guess, which is kinda stupid, because honestly, you don't wanna go through what I go through). All logic tends to get thrown right out the window by feminists.
But I have noticed some sexist men on here too though, this needs to stop as well because it's horrendous and it only hurts your credibility and furthers you from ever meeting someone (of coarse not bowing down to feminists and leaving them to dominate as they please apparently furthers men from it too). Like the guy in the love/dating section trolling on about "god screwed me over by making me aspie" and then ranting and generalising about females, saying theyr all filth or whatever, this guy needs to be restrained, he might end up raping someone.
I am not bias towards any gender, I call things down the middle. That's why nobody ever sees eye to eye with me because everyone wants "their tribe" to dominate ( a "tribe" can be gender, political labels, religious labels, musical labels, race, or anything).
Honestly, I think they should legalise willful prostitution, where women do it of their own will, because this is a good fix for involuntary celibacy, which IS a cause of alot of society's ills.... This can make some men go out and do horrible things that I wouldn't ever condone, such as molestation, rape, and sometimes even murder. Why do you think men rape smaller men in prisons (this goes for women in prison too), or why preists are getting caught molesting kids? It's not right, and I'm strong enough to say I would never do something like that (I'd shoot myself in the head first). Most people NEED intimate contact, which for most people means sexual intimacy. Females do too, but seeing as they don't generally have a problem being successful in socialising and attracting mates as much as her male counterparts, she never feels that need. If she does begin to feel that need she'll find someone to fulfill it. And of coarse the feminist will lie about this too.
SOME females, very few though, who are critically mentally handicapped will have a hard time attracting a mate. This is why I think every legal and willing brothel (if they did things the right way and legalized **willing** prostitution) would have atleast 2 or 3 male prostitutes as well. Either that or females in society need a courting revolution where the females step up to court the males half way, and play on an even basis (which I know the feminist also don't want, because really they want dominance, they want us "omega males" to be starved of any intimate companionship or compassion and live like ghosts).
That's my 2 cents on the issue, I'm sure alot of political correctness boneheads and psycho feminist will try to spin doctor my words and paint me in a different light, but that's ok because unlike feminist and unlike the sexist men on here, I believe in gender equality.
I think if you read my posts you will see the amount of Bs that comes out of you, the problem with me is I don't reference it all as I remember it all, if I have to quote every single page I would waste my time pulling it together, im sure if you paste it all together you will soon understand, but I am not going to quote all over the place just so you can grasp it...
1 thing As people do have a problem with is trying to translate all the information at 1 point you need 5 arms to translate my thinking, but if you want to come cross big headed so be it...
I am not going to explain myself just so you can understand how Advice works, or how I work I have enough problems putting this across to my parent - physiologist - social worker, I don't care how you can reverse it as your just been a tosser for doing it, when you give advice to someone you don't give him advice to another person or type of person you can call it what ever you want I would give the same advice to a female... Got nothing to do with As...
(It affects our feelings and emotions) Maybe on the outside but they still they on the inside...
(it affects our ability to learn) Don't know where you got that from (biochemical can sort out any of the problems with focusing and that, to balance out the chemicals or focusing techniques or using they favourite subject, and also allot better at self - teaching & understanding stuff)
(AS affects what we enjoy) Now how do you work that out, personality type, wants needs, desire, fav subjects...
(what we hate) Introverted, personal views, experience...
(what scares us ) Find a phobia and your sorted with your problem...
See your blaming allot of stuff that’s not really got anything to do with As, you see these criteria’s in the As diagnose or information, normal people can have these problems, if your going on information they say your bound to be stuck as As to blame for everything...
Can't be bothered to talk to someone who is under the delusion that allot of things are to do with As... ... world.html
Sorry but if you’re wondering why people are fallowing you just Google ( kinky clothes ).... They might not think that but to allot of people that is what a Dominatrix would wear, you have to accept what you wear is going to put across what type of person you are, and also attract allot of attention, even if that is not what your intention is... Only people who find a disliking to that type of material will see you as that... Just the way the world works...
Ok, let me see if I can make this any clearer...
I DON'T CARE!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !
In fact, I'll repeat this again, it is stupid that if a man gets alot of action he's treated like a hero or like an icon, but if a woman gets alot of action, she's treated like a whore or a tramp. This is unfair to women in my eyes.
But, women do have it easier finding mates than men, this is true of NTs or aspies. If you argue otherwise then your just a sexist piece of crap who can't look at OBVIOUS facts. The man does ALL the courting. Yeah, a woman might not be able to find "Mr. Right" right away, but she isn't treated like she's physically repulsive to the point that no man would be interested in her, and she has ALOT more options than the man does. essentailly speaking, lets say 3 men a week ask a woman out, eventually she's going to like one of them and persue a relationship, she just has to take her pic when it gets to one she likes. An aspie man usually goes his whole life without even so much as an intimate touch. We're completely alienated. Even if a woman can't find "Mr. Right" right away, she CAN find "Mr. Right Now", which is atleast SOMETHING. As much as the feminist whine about "not just anyone will do", you'll pick one of them that interests you enough to have a one night stand before you'll do without. Of coarse you'd lie about it too.
A man has to obtain a woman, a woman only needs to find and/or pick a man. This is not a sexist statement, it is plain fact. It goes back to the wild, back when men fought over a single woman and the woman would pick the winner to mate with. The greater objective was for the man to convince the woman, the woman doesn't need to do as much to convince the man. Because men had higher sex drive, and generally we still do.
This coming from me, a man who has stood up against sexist men, and fought against people who tried to justify rape, I have fought against sexist men who have said woman belong in kitchens, I fought against them. But, feminism is equally as sexist, as they are purely emotional thinkers, they only think about themselves (and they feel left out from being just as big a victim I guess, which is kinda stupid, because honestly, you don't wanna go through what I go through). All logic tends to get thrown right out the window by feminists.
But I have noticed some sexist men on here too though, this needs to stop as well because it's horrendous and it only hurts your credibility and furthers you from ever meeting someone (of coarse not bowing down to feminists and leaving them to dominate as they please apparently furthers men from it too). Like the guy in the love/dating section trolling on about "god screwed me over by making me aspie" and then ranting and generalising about females, saying theyr all filth or whatever, this guy needs to be restrained, he might end up raping someone.
I am not bias towards any gender, I call things down the middle. That's why nobody ever sees eye to eye with me because everyone wants "their tribe" to dominate ( a "tribe" can be gender, political labels, religious labels, musical labels, race, or anything).
Honestly, I think they should legalise willful prostitution, where women do it of their own will, because this is a good fix for involuntary celibacy, which IS a cause of alot of society's ills.... This can make some men go out and do horrible things that I wouldn't ever condone, such as molestation, rape, and sometimes even murder. Why do you think men rape smaller men in prisons (this goes for women in prison too), or why preists are getting caught molesting kids? It's not right, and I'm strong enough to say I would never do something like that (I'd shoot myself in the head first). Most people NEED intimate contact, which for most people means sexual intimacy. Females do too, but seeing as they don't generally have a problem being successful in socialising and attracting mates as much as her male counterparts, she never feels that need. If she does begin to feel that need she'll find someone to fulfill it. And of coarse the feminist will lie about this too.
SOME females, very few though, who are critically mentally handicapped will have a hard time attracting a mate. This is why I think every legal and willing brothel (if they did things the right way and legalized **willing** prostitution) would have atleast 2 or 3 male prostitutes as well. Either that or females in society need a courting revolution where the females step up to court the males half way, and play on an even basis (which I know the feminist also don't want, because really they want dominance, they want us "omega males" to be starved of any intimate companionship or compassion and live like ghosts).
That's my 2 cents on the issue, I'm sure alot of political correctness boneheads and psycho feminist will try to spin doctor my words and paint me in a different light, but that's ok because unlike feminist and unlike the sexist men on here, I believe in gender equality.
Thanks for this intelligent post. I have to say I agree with almost everything you wrote. The one thing I disagree with is your assertion that males do all the courting. Cross-cultural studies of human mating behavior have shown that this is only what men THINK; in reality women do an equal amount of attracting/courting behaviors, they are just more subtle and have more to do with non-verbal cues etc. In other words, female courting behaviors act below the threshold of consciousness for the most part. The aforementioned studies have also consistently shown that women are almost always the ones who "initiate" courting by actively "luring" the man into making his move, even though from his point of view he is the one initiating contact. I have to refer once more to a great book, "Anatomy of Love" by Helen Fisher (I think it's the third time I've mentioned that book on WP in the last week, hehe).
As an autistic person, I've learned that doing what my parents do is almost always right. And if there's something that I've learned from my parents, it is to RESPECT WOMEN.
Well, actually I can't really give interesting points on this, because I'm only 13 years old. And most of the time I'm shy when I talk to girls, too.
Don't worry, I won't grow into one of those monsters.
Apostledanub, those are the words of a real sweetheart! Try and stay that way, the world needs more of it.
It's easy to be dismissive so one can quickly shut the door on the topic, it's your right to do so if you want to do it. But if things don't improve in your life (which is the bottom line), then something has to change. The question is: will you continue to point the finger at other people, or is it possible that you have actually overlooked something? Is it really that I am delusional, or is it possible that I am simply seeing something that you do not yet see?
I can see already how you weren't able to figure out how AS affects the things I mentioned. However, there is no point for me to explain it if you have already made up your mind. You should believe whatever works for you in your life. If your life isn't working out so great (for example you have mentioned in other threads that you have social anxiety and employment problems) in your own opinion, then, perhaps it would be helpful for you to think further about why your beliefs aren't helping you as much as they should in your life. My beliefs help me every single day of my life to understand all the good and bad things that happen to me, and I'm able to draw strengths from every situation, good and bad, by those beliefs. I have also been known to be wrong, and when I realize that I am wrong, then I fix that (see the In love w/ aspie thread in the Adult forum for good example). All those improvements have helped me to understand the world better, and all of my major problems in life disappeared because of that understanding. If you have problems in your own life, and you wish that there were changes, wouldn't it be appropriate to start with the changes that you have control over?
Won't you help a poor little puppy?
Stinky we will see who is right before you start been big headed... and I am not pointing things at other people I am just pointing at yours I don't need to point my ones out as I am getting help for it so get off your high horse... You know not everyone has it easy like you do, some people are in a deep problem I don't need to give a open book on all my problems to you so why you ont his site so much if you have such a great life... And you talk about these things as it only takes 1 thing to get them up and running, does not work like that... takes time...
I'm glad you're getting help for it; I got help with mine for the past 7 months now and it's been a tremendous help! I wouldn't have been able to be more satisfied with my life without it.
(addendum since you edited the post immediately preceding this one)
My life is good now, but it was not always that way. It was not good at all for most of last year, and that was when I sought professional help. It's all detailed in the In love w/ aspie stickied thread in the Adult section. Seriously, and I mean only if you want to do so, read it if you think it will be helpful in understanding where I'm coming from. I'm not here to belittle anybody's problems, and I'm sorry if it looked like I was belittling yours. My issues and my life are not as difficult now as some other people's, but it was really bad growing up. I talk about a few of those issues in that stickied thread, and there are more too that I didn't say. But the point about bringing up your issues specifically, is that a lot of times things have more meaning when very personal examples are given, and that's the only reason I mentioned them here. Perhaps it was too personal to do that, and I'm sorry to you for that.
I look on WP as a reminder to myself what I used to be and what I still am, to remind myself of the struggles that we face as Aspies and as human beings who have not found our place in this world. The overwhelming feeling I get from your posts is a sense of frustration, and believe it or not, I understand it. I do understand the anger, and I do understand the frustration, and I do understand what it's like to be looked upon as stupid or rude or immature or all sorts of junk, through no fault of our own. I bet you have experienced all of this too, just as many other WPers have. But it doesn't mean that any of us have to just "accept how things are." If we aren't happy with our lives, then we have the power to change it if we want to do so. I had some problems that I didn't know how to deal with, so that's when I contacted the psychiatric services here at school. I want my life to be better, and I'm going to do something about it. Just as you are seeking help for your difficulties too; you want your life to be better, and you are going to do something about it. When I started the psychiatric intervention, did I think I was going to end up like how I am now, with my particular mindset? No, I had no clue. Honestly, my mindset at the start was more like yours. So who knows what I will think when all the intervention is finished? Who knows what any of us will think after professional help is given and our lives are much better? So long as we keep our focus on improving our own lives and our understanding of the world, instead of accepting a horrible life and understanding nothing.
Won't you help a poor little puppy?
Last edited by Stinkypuppy on 25 Jan 2007, 7:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Well I been on it 2 years now and I been passed all over the place from if I am hearing voices in my head, I been on 4 SSRis up to 300mgs not working, now they trying to dump me onto social service and have to find my own social worker, Now I am up to shaw trust... My problem is long term deep shyness & social Anxiety I been waiting for the past 4 months for cognitive therapy...
You might not freeze up like I do losing all control of my body unable to move or talk, just stud they like a stuffed animal, I don't need a tosser thinking he knows it all...
In fact, I'll repeat this again, it is stupid that if a man gets alot of action he's treated like a hero or like an icon, but if a woman gets alot of action, she's treated like a whore or a tramp. This is unfair to women in my eyes.
But, women do have it easier finding mates than men, this is true of NTs or aspies. If you argue otherwise then your just a sexist piece of crap who can't look at OBVIOUS facts. The man does ALL the courting. Yeah, a woman might not be able to find "Mr. Right" right away, but she isn't treated like she's physically repulsive to the point that no man would be interested in her, and she has ALOT more options than the man does. essentailly speaking, lets say 3 men a week ask a woman out, eventually she's going to like one of them and persue a relationship, she just has to take her pic when it gets to one she likes. An aspie man usually goes his whole life without even so much as an intimate touch. We're completely alienated. Even if a woman can't find "Mr. Right" right away, she CAN find "Mr. Right Now", which is atleast SOMETHING. As much as the feminist whine about "not just anyone will do", you'll pick one of them that interests you enough to have a one night stand before you'll do without. Of coarse you'd lie about it too.
A man has to obtain a woman, a woman only needs to find and/or pick a man. This is not a sexist statement, it is plain fact. It goes back to the wild, back when men fought over a single woman and the woman would pick the winner to mate with. The greater objective was for the man to convince the woman, the woman doesn't need to do as much to convince the man. Because men had higher sex drive, and generally we still do.
This coming from me, a man who has stood up against sexist men, and fought against people who tried to justify rape, I have fought against sexist men who have said woman belong in kitchens, I fought against them. But, feminism is equally as sexist, as they are purely emotional thinkers, they only think about themselves (and they feel left out from being just as big a victim I guess, which is kinda stupid, because honestly, you don't wanna go through what I go through). All logic tends to get thrown right out the window by feminists.
But I have noticed some sexist men on here too though, this needs to stop as well because it's horrendous and it only hurts your credibility and furthers you from ever meeting someone (of coarse not bowing down to feminists and leaving them to dominate as they please apparently furthers men from it too). Like the guy in the love/dating section trolling on about "god screwed me over by making me aspie" and then ranting and generalising about females, saying theyr all filth or whatever, this guy needs to be restrained, he might end up raping someone.
I am not bias towards any gender, I call things down the middle. That's why nobody ever sees eye to eye with me because everyone wants "their tribe" to dominate ( a "tribe" can be gender, political labels, religious labels, musical labels, race, or anything).
Honestly, I think they should legalise willful prostitution, where women do it of their own will, because this is a good fix for involuntary celibacy, which IS a cause of alot of society's ills.... This can make some men go out and do horrible things that I wouldn't ever condone, such as molestation, rape, and sometimes even murder. Why do you think men rape smaller men in prisons (this goes for women in prison too), or why preists are getting caught molesting kids? It's not right, and I'm strong enough to say I would never do something like that (I'd shoot myself in the head first). Most people NEED intimate contact, which for most people means sexual intimacy. Females do too, but seeing as they don't generally have a problem being successful in socialising and attracting mates as much as her male counterparts, she never feels that need. If she does begin to feel that need she'll find someone to fulfill it. And of coarse the feminist will lie about this too.
SOME females, very few though, who are critically mentally handicapped will have a hard time attracting a mate. This is why I think every legal and willing brothel (if they did things the right way and legalized **willing** prostitution) would have atleast 2 or 3 male prostitutes as well. Either that or females in society need a courting revolution where the females step up to court the males half way, and play on an even basis (which I know the feminist also don't want, because really they want dominance, they want us "omega males" to be starved of any intimate companionship or compassion and live like ghosts).
That's my 2 cents on the issue, I'm sure alot of political correctness boneheads and psycho feminist will try to spin doctor my words and paint me in a different light, but that's ok because unlike feminist and unlike the sexist men on here, I believe in gender equality.
Thanks for this intelligent post. I have to say I agree with almost everything you wrote. The one thing I disagree with is your assertion that males do all the courting. Cross-cultural studies of human mating behavior have shown that this is only what men THINK; in reality women do an equal amount of attracting/courting behaviors, they are just more subtle and have more to do with non-verbal cues etc. In other words, female courting behaviors act below the threshold of consciousness for the most part. The aforementioned studies have also consistently shown that women are almost always the ones who "initiate" courting by actively "luring" the man into making his move, even though from his point of view he is the one initiating contact. I have to refer once more to a great book, "Anatomy of Love" by Helen Fisher (I think it's the third time I've mentioned that book on WP in the last week, hehe).
Ok, so if women do the courting, or even 50/50 (like it should be), then count up all the female aspies on here who have boyfriends and then count all the male aspies on here who have girlfriends (not including the Textbook Syndrome cases where they read about AS and think they must have it, but the real ones). Or go into an autism group, almost all the females are already taken by NT guys, and all the guys are lonely.
Society, as degrating to women as this may be, promotes females as sex objects. I don't agree with it, but I don't make the facts either. However, being the "object" puts all the cards in the woman's hand. It gives women power over men. Men have control of the world financially, but women have control of the world through the power of objectification.
and women will use that power to their advantage, there are many women who just go off and mary a rich man rather than trying to promote themselves in the job markets. Not all women do that, but almost every NT women goes for the guys who are "blinging" and who are wealthy and popular.
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Where to meet women irl who are single |
07 Dec 2024, 12:25 am |
Why Women Don’t Want a Female Boss |
06 Dec 2024, 11:48 am |