pezar wrote:
I was just wondering if there are any honest to god bona fide true geniuses here, the type of people who blow the doors off IQ tests of any type, and who can plot novels or new mathematical theorems in their heads. To be fair, you only count if you have a real test score, not just because your mom thinks you're smart. I don't have a real test score, so I don't count, but I do match some of the characteristics of a genius, some of which are AS traits too but I seem to have them at genius levels.
If you are an Aspie Genius, do you think you're being underutilized by society, an Einstein who is writing new theories of matter in between helping customers at the mini mart, but who couldn't become a real researcher because of AS? Do you write novels in between working three jobs-at age 18? Do people call you arrogant because you make them look like intellectual midgets? (Not that they aren't intellectual midgets, but being in the presence of somebody who isn't is rather disconcerting for them.)
Do you find yourself adrift in a sea of idiots to the point where you want to pull your hair out, because they JUST DON'T GET IT after having the obvious explained to them a million times? (I suppose that is how it would feel to be a Ron Paul supporter at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.) Do you just want to disappear into your special interests and a cabin in Montana? What is it like to be an Aspie Genius?
This thread may have been more convincing if the contributors had used their own name (as I have)? Why do supposedly challenging threads like this only involve people who won't use their own names?