MishLuvsHer2Boys wrote:
aspiegirl2 wrote:
If someone gets a company, like Future Horizons for instance, that sells books and stuff on autism, they could probably advertise the product and then even more people would buy it than if it was displayed on WrongPlanet alone. I think a product like that displayed in other peoples' homes could probably increase awareness on Asperger's and ASD's, which could be a good thing.
Honestly seriously unless the company you go through doesn't support giving the income made from it to groups like Autism Speaks, Cure Autism Now and NAAR, then I'd say go for it.
If they do try and push for this project's earnings go to those charities, etc and companies will easily twist things to their advantage if they don't respect Aspies and support those charities and a cure. I'll firmly boycott (and get others to boycott as well) as it's a waste of money when there are other more productive means the money can be used to help autistics than towards groups that support prenatal testing for autism and essentially a future means to another time of eugenics.
We don't need a cure, we need people's awareness and acceptance and help when things are not so easy.
I haven't seen anything resembling Cure Autism Now on Future Horizons yet, but yes you bring a good point. Future Horizons mainly sells books to teachers, professionals, and parents about autism; along with CD's and DVD's. I think they also sponsor conferences to teach others about autism, or at least they advertise them. Anyways, I don't want autism cured either; just an awareness of it so that people could understand us better rather than making false assumptions about us. We don't have to go through any company for the matter to sell any products; it's just a suggestion so far, and nothing has really been decided and put in stone about it yet. Hopefully, no one will ever come up with a cure for autism.
I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.