...You appear to be picturing a scenario where Trump properly wins a majority of the electoral college voters but enough sworn Trump electors pull a nullification stunt by voting for Hillary that she gets in . I rally think that is HIGHLY unlikely to happen !
I do think there would be an outrage over that , I do think most electors would not want that...And , possibly most of all , I think that the way the EC system is set up makes that highly unlikely .
IIRCF - I believe the electors are sworn to one of the Big Two parties and chose by ~ State-level ? - party folks .
I believe such people tend to be very much party loyalists , both D and R . I think they would tend to not do it , especially since it would get them in Dutch with their party .
I am aware that there was an unusually strong " NeverTrump " movement within the Rs , but I think that those people , obviously , would be , as well-known NTers , not the people the local leadership would tap ! And , presumably , they wouldn't do it...I am in a big hurry now so I'll wrap up sooner than I planned , but I think that , for the reason/s I have outlined above that that is VERY unlikely
Let's keep in mind that being Autistic (I am myself, as are my two young adult kids) causes us to tend to believe what's being said even when it's a blatant lie.
I'm not saying that anyone is blatantly lying (meaning the candidates) but (for those of you who are old enough - I don't know the general age on the forum) hearken back to all of the elections where SO MANY promises were made by whoever was running at that particular time ... and the *majority* of the promises were broken, they were said *simply* to appeal to voters. Once they were in office the promises were forgotten and/or done completely opposite as promised.
Just because 'she' says she's 'about Autism' ... With her record what qualifies her to gain anyone's absolute support, including those with Autism (or Autistics should anybody be politically offended by the usage of a word)?
Maybe when Trump ends up in office he'll be more open to things that need to be changed, such as support for those adults with Autism as well as *their* families as well. Just because my kids are young adults now doesn't mean that it no longer affects me tremendously financially (and mentally/emotionally frankly).
*What* have we got to lose by voting him in? No one can say for sure that Hillary will follow through and I believe that with her record there are more people that *don't* trust her than do.
I don't care that he's offended people, heck he's offended me as a woman, but Hillary has offended me in a lot more ways than Trump has.
I don't believe her for a second; I believe that she's using the Autism platform to get votes from the massive amount of us that there are.
I also struggle with voting for the independents not because I don't agree with them but rather because my vote won't matter a damn thing (in regard to T vs. H) if I vote for someone other than one of the two major.
Unfortunately, the electoral votes decide it and those folks are *not* required to follow their state's vote.
Trump wins popular vote, but Hillary gets put into office because of the idiot electoral votes.
One guy who has an electoral vote has already come out and publicly stated that he will not vote for Trump even if Trump wins the popular vote in that guy's state.
So IMHO there's a *lot* more corruption in this election than meets the eye, and the corruption is going to get worse and worse if H is voted in...
Why did she have that mom and dad on her stage? To win those votes.
But what about Benghazi? She and Obama both refused to help (she was 'resting' and he was on vacation based on what I read) and we lost several great men ... and then recently she laughed about it, on camera, along with saying "what does it matter now?".
Do we really want someone like that, someone who feels no regret no nothing except humor when they have a hand (direct or indirect) in the killing?
Sure I had a hand in the guys being killed (by not doing anything about it) but hey, he's dead now so what does it matter?
How about "hey yeah sure I had an indirect hand in the death of many people with Autism but those people are dead now so what does it matter, they're gone so it's over and done with". (Obviously an over-the-top example but sometimes that's what's needed to bring those of us with Autism back into reality)
I've also read that the majority of top army/navy/etc. officials as well as retired vets are voting for T. That's got to say something right?
But, to each his own... (and I do truly mean that - we all have a right to vote for who we wish without being attacked for it so I do honestly mean it when I say 'to each his own').
May the best most honest candidate win, whoever that might be...