Sensory things that drive you nuts that no one else gets...

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12 Jan 2009, 3:23 pm

Strong perfume, it makes me feel like im suffocating.
I was more sensitive to loud noises as a kid. Other kids enjoyed bursting balloons at parties and i'd beg them to stop. Really loud music still stresses me out.
I hate it when people stand directly behind me. If im walking and someone is too close i stop so they walk past or i walk a different route.


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12 Jan 2009, 3:28 pm

Jenni wrote:
Strong perfume, it makes me feel like im suffocating.

I had an experience with that last night at work. Some customer came in with 2 bottles of it, and even though they weren't being used, I could still smell it and it was over powering... The coffee in the air didnt help either.


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12 Jan 2009, 3:54 pm

Padium wrote:
Jenni wrote:
Strong perfume, it makes me feel like im suffocating.

I had an experience with that last night at work. Some customer came in with 2 bottles of it, and even though they weren't being used, I could still smell it and it was over powering... The coffee in the air didnt help either.

Yep, I hate perfume, too, can't stand the smell of it.

Pileated woodpecker
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12 Jan 2009, 8:56 pm

Cigarette smoke is another one, when I am walking down the street and come across a smoker I have to hold my breath until I am several feet away from them. Probably my worst sensory overload trigger.



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13 Jan 2009, 10:52 am

I hate hearing other conversations. When I worked I could hear them from down the hall if the office music was not playing. I often end up hearing myself or others I know being critizised for the most inanne things :roll: It's just so distracting to me. Dunno if anyone else has that problem or not.

And I can't stand to handle raw meat and how slimy, cold and sticky it is 8O And I am a huge animal lover, but don't ask me to hold your pet snake. A friend of mine shoved one in my hands eventhough I said no thanks. I calmly said take him before I drop him. Reptiles. Ewwww.


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13 Jan 2009, 5:00 pm

Happening right now...

My dad is the noisiest eater in the world. He could be eating the softest food ever and it would sound like he's chewing a brick. He has to slurp his drinks. He smacks his lips. I always want to hit him when he's eating because the sound of it always drives me to panic attacks and he's one of the only people I've ever met to have this effect on me. His response to it has always been a threat to have me committed.

He literally sounds like a pig when he eats.


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13 Jan 2009, 5:25 pm

MizLiz wrote:
Happening right now...

My dad is the noisiest eater in the world. He could be eating the softest food ever and it would sound like he's chewing a brick. He has to slurp his drinks. He smacks his lips. I always want to hit him when he's eating because the sound of it always drives me to panic attacks and he's one of the only people I've ever met to have this effect on me. His response to it has always been a threat to have me committed.

He literally sounds like a pig when he eats.

My husband is a loud and an annoying eater too like that! I have been so tempted to tell him to eat QUIETLY but I don't think he can help it! Funny thing is.. it annoys me more when he smacks his lips like he does after he does something to infuriate me :lol:

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14 Jan 2009, 4:22 am

Lots of these I can relate to.

Hate the wood in the mouth feeling, just horrible.

The smell of mince stewing, bad, most meats I can deal with, lamb can be a bit strong smelling sometimes.

Driving in a car with air-conditioner on recirculate, just that weird recycled air smell, I can manage about a minute of it before I have to switch it back to fresh air. Too bad for me if I am stuck behind a garbage truck or cattle truck or something belching petrol or diesel fumes, they are bad but I can tolerate them.

Tags in underwear, bad, especially on the side, digging into the hip, very sensitive, I often notice if I am lying in bed I always have to move to get into a comfortable spot.

Sitting down and trying to adjust everything below the belt to get into a comfy position, drives me crazy.

Sunlight, too much, especially in summer, permanently have sunglasses on outside. Speaking of summer, I hate sweating.

My parents radio, always tuned to AM talkback, usually badly tuned, irritatingly squawky, I just have to get out of the room and up the far end of the house.

Loud talking.

Live music, very hard on me because I love music and so love going to see bands, but it gets to a point where the noise level in the room gets so high that it kind of reaches a saturation point for me, just have to go and find some quiet place to sit, strangely, with quieter acoustic music and outdoor stages I deal with it better, maybe it is just a room full of people.



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14 Jan 2009, 8:44 am

Yeh, Im very sensitive to sounds and lights... Sometimes the slightest sounds irritate me. I can't stand buzzing radiator or lamp. And it kills me the sound that is made by phone charger... Also telly is sometimes hurting my eyes, sso I don't watch it very often...


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14 Jan 2009, 9:00 am

Bright lights (not just fluorescent) are the prime example for me. I just cannot get how everybody else isn't bothered by them, and they think that I'm exaggerating. :roll: I have lots of other sensory issues, but lights are the best example of one sensory issue that others don't even blink an eye at.

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14 Jan 2009, 3:02 pm

I can't stand computer noises. I always keep the volume on my computer off and when I ask the person who borrowed it if they remembered to turn the volume back off they always seem surly.


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14 Jan 2009, 5:16 pm

How about when a flock of about 1000 crows are outside your window and won't shut their beaks. And I have had roughly that many outside my window many times this year... Atleast 300 for sure.


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14 Jan 2009, 5:18 pm

Itchy legs when I go out for a walk. My legs will begin to itch, and then become so damned irritating that it feels like hundreds of fleas are biting me.

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14 Jan 2009, 5:40 pm

samtoo wrote:
Itchy legs when I go out for a walk. My legs will begin to itch, and then become so damned irritating that it feels like hundreds of fleas are biting me.

I once scratched myself till i bled because I was itchy.

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14 Jan 2009, 9:05 pm

Here is a list of things that really bother me---and others don't understand why they bother me so much:

(As with most us on the autistic spectrum, loud noises and bright lights bother me a lot)

Here are some specific things:

Someone slurping soup or a hot beverage
Shaking a drink in a can or bottle, or shaking any other liquid type substance like paints, etc.
Loud sneezes
Rattling dishes, banging pots and pans
Repetitive vocal noises (goofy laughing like Spongebob, etc.)
Billy Mays (oxy clean guy) and the Sham Wow guy
A song that has been edited/clipped for something like a commercial (where they abbreviate down a passage of the song)
The telephone ringing---especially when I don't want to be bothered
People who pat me on the back or touch me in a way beyond the handshake (such as at church)
At a seminar, or other educational setting, where group work is expected
People that get too close to me physically---I like my space
Loud talking, loud laughing

And there are more, but these come to mind quickly.


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14 Jan 2009, 9:13 pm

glider18 wrote:
Here is a list of things that really bother me---and others don't understand why they bother me so much:

(As with most us on the autistic spectrum, loud noises and bright lights bother me a lot)

Here are some specific things:

Someone slurping soup or a hot beverage
Shaking a drink in a can or bottle, or shaking any other liquid type substance like paints, etc.
Loud sneezes
Rattling dishes, banging pots and pans
Repetitive vocal noises (goofy laughing like Spongebob, etc.)
Billy Mays (oxy clean guy) and the Sham Wow guy
A song that has been edited/clipped for something like a commercial (where they abbreviate down a passage of the song)
The telephone ringing---especially when I don't want to be bothered
People who pat me on the back or touch me in a way beyond the handshake (such as at church)
At a seminar, or other educational setting, where group work is expected
People that get too close to me physically---I like my space
Loud talking, loud laughing

And there are more, but these come to mind quickly.

Only thing that is not on my list is the slurping, although it is slowly becoming more annoying, and the shaking liquids, I don't mind myself shaking liquids, although if others do it excessivly it is annoying.