ManErg wrote:
Talking of anxiety, I realised yesterday that I am a having some social anxiety about this. I suppose it's understandable, natural even, as meeting groups of strangers is difficult at the best of times.
What's interesting about this is that it will be the first time I have met a group of other people with AS. I'm sure that in the past some of my best friends probably had it, but we didn't know it at the time. The fear is that even in a group of people with AS, I will be the least socially skilled.
I know myself well, and I know I will have social anxiety, but closer to the time...(it´s now 3 months away, so the anxiety hasn´t kicked in yet. I´m still in the excited phase. But, as I know from past experience, it will come). At least we all know we´re coming from the same place, so to speak! None of us will be judgmental, we all know what it´s like. So that´s something, at least.
I have never met a group of people with AS, though I also suspect some people from my past- as well as some family members- probably had it. I have also never met anyone in person that I´ve met online before...that thought alone I find a little scary, though I know many people with AS meet people they´ve known online.
Maybe, sometime closer to the vacation, we should start a thread where we all write a little about ourselves, what our interests are, etc.? So we know already a little bit about each other, and what we have in common?
"death is the road to awe"