raisedbyignorance wrote:
Well I dont mind telling people I have Asperger's because at least there is a reason behind the flaws with myself that I cannot fix.
But I fail to see the pride in getting b****ed at by society everyday for being slow minded, not understanding what one means when they want this or that, for messing up the little things, being teased or insulted by other people who feel victimized when you return the favor in kind, and living in a society that solely depends on being able to socialize with people in order to get you a job.
If that's pride then I have no idea how the rest of you do it.
Probably because you haven't learned how to use it to your advantage yet. Believe me: you can use society's behaviors to your advantage, whether you behave that way or not.
Y'know, one thing that destroyed my mother was that she was always worrying "what if he/she looks down at me for saying this/that at this/that given time?"
I work around it--and even my girlfriend and my Dad know this--by basically telling myself "they
will look down at me for doing this/that. That's completely inevitable...and there's nothing I can do about it. So.....why should I care? Let them look down at me; let them think they're as superior as they want. Are they really?"
Bottom line: you just stop caring what everyone else thinks, and you prosper at levels you never thought possible
because of it. I now have a level of self-confidence I never thought existed because of it. You expect it to happen, and when it doesn't happen, you're very impressed--though admittedly mildly suspicious at times. Nonetheless, you expect the bad to happen, and either what you expect
will happen--and you've already got a plan for that, or what you expect
won't happen, and you can enjoy it