League_Girl wrote:
it's pointless to reply to the OP or to anyone else's post in that thread if it will never be read by them. It's like talking to a wall.
I thought I addressed the issue of the OP no longer being around when I said, "other than the OP is often no longer around."
And besides, so what if I want to talk to a wall? What's the issue with that? Maybe I want to PM the wall too. And then the wall will PM me back, and then I'll invite the wall to visit my webpage. And then it will friend me on facebook and we'll have a google hangout. We'll text back and forth and the wall will become a good friend of mine.
Basso53 wrote:
Topic specific to the OP, it was probably addressed and resolved years ago. General interest, fine and dandy.
Exactly. And if someone can relate to the OP experience, what's the problem with continuing the dialogue?
And if someone does post a reply and didn't realize the OP was no longer a member, it serves no purpose to talk down to them or treat them like they should have already known since that "time-stamp checking process" is an executive functioning task which most autistics are impaired at anyway. Suggest they check the original post date, OP profile, and last visited date of the OP profile, and decide whether to post after that.
I'm done posting here. This thread is old. It's like talking to a wall.