Autism and the Covid Vaccination: anyone been vaccinated?

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16 May 2021, 3:51 am

SabbraCadabra wrote:
Nades wrote: you have any other medical problems that would explain why Covid hit you so hard?

Maybe I should've been more specific: Long-Haul Covid messed me up, the initial Covid illness was actually quite mild. I wasn't hospitalized or anything like that. (It's much more common for people who were not hospitalized to end up with PASC, as Dr. Fauchi likes to call it.)

I did have auto-immune issues before COVID, but I suspect, like Long-Haul Covid itself, these issues were caused by previous viral infections, so less "cause" and more "effect" there.

Doctors don't yet know why some people are much more susceptible to post-viral syndrome and/or viral persistence than others, but it seems to affect women on an 80:20 ratio, so it's possible that it could be hormone related?

They also suspect it could be due to gut issues, but people on the Autism spectrum commonly have gut issues, and it seems that COVID complications, in this community at least, are quite rare.

...but then again, I have seen very few people on the site who are even aware of having contracted COVID at all...

Nades wrote:
It's very unusual for someone in their 30s to experience many problems for Covid.

Like I said, statistically speaking, most Long Haulers are under the age of 40.

I never knew it effected women more than men. In the UK we have an issue here where women make up nearly 75% of obesity related hospital admissions than men so perhaps that's similar in the US and might explain why. They might also have a weaker respiratory system overall.,patients%20were%20female%20(74%25).

With the gut problems people with autism also have, I don't think it matters as much as obesity. Overall I think people with autism are not really at risk from the vaccine side effects or at risk from the illness itself.


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16 May 2021, 4:54 am

Nades wrote:
In the UK we have an issue here where women make up nearly 75% of obesity related hospital admissions than men so perhaps that's similar in the US and might explain why.

From the pictures of people that I've seen in the support groups, I haven't noticed a lot of obesity. And I'm not obese.
...or at least I wasn't obese until COVID...I've gained 30 pounds =/

Nades wrote:
They might also have a weaker respiratory system overall.

COVID attacks more than just the respiratory system, though.
And, don't quote me on this one because I haven't really looked into it, but I think I remember reading somewhere that smokers are less likely to be affected by COVID?
Which, if that's true, is weird, because when the pandemic first started, they were saying smokers were more likely... *shrugs*

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16 May 2021, 8:57 am

Taking the vaccine gave me auti—

Oh, wait.

I have received both doses of the COVID vaccine, the first on March 27th and the second on April 17th. The day after I got the first dose, my arm hurt. The day after I got my second dose, there was more arm pain combined with a lack of energy. My mom, who got vaccinated on the same dates as me, experienced more severe symptoms. However, we both felt more or less back to normal 48 hours after getting the shot.


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16 May 2021, 1:56 pm

simonthesly74 wrote:
Taking the vaccine gave me auti—

Oh, wait.

I have received both doses of the COVID vaccine, the first on March 27th and the second on April 17th. The day after I got the first dose, my arm hurt. The day after I got my second dose, there was more arm pain combined with a lack of energy. My mom, who got vaccinated on the same dates as me, experienced more severe symptoms. However, we both felt more or less back to normal 48 hours after getting the shot.

Cheers for the info

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16 May 2021, 4:40 pm

I had a mild COVID illness. I suffered very little from after effects. I have asymptomatic prostate cancer.

I lost 25 pounds through exercise AFTER I had COVID.

I’ve been fully vaccinated for four weeks.


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16 May 2021, 4:43 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I had a mild COVID illness. I suffered very little from after effects. I have asymptomatic prostate cancer.

I lost 25 pounds through exercise AFTER I had COVID.

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get treated for that. Cancer is just the worst, I've known more people in my life to die of cancer than of COVID (in fact out of everyone I know I don't know anyone who died from COVID, except one man but he was 90). I know one person who was in intensive care because of COVID but she had health issues anyway, but she's fully recovered now.



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16 May 2021, 4:48 pm

They caught it in time. Please don’t worry :)


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16 May 2021, 5:02 pm

I've had one dose of the Astra-Zenica. It gave me a mild fever for about 24 hours; no other side effects. It felt bizarre having just a fever on its own. My parents had no side-effects whatsoever with the same vaccine.

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17 May 2021, 12:29 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
I had a mild COVID illness. I suffered very little from after effects. I have asymptomatic prostate cancer.

I lost 25 pounds through exercise AFTER I had COVID.

Yeah, some people are getting hit HARD by Long COVID, and can't even leave their beds...others don't even realize they have organ damage until the scans come back. I was just reading the other day, a woman said the doctor asked her husband when he had COVID, and he shocked to see how bad the scarring in his lungs was.
Some report only having lost smell and taste. I still have mine.

Some people with Long COVID are gaining weight, and some can't keep the weight on no matter what they do.
I lost on that coin toss =(

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17 May 2021, 9:19 am

Ill sew a mask onto my face before I offer my arm,



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17 May 2021, 6:08 pm

I got podded, I mean vaccinated last Monday. I imagine that the syringe is a little pea pod.

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19 May 2021, 1:14 am

Nades wrote:
Don't take this the wrong way and you don't need to answer if you don't want to, but do you have any other medical problems that would explain why Covid hit you so hard?

I just read this in an article:

As with all biological and medical problems, says Casanova, in this case what’s best suited to parsing human phenotypes seen in COVID-19 is genetic analysis. In a large-scale, international COVID project, Casanova and his colleagues showed that type I interferon plays an important role in COVID-19 and that mutations affecting type I interferons can make it more likely that the disease will take a severe course in some people. Could that offer indications about long COVID? “Yes,” he says. “We are on it.”

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22 May 2021, 10:14 pm

I got vaccinated. 1st dose April 5 and 2nd dose April 27.


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22 May 2021, 10:15 pm

NaturalEntity wrote:
I had my second vaccine yesterday.



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22 May 2021, 10:23 pm

I was so happy a few days ago I found my covid vaccine card while I moved my old computer monitor. I thought I threw my covid vaccine card away accidentally. I had printed vaccine records but however I am so relieved I found my original vaccine card.


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23 May 2021, 8:40 pm

Fenn wrote:
I got the the Moderna vaccine - first of two so far. Side effects: I was a bit tired and foggy headed for a few days. The first day when I went to bed my feet and - this one is weird - my kneecaps were like ice. That went away the first day.

Got the second shot of the Moderna vaccine. First day no symptoms, I was very mentally sharp all day. Second day my left arm was sore in the morning where I got the shot. By the end of the day my right arm was sore too - and my legs. Much fatigue and mental fogginess. Third day not as much achey-ness in muscles but very much fatigued - in a warm, brick red mental cloud - by the evening I was very silly and even giddy (might have been all the caffeine I was talking in the form of many glasses of iced tea and cups of hot tea trying to fight the mental fog and sleepiness). Next day (day 4) I was much more my old self. Today is day 5 and feeling quite well and clear headed.

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