I agree with GaijinRanger. We humans as a species do NOT know everything or else nothing would be a mystery. As as fate has it, there are uncountable mysteries that surround us every day... Mankind is, for the most part, a spiritual creature (or so we think anyways ) and generally we allow our religions or current understanding of "modern science" to get in the way of logic, reason, and our own observations. What we call modern technology today would have been considered dark magics as recently as one hundred years ago. So in the topics if things which we don't fully understand, it is ALWAYS best to keep an open mind. To date, the concept of Indigos being a truth in our reality has not been proven as fact but also keep in mind the concept has not definitively been disproven. To date, human beings have yet figured out how to utilize 100% of their brain function, who is to say that more efficient utilization of our "brain power" will enable us to manipulate the electromagnetic environment which surrounds us in a way that mimics telepathy or even directly affect the way mass, energy and time interact? The human brain DOES operate on electrical pulses....
The concept of Indigo children/ adults is rather fanciful, but keep in mind that pocket computers, cellular phones, jet packs, burning lasers, and bionic organs were once far-fetched and fantasy. (The flying car is also very near production stage, I feel the need to add!) Anyone who can honestly say that they don't see an exponential amount of change in human behavior AND in the earth completely over the last hundred years as opposed to the thousands of years preceding our current times is extremely ignorant. At the very least, if mankind continues on it's current path it will end up being it's own destruction within a few more generations without the help of rogue comets, brown dwarfs, hostile aliens, zombies, or rabid smurfs. With that being said, it would be in our own best interest that there is some form of higher intelligence which can either directly or indirectly nudge us in a more positive direction. Interestingly enough, every ancient civilization left records of beings which arrived from the heavens in some form or another. It could be a coincidence of fantasy or there could actually be some truth to these records. Whatever the truth may be, until there is actually definitive proof one way or another, it is wise not to discredit a concept or give it more than it's due until enough evidence is presented to be beyond reasonable doubt. And even if the concept of Indigos is a fanciful ideology, if those who claim to be Indigo focus 100% of their efforts and amazing talents into making the world a more positive place, as they are "predestined" to do, how is this a bad thing?
To BOTH sides of the argument--- WHAT IF YOU'RE WRONG???????