Anybody struggling to find their place here on WP?

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27 Feb 2021, 6:55 pm

Xaviera Hollander was much more than a hooker......


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04 Mar 2021, 4:44 am

r00tb33r wrote:
Cornflake wrote:
Apparently you are as pure as the driven snow... :wink:

Oh, no. She's gonna sulk for days. 8O

Cornflake wrote:
Much of what I gain from WP is through reading.

Yeah, can't say I'm into reading long threads. I'd rather read a book.

Not to mention I don't own a TV at home and I stopped reading news sites. Can't say I care much what goes on outside of the walls of my house or my office at work.

Like I've been saying to a certain goldfish, my integrity is consistent. One can try seek flaw on me but it'll be pretty hard. Im like, and I quote, 'snow', your special snowflake.

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

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04 Mar 2021, 4:54 am

Cornflake wrote:
r00tb33r wrote:
Cornflake wrote:
Apparently you are as pure as the driven snow... :wink:
Oh, no. She's gonna sulk for days. 8O
:lol: I thought of adding a slightly different quote attributed to Tallulah Bankhead, but chickened out for fear of it being taken as a dig. I don't think anyone wants to see an angry Rexi. 8O

r00tb33r wrote:
Cornflake wrote:
Much of what I gain from WP is through reading.
Yeah, can't say I'm into reading long threads. I'd rather read a book.
Hah - spare a thought for the life of a moderator...
We often have to plough through the long and tedious ones.

kraftiekortie wrote:
Cornflake is one of the clever ones within the word games. The things he comes up with......
:salut: (takes a bow)
The check is in the post, BTW. :wink:

You didn't even had to say it, I knew what kind of snow I would like to be. Sometimes it's called dog ball residue. Or dog's snowball.

Well, if you spare the adult forum maybe it'll be much less. Most of these people don't even seem to form connections with each other here. the only thing making them strive to reply is anger and opposition.

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

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04 Mar 2021, 5:05 am

Rexi wrote:
Well, if you spare the adult forum maybe it'll be much less. Most of these people don't even seem to form connections with each other here. the only thing making them strive to reply is anger and opposition.

I seem to be a rather 'filterless' aspie also. :mrgreen:


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04 Mar 2021, 5:08 am

To quote my frustrations

Rexi wrote:
I struggle understanding why no one seems to be like me, even on this site.

My impression is that what happens here though it looks much like what I'm saying and doing, people are unhappy with each other deep down, with the site and report an inability to fit in even if they've been around for a long time. This makes me feel like I'm among the very few if existent genuine person and only one who actually can form attachments with others. I don't understand why this happens on such a large scale. I don't want to admit that most autistic people are innately very unable to form bonds, living a life of misery, distance and lack of intimacy. I'm the opposite of that.

The issue is if topics are to be more restrained in the future it may not actually allow people to socialize healthily and normally because they're going off topic. It's like being forced into robotized patterns and I don't think that allows people to know each other and socialize productively.

Love is personal. There are many theories to what it is, but usually is observed when you prioritize the person without even trying. If that's lost, it can be easily observable that the person can cheat and mistreat and the only alternative is to leave. You may endear and like a person a lot but if it's not enough to help them and care about their feelings and opinions to the point of action and sacrifice, it's not love, heck, it's not even compassionate empathy.

Attachment levels, theoretically high ones are known to cause a heightened need for affection. That may include a positive bonding, but in your case I'm not sure if this applies if you feel empty inside. This usually comes with positive underlying feelings and excitedness to experience and explore more with partner.

Equally, a lack of affection may make you hunger for affection or need to prove or show your feelings to the person. That means that you feel empty even so towards hurt and also needing affection and bonding.

Some spectrum people have difficulty identifying their feelings, but I'm not sure if that's the equivalent of feeling them or perceiving them differently, or even describing them in ways that make them seem like less. It's called Alexithymia. 'The core characteristic of alexithymia is marked dysfunction in emotional awareness, social attachment, and interpersonal relation.'

I will commence the forum shootings in an attempt to release my aloneness and anger at the autistic community.

it honestly made me cry though <\3

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

Any topic, PM me; mind my profile.

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04 Mar 2021, 5:31 am

It's a misconception that most of us on the spectrum lack emotion or the ability to show love, empathy and compassion to others. I often reach out to a few but as there are so many members on here, same as on any forum e.g. FB or Twitter its impossible to personally interact with as many as one would like. So in my case I have to choose those few that I most appear to identify with and can get to know better on and off WP and form a friendship. (by off WP I mean per email etc)

Everyone has a place here. I have been taking a bit of a break as it can be draining to be a mod and we fortunately have a few newcomers but I'm pleased to see that certain forums have become rather less noxious as political changes happen and feelings cool down.

Why is a trailer behind a car but ahead of a movie?

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04 Mar 2021, 1:19 pm

envirozentinel wrote:
It's a misconception that most of us on the spectrum lack emotion or the ability to show love, empathy and compassion to others.

From personal experience at least, I'd say it's "sort of true" (not necessarily for "most of us", but many anyway). As with most things involved in autism, it's not so much a matter of "yes" or "no", but "how". I think many others like me don't necessarily have a lack of emotion, but really just can't handle it. It's more load on top of the smothering pile of undone sensory laundry. Probably the most overwhelming category in it.

All the times in my life when I decided to really commit to my emotional side as a matter of principle, sooner or later I just had to choose between "authenticity" and health, both mental and physical. And when it comes to it, I'll always choose health (or at least nowadays I will). Maintaining a sense of authenticity still has a very high priority to me, so the only practical answer in the longer term is voluntary isolation and deliberate emotional distancing. It doesn't help that I was raised in an emotionally barren family, but I think I would have had significant trouble with this in my life regardless of my childhood.

I think my "need for authenticity" keeps me in check. What I lack in ability to show affection, I think I have in abundance in terms of sincere desire for harmony and commitment to my personal values. I get along with people who understand and recognize that, though I guess that's just not enough for close relationships. C'est la vie.

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04 Mar 2021, 7:35 pm

I have had an account for many years - I only started posting lately. I'm not a lurker - I only come here when I have a specific question to answer and I want to see what this community has to say about it. My son is HFA, was diagnosed in HS. I am diagnosed ADHD-I with some undiagnosed HFA behaviors. Such as the same ones he was diagnosed for. Such as "persistent preoccupation with parts of objects".

Hypothesis: I am different from Nathan. You are different from Nathan. It does not necessarily follow that you and I are the same. Now replace "Nathan" with "the average NT".

ADHD-I(diagnosed) ASD-HF(diagnosed)
RDOS scores - Aspie score 131/200 - neurotypical score 69/200 - very likely Aspie

Gym Nerd

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04 Mar 2021, 9:27 pm

Fnord wrote:
JustFoundHere wrote:
Anybody struggling to find their place here on WP?
Every time I log on.  It seems as if people expressing honest, sincere, and fact-based opinions are not welcome, and that to get along with the "in crowd", you must have some kind of deliberate disconnection from mainstream knowledge and wisdom.  I feel like all the time I have spent on this website has been a Sisyphean effort to stand against the willful ignorance of others.

I mostly just lurk, but I've always found your comments to be among the more insightful on this forum.


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05 Mar 2021, 11:50 am

Gym Nerd wrote:
Fnord wrote:
JustFoundHere wrote:
Anybody struggling to find their place here on WP?
Every time I log on.  It seems as if people expressing honest, sincere, and fact-based opinions are not welcome, and that to get along with the "in crowd", you must have some kind of deliberate disconnection from mainstream knowledge and wisdom.  I feel like all the time I have spent on this website has been a Sisyphean effort to stand against the willful ignorance of others.

I mostly just lurk, but I've always found your comments to be among the more insightful on this forum.

He's very good at identifying false data. Hope he never dies. He needs to find pupils to train.

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

Any topic, PM me; mind my profile.


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05 Mar 2021, 11:52 am

Rexi wrote:
Gym Nerd wrote:
Fnord wrote:
JustFoundHere wrote:
Anybody struggling to find their place here on WP?
Every time I log on.  It seems as if people expressing honest, sincere, and fact-based opinions are not welcome, and that to get along with the "in crowd", you must have some kind of deliberate disconnection from mainstream knowledge and wisdom.  I feel like all the time I have spent on this website has been a Sisyphean effort to stand against the willful ignorance of others.
I mostly just lurk, but I've always found your comments to be among the more insightful on this forum.
He's very good at identifying false data. Hope he never dies. He needs to find pupils to train.
It seems that I have already found at least two so far...

... and they did not even know it.



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05 Mar 2021, 5:51 pm

Fnord wrote:
Rexi wrote:
Gym Nerd wrote:
Fnord wrote:
JustFoundHere wrote:
Anybody struggling to find their place here on WP?
Every time I log on.  It seems as if people expressing honest, sincere, and fact-based opinions are not welcome, and that to get along with the "in crowd", you must have some kind of deliberate disconnection from mainstream knowledge and wisdom.  I feel like all the time I have spent on this website has been a Sisyphean effort to stand against the willful ignorance of others.
I mostly just lurk, but I've always found your comments to be among the more insightful on this forum.
He's very good at identifying false data. Hope he never dies. He needs to find pupils to train.
It seems that I have already found at least two so far...

... and they did not even know it.


Enjoys Fnords writings , at a distance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :D

Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are


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07 Mar 2021, 4:29 pm

Fenn wrote:
I have had an account for many years - I only started posting lately. I'm not a lurker - I only come here when I have a specific question to answer and I want to see what this community has to say about it. My son is HFA, was diagnosed in HS. I am diagnosed ADHD-I with some undiagnosed HFA behaviors. Such as the same ones he was diagnosed for. Such as "persistent preoccupation with parts of objects".

Hypothesis: I am different from Nathan. You are different from Nathan. It does not necessarily follow that you and I are the same. Now replace "Nathan" with "the average NT".

Nathan or no Nathan I sincerely hope they connect with 1 person at least. Intimacy is one of the most important things because it feeds everything lacking superficiality, the core of humanity and true purpose, in our times it's needed because we learn the value of things nothing seems to be for the sole purpose of just being with a person, and the sooner someone even NPD learns to tap into it, the sooner they can start enjoying life in a more meaningful way, and feel the importance of being human, unity and the others.

One of the cures of re-offending is trusting your close ones, it's that powerful. Working together in times of necessity. That is so good in tackling issues.

To be able to see people for who they are, with their weaknesses and to be able to still love all they are. To find your place amongst them without feeling like you are not in the right place, like you're the only freak, among freaks. To enjoy and feel connected as a community. To feel accepted and accept. To do you and speak your mind but not for the purpose of speaking but to be listened to. To passionately support and allow and enjoy support. To stay quiet and think about a person's life.
And to abuse each other in the worst wa-- well that's about it.

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

Any topic, PM me; mind my profile.


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07 Mar 2021, 4:54 pm

Jakki wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Rexi wrote:
Gym Nerd wrote:
Fnord wrote:
JustFoundHere wrote:
Anybody struggling to find their place here on WP?
Every time I log on.  It seems as if people expressing honest, sincere, and fact-based opinions are not welcome, and that to get along with the "in crowd", you must have some kind of deliberate disconnection from mainstream knowledge and wisdom.  I feel like all the time I have spent on this website has been a Sisyphean effort to stand against the willful ignorance of others.
I mostly just lurk, but I've always found your comments to be among the more insightful on this forum.
He's very good at identifying false data. Hope he never dies. He needs to find pupils to train.
It seems that I have already found at least two so far...

... and they did not even know it.


Enjoys Fnords writings , at a distance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :D

I offer my youthful body and efficient at searching and skepticism brain to Fnord so that he can live longer and do his dutiful purpose and so that I can gladly touch his Wife. The brain's only side effect is being lazy and minimizing purpose of explanation. Might not be so useful after all but it comes with much stubbornness, love, hate and character. In exchange he must respect my atheistic values and the true meaning of eccentricity while staying out of trouble and protecting against pyramidal scheme businesses, cancer, marriage & pregnancy.

My Pepe Le Skunk. I have so much faith in our love for one another. Thanks for being an amazing partner. :heart: x :heart:

Any topic, PM me; mind my profile.


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07 Mar 2021, 6:44 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Xaviera Hollander was much more than a hooker......
happy hooker
And author of very upfront literary work .

Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are


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07 Mar 2021, 7:19 pm

As Original Poster (OP) of this discussion thread, it might be best to reassess this discussion thread after 128 posts (as of this writing):

Are NTs concerned with High Functioning Autism (HFA) with adults struggling to reassess their places on the WrongPlanet Forum?

Can concerned NTs please chime in???