Are most people with Asperger's Atheists?

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16 Jan 2014, 10:02 pm

Max000 wrote:
Probably, because autistic people tend to use logical reasoning. Kind of hard for people who use logical reasoning to believe in the magical man in the sky thing.

That is exactly my opinion. People with ASD have a hard time setting logic aside and letting emotional or irrational thought get in the way. I am REALLY bad at doing that, whenever my fiancee is upset I am like a robot and just give her logical answers to her problems, when all she wants is a hug and validation...

Religion is for those who are arrogant and cannot cope with their own mortality. They believe they are so special that THEY get to go to an afterlife, but other species just rot in the ground because humans are so "superior". I can't believe in fairytales, especially as an adult. This is coming from someone who was a bible quizzing champion (memorization) in my province, as well as being baptized and being raised in an extremely religious home.


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16 Jan 2014, 10:27 pm

jcq126 wrote:
Max000 wrote:
Probably, because autistic people tend to use logical reasoning. Kind of hard for people who use logical reasoning to believe in the magical man in the sky thing.

That is exactly my opinion. People with ASD have a hard time setting logic aside and letting emotional or irrational thought get in the way. I am REALLY bad at doing that, whenever my fiancee is upset I am like a robot and just give her logical answers to her problems, when all she wants is a hug and validation...

Religion is for those who are arrogant and cannot cope with their own mortality. They believe they are so special that THEY get to go to an afterlife, but other species just rot in the ground because humans are so "superior". I can't believe in fairytales, especially as an adult. This is coming from someone who was a bible quizzing champion (memorization) in my province, as well as being baptized and being raised in an extremely religious home.

And our stereotypical love for science contradicts religion. I guess it take another century or two before religion dies out


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16 Jan 2014, 10:56 pm

I was raised by a churchgoing family, but none of it ever made any sense to me, and after reading Objectivist discussions of the subject I realized I've basically been an atheist from the beginning. It strikes me as funny that people speak of "choosing to believe" in something, because I could no more choose to believe in the magic man in the sky than I could choose to believe that two and two makes five. Whether this has anything to do with my autistic tendencies I can't say.

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16 Jan 2014, 11:20 pm

only the smart ones :wink:

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17 Jan 2014, 12:45 am

Max000 wrote:
Probably, because autistic people tend to use logical reasoning. Kind of hard for people who use logical reasoning to believe in the magical man in the sky thing.

You mean like Newton, Galilelo, Copernicus and all the others who were the founders of science as we understand it? Oh... and Lets not forget Descartes, and more recently
Godel who wrote a proof of the existence of god. ... ical_proof

I never cease to be amazed how so many non believers appear compelled to convince themselves of the intellectual inferiority of believers.

Any commentators have a prize named after them? And I doubt that Godel was arrogant. When you are that smart, how exactly would you be arrogant?
"having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities."

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17 Jan 2014, 12:52 am

I'm an atheist.

Everything is falling.

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17 Jan 2014, 1:12 am

I could say I'm more of a mis-theist (hating god) or an anti-theist (against god), rather than an atheist (no god). I believe that god exists, but he continually does things to make people's lives, mine in particular, as difficult and miserable as possible. Usually, it's done under the misguided principle of testing my faith (I failed his tests long time ago, and Job from the Bible was one person), but once in a while, god does it just to bully me. I renounced my religion back in 2011; my formal renunciation gesture consisted of rubbing my Star of David against a slice of bacon, then burning it with a cigarette lighter, breaking it into two, and throwing the pieces in the trash. Those who say I'll go to hell for doing that, guess where I've been living my whole life? So I got nothing to lose.

For example, consider this situation: a line of cars is waiting to turn left at a busy intersection. Suddenly, the light turns red, my car is the last one in line, and it gets "cut off". Why? Because god just can't bring himself to see me make the turn. He'd rather let me get stuck waiting for the next green light, make me late for work, and get me in trouble. Is it really that difficult for him to keep the light green for another second or two, so I can pass? Right, it's not. But my misery is more important to god than common sense. And why would god chip my tooth just days before my birthday? My childhood was even worse: I had wishes of death as early as age 5. And hell never scared me; I always figured that it just can't possibly be that much worse than the life I've been living.

Other similar things happened to me as well. From 2010 to 2013, I was working in a god-awful job (no pun intended) that had me contemplating suicide. Now, why exactly couldn't he get my boss fired? Right, because my misery is too much fun for him. Since then, I was able to find another job, all through my own efforts, but I can only hope god has enough conscience not to make my future jobs even more miserable than that one?

One place where god hasn't been able to reach me is cruises. While they were by no means 100% perfect, I never had something truly horrible happen to me on a cruise. Each time I took one, I smiled about it for months. My stories sounded exciting enough that my non-cruising friends got interested in the idea. But who's to say that next time I do a cruise, god won't get my luggage lost, tell some jerk to knock drinks out of my hand, or send a thug to rob me in a port of call?

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17 Jan 2014, 3:09 am

Gotta love the humor. Someone with enough time and money/ successful enough in life to take cruises is complaining that god hates him. I wonder what god must feel about people living on the streets or having some terminal disease. Oh... and you were unemployed for how long? You say that you lost your health insurance? Your house?

Aspie1: I suggest that you read the book Tuesdays with Morie. My take is that you are a whiner. But you do fit the Jewish Stereotype of someone who is not happy unless they are miserable

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17 Jan 2014, 3:19 am

I'm an atheist, but actually more agnostic than atheist.

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17 Jan 2014, 5:16 am

Im Christain


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17 Jan 2014, 7:56 am

factotum666 wrote:
Gotta love the humor. Someone with enough time and money/ successful enough in life to take cruises is complaining that god hates him. I wonder what god must feel about people living on the streets or having some terminal disease. Oh... and you were unemployed for how long? You say that you lost your health insurance? Your house?

Aspie1: I suggest that you read the book Tuesdays with Morie. My take is that you are a whiner. But you do fit the Jewish Stereotype of someone who is not happy unless they are miserable

Those cruises were the result of my own effort, not god's: I earned the money through my dehumanizing job, I researched the cruises, and I flew to where my ship was sailing from. God would never take initiative to give me this much happiness. Look at how he always changes the light to red exactly when my car is about to turn left, just to watch me get frustrated. (If he must change the light, let him do it to the car in front of me, at least, if he's that adamant about not letting me turn.) This applies to other unfortunate situations too.

As for the people you described, I suppose he's testing their faith too, like with me, or in the case of the homeless, he's given them happiness in other ways (skills with picking up women, many friends, natural toughness, physical strength, social skills, etc). In human terms, he's sh*t-testing people; some keep their faith, others lose it. So if my belief system makes me a whiner, then I guess that's how it's gotta be.


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17 Jan 2014, 8:20 am

Maybe what you see as bad fate, is nothing else then statistical normality? Because of my issues, I am a rather careful driver. So I dont do granny style, but I care for having a correct distance to the car in front of me, as well that I simply dont drive somewhere as ling as I did not have time to get an overview if everything is free.

Because of the bigger distance to the car in front of me, and my refusal to accelerate blindly, if I see the lights at the crossings are changing soon, its simply statistical normal, that I have a greater chance then other cars, to be in front of the red light. No god needed for that.

He'd rather let me get stuck waiting for the next green light, make me late for work, and get me in trouble. Is it really that difficult for him to keep the light green for another second or two, so I can pass? Right, it's not.
IF a god existed, this would be rather difficult. So he had to influence a technician, that he sets up a sensor, that scans for certain car signs and is linked to the crossing lights. Then the technician needed to set that sensor on recognizing your specific car sign, and then manipulating the crossing lights in the way that you have 1 second longer green, additionally to hacking the cities traffic computer, to delay all other crossing lights, that are connected to this one, by one second. I think if an imaginary god, found the time to influence that much stuff, he should maybe focus more on saving a baby, crawling up a window.

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17 Jan 2014, 11:16 am

I am not a psychiatrist. I have not played one on TV. But I really think that the next time Aspie1 has some extra cash, then instead of investing on a cruise, that he should invest in a few sessions with a shrink. My guess is that the long term payoff in how happy he feels would be much greater.

As an example. Assume that all of Aspie1's successes are due to his hard work and talent and none of it to change. Well where did his essence come from? Who rolled the genetic dice and placed him into a supportive home, or at worst, one that was not abusive, if not GOD? (I am sure that if his home was abusive that he would have put that forth as more evidence of how god hates him --- I could be wrong)

I am not saying that I believe in god, just that the position of Aspie1 appears to me to be logically inconsistent, and that some therapy would likely help him to work out some issues and make him happier. [or I am one of gods agents testing him --- :-) ]

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17 Jan 2014, 12:25 pm

Personally, I believe that religion is man made in order to help control/rule the masses. That being said, I do believe in a higher power and have strong faith in that power. I used to be atheist, but I've had way to many near misses, almost accidents and what not, to tack up to coincidence.

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17 Jan 2014, 12:41 pm

FallingDownMan wrote:
Personally, I believe that religion is man made in order to help control/rule the masses. That being said, I do believe in a higher power and have strong faith in that power. I used to be atheist, but I've had way to many near misses, almost accidents and what not, to tack up to coincidence.

Do you have any actual evidence to support your belief? Do you really think that evolution does not work --- that is, that evolution developes behavior patterns that work against human survival? Does that even make any sense?

Enter the two words orwells boot into any search engine. My 6000 word article, usually under the name factotum666 will be #1 on all search engines after paid links. You might enjoy the read.

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17 Jan 2014, 3:01 pm

Im InterFaith.
That means that I embrace all Good Faiths & Religions because I belive that they are all from God, and his way of communicating with various peoples & cultures.


We, the people on the Autistic Spectrum have a choice.
We can either try to "fit in" with the rest of society, or we can be so egocentric that we can't be bothered.
I choose the actor. I observe NT's. I listen to their socializing. I practice it, so in social situations I can just emulate/mimic what is expected.
It isn't natural for me, but it enables me to "fit in".
It is VERY tiring and draining, but at least we can appear like them even though it is an act. Like being on the stage.
They can't see it is emulation, and so we are accepted.