I too am against the whole "pink blue" thing. I did a huge research project on that for a psych class once and got to analyze three toy stores (I did Toys R Us, Target, and Kay Bee). They are all guilty!! !
Not every boy wants Batman and Legos, not every girl wants Polly Pocket and Barbie. Besides, lumping all the toys together is better for sales--I pointed that out when I saw a display of Hot Wheels at the end of the doll aisle in one of the stores. A mom might take her son to look for a doll for his sister but he winds up getting a toy car for himself because of that!
Even videos are bad. Why does Little Mermaid get marketed towards girls? There ARE guys who enjoy it! Video games are even worse...Super Mario isn't just for guys!! ! (I actually saw a girl do better on Mario for TI-83 than all the guys she was playing against in high school--and she never in her life owned a video game system while all the guys had owned at least two).
But what really peeves me is the fact that EVERY TOY is licensed character stuff these days. I would have taken some paint thinner or sandpaper to many of those toys if they were mine growing up.
I was never into Spider Man, Ninja Turtles, etc. Never watched Nickeoldeon. Today's stuff for kids ticks me off even more. I can't stand all the stuff with the Pixar "Cars" all over them. That movie looked pretty annoying and the characters just look dumb. Especially that stupid looking tow truck who is on just about every other shelf at K-Mart.
It's just as bad for girls. You're either a Disney princess, a Barbie, or a Bratz. Or Hannah Montana, now. (When I did the project HM wasn't yet popular...that was back in 2006).
Not every boy wants a Super Soaker. I always thought they were stupid! When all the boys in preschool used to talk about what number of Super Soaker they had, I would always say I had "Super Soaker Zero". They'd then tease me endlessly. Plus I didn't know the difference between the characters from a lot of the TV shows of the day (i.e. Ninja Turtles) simply because I didn't watch them. BUT...I knew all the colors in the Crayola box including the retired ones!! !
And there are some things that could have some great unisex appeal but marketers say otherwise. For example: High School Musical. I see it as a movie that either gender could like and relate to. However, you are not going to find a set of boys PJs with HSM logos on them. (Which could be very easily done--just use the basketball element!) You will find girls clothes of all sorts with HSM though. And girls everything else with HSM. Not even a single Wildcats basketball can be found for guys.
This is where the "pink blue" and I have our biggest conflict. High School Musical, Crayola art projects, and other toys should be much more neutral than they are marketed. Boys shouldn't be forced to buy stuff with those stupid tow trucks on them and girls shouldn't have to get "pretty pretty" stuff all the time.
Any thoughts?
BAN TOY STORES until they get this right!! !