Inventor wrote:
No, the death thing comes later.
Most of the comets we know are small, kilometers, they cross Earth orbit. This one is massive, so it crosses outside of the inner planets, it will likely take three to five years to circle the sun, a comet orbit can be figured by a 26,000 period.
It leaves a trail around the sun, smaller bodies that have been captured by it's gravity, that come loose near the sun, then fall sun ward. It also disrupts the asteriod field, that was once a planet. Lots of stuff falling into the sun, taking up Earth crossing orbits, Cosmic Littering.
It also fits with the magnetic reversal shown in sea floor spreading in the Atlantic.
The only way this makes sense is if it is very dense, the remains of a burned out star, earth size, but much denser.
Herodotus wrote that his uncle Solon was told by the Egyptian Priests that in their records the sun had risen where it sets, set where it rises, twice. There are also some comments about the elder people saying, this is only your first time around.
Our guess about the last 1.6 Kilometer crater in Mauritania, and the onset of the last ice age is 22,000 years ago, but the elders say 26,000. People were doing some great painting in caves back then, miles underground.
52,000 years matches the end of a 125,000 year ice age.
It will be just like Cowboy Bebop.
So what's your take on the largest active volcano on earth...Yellowstone Park sits on the top of it. I think it erupts like every 5000 years in theory. They say that if it were to erupt, it would create an ice age. It would take, in theory according to some science channel, 3 days for the debris to cover the earth, and I forget how many years before we'd see the sun again.