Why are so many Aspies on here getting disablility income?

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09 Sep 2008, 7:25 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
Okay I hear your complaint and I cannot speak for the Aspies who are on disability because it has nothing to do with me and what does it matter what I think of them?????



and furthermore:


One has to be humiliated by going to GOODWILL just to get a job and getting the job through them. NOW MIND YOU I am NOT bashing GOODWILL or ANYONE WHO GETS A JOB THROUGH GOODWILL so don't label me "troll". I am just saying...WHY is it I cannot JUST WALK IN FILL OUT AN APPLICATION GO THROUGH THE INTERVIEW PROCESS AND GET A SPONTANEOUS JOB OUT OF IT JUST LIKE ANY OTHER JOE BLOW SCHMOW ON THE STREET????

this is the real crux of the problem dear ProToss X....

I shouldn't HAVE to go to GOODWILL because DUUUUH I am not disabled but the cretins who do the interviewing will not hire me.


Maybe a "Personality" clash at work perhaps?


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09 Sep 2008, 7:28 pm

No, it's discrimination, they want me to go through Goodwill over a non issue. They won't hire unless I go through Goodwill and i cannot even qualify for SSDI. It's impossible to get anyone to hire me otherwise. It's DISCRIMINATION PURE AND SIMPLE.
f**k, I have BEEN TO COLLEGE!! !!

It is just utterly ridiculous.


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09 Sep 2008, 7:52 pm

ok/about the lfa topic.......though it's not as simple as to say 'one person with as can work-so they all can'.
some of the residents am used to live with were 'severe' aspies.
they had to be assessed by government doctors to say they were unable to work,and were significantly impaired [most of benefits actually goes towards residents care bills,as all in residential have to need day and night care to qualify].
one of them was so severely affected by challenging behavior,she often had to have two staff to herself,and could not go out the house much as she had that many tantrums,often due to changes,she definitely could not work.

there are lots of reasons why aspies may not work and get disability benefits-if they are not very functioning and/or severe,if they have some complex needs,if they have extra impairment related to their AS,if they have extra impairment unrelated to their AS,if they have severe challenging behavior,if they have severe sensory impairment,if they have severe problems around people or changes etc.
if feel so strongly about aspies getting disability benefit,why not speak to a benefit advisor person,and ask why they let aspies on it? maybe they are the most qualified to give an answer here?

>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist; http://theresidentialautist.blogspot.co.uk
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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09 Sep 2008, 8:05 pm

ProtossX wrote:
Folks im sorry if I came off as offensive if you review my post's you'll see im not attacking anyone and the whole offended by LFA people I WAS NOT offended by all LFA's

I was offended by certain LFA's saying bathroom problems is associated with Autism which it isn't and thats there own issue they need to deal with outside of autism

Also the reason im so weirded out about the asperger people on disability is because I believe deep down that these people can and do work I know its possibel because I have worked

Did I like it? HELL NO!

Do I like it enough to where I would rathe do it then live on the street <-------- BINGO BINGO BINGO! did anyone teach you people on disability anything like you're parents for instance are they proud of you currently etc?

Getting a job isn't something you're going to love to do PERIOD

you people on disability are using aspergers as a crutch IMO now and making up complaints like "I hate being around people I know Im different and it sucks, or I can't get past a job interview"

Heres a hint GO take a shower then drive or have someone drive you to a McDonalds that has Now hiring sign, ask to meet with a manager an fill out an application and tell him to call you THATS IT then walk right out the door fill out the sheet an send it in I guarantee you will be hired especially some of you aspies in college saying you can't handle a job envioronment BUT U CAN HANDLE A CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT?

seriously now come on the same basic rules apply in a classroom then in a work environment and the same accommodation's can be made for both so I don't buy all your complaints about unable to function in work environment but do fine in school, thats just lazyness.

Working is not some magical mystical thing and gettin a job, that only NT's can do. It's not only Aspies that have problems interacting wiht people its everyone PERIOD theres tons of people who have prolem's they dont all just say u know what i got turned down 40 times for different job's this month lets just go to the welfare office no they keep going and if they must they might have to live on the street or in a shelter till they can provide for themselves thats called life.

Ohhhh this is getting better and better :lol:

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09 Sep 2008, 8:09 pm

I hear the frustration of many of you who don't understand hiring practices.

Having been part of the interviewing team, and voted on hires, I am wondering if you would like to hear it all from an employers perspective?

If yes, read on.

If not, don't.

1) Most work places are not only looking for a certain list of technical skills, but they are also looking for that indefinable magic that takes an ordinary employee and makes him a star. Drive, determination, "hunger" and, well, PERSONALITY. If someone comes in and doesn't show enthusiasm for or a sizable measure of interest in what the company does, they are not a great candidate. We were more than happy to hire "different" and "quirky," because most brilliant people are, but there also had to be a spark, an energy, that made us feel the person would be committed to the job and the company. Mind you, I knew nothing about AS then, I only knew what it took to be a success in our company. Why hire someone you don't think is a "fit," that doesn't have what you know management is looking for in it's top people? Someone who has low odds of advancing? You are NEVER, from the outside looking in, going to understand how we choose person "A" over person "B" because it wasn't evident from the resume, or from looking at that person, or anything else. It was something that came out in the interviews, that appealed to our instincts, and made us feel that person was right for this company. And, looking back, I can see how that would be dang difficult criteria for many (most?) AS to meet. It was, unfortunately, a very social expression type of thing.

2) Since our economy is service oriented, most employers are interested in how their employees will present to clients. We looked at clothes, grooming, language skills, etc. Weight isn't and should not be an issue if the person is dressing and presenting professionally, and has no medical reason to not perform the job. Again, factors that may fall in to the area of secret codes for many AS. It took me a while to learn them; I tanked my first interviews before I caught onto the game (overall, however, I would say I am NT).

Some of you may say that is discrimination and, maybe, as awareness of ASD increases, it will be. But it wasn't and usually isn't. It is people looking for what they believe will make their company successful, and the traits that mark their most successful employees. That it turns out those traits lower the odds for people who are AS - well, that is an area that companies could use some education in. But no one set out to create a list that by it's nature discriminated against people born with spectrum conditions.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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09 Sep 2008, 8:19 pm

ProtossX wrote:
Folks im sorry if I came off as offensive if you review my post's you'll see im not attacking anyone and the whole offended by LFA people I WAS NOT offended by all LFA's

I was offended by certain LFA's saying bathroom problems is associated with Autism which it isn't and thats there own issue they need to deal with outside of autism

Also the reason im so weirded out about the asperger people on disability is because I believe deep down that these people can and do work I know its possibel because I have worked

Did I like it? HELL NO!

Do I like it enough to where I would rathe do it then live on the street <-------- BINGO BINGO BINGO! did anyone teach you people on disability anything like you're parents for instance are they proud of you currently etc?

Getting a job isn't something you're going to love to do PERIOD

you people on disability are using aspergers as a crutch IMO now and making up complaints like "I hate being around people I know Im different and it sucks, or I can't get past a job interview"

Heres a hint GO take a shower then drive or have someone drive you to a McDonalds that has Now hiring sign, ask to meet with a manager an fill out an application and tell him to call you THATS IT then walk right out the door fill out the sheet an send it in I guarantee you will be hired especially some of you aspies in college saying you can't handle a job envioronment BUT U CAN HANDLE A CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT?

seriously now come on the same basic rules apply in a classroom then in a work environment and the same accommodation's can be made for both so I don't buy all your complaints about unable to function in work environment but do fine in school, thats just lazyness.

Working is not some magical mystical thing and gettin a job, that only NT's can do. It's not only Aspies that have problems interacting wiht people its everyone PERIOD theres tons of people who have prolem's they dont all just say u know what i got turned down 40 times for different job's this month lets just go to the welfare office no they keep going and if they must they might have to live on the street or in a shelter till they can provide for themselves thats called life.

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09 Sep 2008, 8:21 pm

ProtossXX, there is a large difference between not particularly "liking" your job, and being overwhelmed and stressed out by it, or exhausted to the point of not being functional. The posts in this thread have been from people who really could not cope. In a major way. As in, keep working there and meltdowns are likely to occur almost daily. That they quit instead of allowing that to happen (which surely would get them fired anyway) is a sign of self-knowledge. It is, in a way, exactly what my son is being taught to do so that he can exhibit functioning behavior every day, all day while in public at least: find the triggers, mitigate them, and when headed towards a melt-down, remove self to a safe place.

If you cannot identify with a meltdown that is out of your control, you have not had one of the essential internal experiences that seem, from my reading, to define AS.

We're lucky that it takes 4 to 5 years for my husband's (likely mildly AS) stress to build up in a situation to where he can no longer cope. And we're lucky his skills are well sought after, so the next job can usually be found. But I've seen him reach that point, and there is no return, it's quit or do something far, far worse. Imagine someone who cycles much quicker, who only has a month to trip. How do you explain that to the next employer? "You can have a few weeks of my skills but then I'll need to move on." Right. No will even grant an interview to someone who has changed jobs so much. At least with the cycle my husband is on, the employer gets some value before things go beserk. But beserk they DO go.

You don't understand because you don't wish to. Plain and simple.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).

Last edited by DW_a_mom on 09 Sep 2008, 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

09 Sep 2008, 8:21 pm

When I was looking for a job, I had to wear nice clothes, look adult as possible, more professional because there are people who judge a book by its cover. Only way to get a job is if I dressed more adult. That's what we all need to to do in order to impress bosses when we are trying to get a job. Just put on a show until you get a job. Groom yourself, dress nicely, and look at them.


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09 Sep 2008, 8:27 pm

Also the reason im so weirded out about the asperger people on disability is because I believe deep down that these people can and do work I know its possibel because I have worked

Not everyone is the same, and yes that means even if you share the same disorder.

Did I like it? HELL NO!

then quit taking it out on others..

Do I like it enough to where I would rathe do it then live on the street <-------- BINGO BINGO BINGO! did anyone teach you people on disability anything like you're parents for instance are they proud of you currently etc?

some people would rather kill themselves then get a job.. and some disorders pull you down in the worst times.. if you dont have a job already it' that much harder to get one.

Getting a job isn't something you're going to love to do PERIOD

I love jobs, I just can't bear the workplace

you people on disability are using aspergers as a crutch IMO now and making up complaints like "I hate being around people I know Im different and it sucks, or I can't get past a job interview"

well that doesn't apply to me directly, but your sense of anger and hatred for people with aspergers is typical of NT's, and far outweighs your sense of decency.. maybe you have it a lot better than they do..?

Heres a hint GO take a shower then drive or have someone drive you to a McDonalds that has Now hiring sign, ask to meet with a manager an fill out an application and tell him to call you THATS IT then walk right out the door fill out the sheet an send it in I guarantee you will be hired especially some of you aspies in college saying you can't handle a job envioronment BUT U CAN HANDLE A CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT?

I couldnt handle a classroom environment actually, and mind you school is completely different than work.. everyone had to be there or you end up a thug on the streets. . at least what they told you if you dropped out..
by the way, McDonalds?.. i think that is a standard of living that i just could just not live with myself for doing.. yup, rather be on the streets..

seriously now come on the same basic rules apply in a classroom then in a work environment and the same accommodation's can be made for both so I don't buy all your complaints about unable to function in work environment but do fine in school, thats just lazyness.

actually i just barely passed school, so no dont assume everyone did just fine in school..

Working is not some magical mystical thing and gettin a job, that only NT's can do. It's not only Aspies that have problems interacting wiht people its everyone PERIOD theres tons of people who have prolem's they dont all just say u know what i got turned down 40 times for different job's this month lets just go to the welfare office no they keep going and if they must they might have to live on the street or in a shelter till they can provide for themselves thats called life.


I don't know who it is you know, but if you have serious problems interacting with people then you are likely not an NT, and if you are, then the problems arent nearly as severe..

want some of my advice?.. go back to your own little bitter isolated world and leave people alone who need help, because you seem to be doing just fine, aside from needing someone to talk to you, because your bitterness at the world is spilling onto the page while you write..

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09 Sep 2008, 8:31 pm

hey ProtossX, 10 pages!! ! pretty good :wink:


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09 Sep 2008, 8:42 pm

This is interesting
This too
So is this
And so is this
This too

There is more but don't have the energy to post it all, but this should give you an idea of what we are dealing with... he's scattering his dirt everywhere, sadly its here too.

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09 Sep 2008, 8:47 pm

lionesss wrote:
This is interesting
This too
So is this
And so is this
This too

There is more but don't have the energy to post it all, but this should give you an idea of what we are dealing with... he's scattering his dirt everywhere, sadly its here too.

holy.. :lol: :lmao: it's so hard not to say things right now..

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Sep 2008, 8:55 pm

ProtossX wrote:
Guys Job's are supposed to be hard

If people just handed me free money all day who wouldn't take it?

What im saying is People have to work they don't lkie to they just do it for money and living and be a member of society

I still don't know what is going on this thread is asking out why people with aspergers are on disability an so far ive gotten one person say they were on it but won't say why and the rest are ppl who say they aren't on it but see why some people are on it

but I WANT TO HEAR from ppl who are on it why they are on it not from other ppl an so far the one person just said "i have a tragic tale and won't elaborate on it" I mean how hard is it to tell us why you are on it you don't have to go into details just give us a reasonable idea of why. a tragedy isn't really elaborate enough for me to go yeah man you deserve that money or whatever.

You are clearly a bully. You don't have aspergers. You are just an a**hole.

If you were an aspie, you would understand what the problems would be and wouldn't be insulting people here constantly making such ignorant statements.


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09 Sep 2008, 9:15 pm

lionesss wrote:
This is interesting
This too
So is this
And so is this
This too

There is more but don't have the energy to post it all, but this should give you an idea of what we are dealing with... he's scattering his dirt everywhere, sadly its here too.

great find.
was starting to wonder if this really was a severe case of ignorance,more so than trolling,but hadnt read the whole of the previous post by him.....
at least he's kept WP busy for a bit tonight,after last nights crash/chatroom of thread titles.

>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist; http://theresidentialautist.blogspot.co.uk
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!


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09 Sep 2008, 9:17 pm

KingdomOfRats wrote:
lionesss wrote:
This is interesting
This too
So is this
And so is this
This too

There is more but don't have the energy to post it all, but this should give you an idea of what we are dealing with... he's scattering his dirt everywhere, sadly its here too.

great find.
was starting to wonder if this really was a severe case of ignorance,more so than trolling,but hadnt read the whole of the previous post by him.....
at least he's kept WP busy for a bit tonight,after last nights crash/chatroom of thread titles.

Oh I bet anything that he still has a lot more dirt to throw around, away from those places and away from here... lets see what other places he plans to invade, only time will tell :lol:

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09 Sep 2008, 9:18 pm

ProtossX wrote:
Folks im sorry if I came off as offensive if you review my post's you'll see im not attacking anyone and the whole offended by LFA people I WAS NOT offended by all LFA's

I was offended by certain LFA's saying bathroom problems is associated with Autism which it isn't and thats there own issue they need to deal with outside of autism

Also the reason im so weirded out about the asperger people on disability is because I believe deep down that these people can and do work I know its possibel because I have worked

Did I like it? HELL NO!

Do I like it enough to where I would rathe do it then live on the street <-------- BINGO BINGO BINGO! did anyone teach you people on disability anything like you're parents for instance are they proud of you currently etc?

Getting a job isn't something you're going to love to do PERIOD

you people on disability are using aspergers as a crutch IMO now and making up complaints like "I hate being around people I know Im different and it sucks, or I can't get past a job interview"

Heres a hint GO take a shower then drive or have someone drive you to a McDonalds that has Now hiring sign, ask to meet with a manager an fill out an application and tell him to call you THATS IT then walk right out the door fill out the sheet an send it in I guarantee you will be hired especially some of you aspies in college saying you can't handle a job envioronment BUT U CAN HANDLE A CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT?

seriously now come on the same basic rules apply in a classroom then in a work environment and the same accommodation's can be made for both so I don't buy all your complaints about unable to function in work environment but do fine in school, thats just lazyness.

Working is not some magical mystical thing and gettin a job, that only NT's can do. It's not only Aspies that have problems interacting wiht people its everyone PERIOD theres tons of people who have prolem's they dont all just say u know what i got turned down 40 times for different job's this month lets just go to the welfare office no they keep going and if they must they might have to live on the street or in a shelter till they can provide for themselves thats called life.

ProtossX perhaps you are unaware that there are vast differences between school and work. In class you are there to study. In work you are there to perform as a team. You can study advanced calculus by yourself in a classroom environment. The same is not true working with a team of others in McDonalds. Learning on the job in a fast-paced environment is not the same as studying for a written test at your convenience alone in your dorm room.

Advancement in a college depends largely on passing your courses and moving on to the next level because when you are in school the rules are pretty well laid out on a written syllabus for each of the courses that you are taking. You know what your homework assignments are you know what you need to do to pass the tests and you know what you need to get an "A", "B" and so forth.

Advancement at work into management depends largely on your ability to being accepted by other employees(i.e. "being able to fit in" and being looked at with management potential) without being looked at as a misfit.

Many people with Asperger's Syndrome find this very, very difficult because of the underlying complexities of the social interaction and not exactly knowing what type of behavioral style will get you to fit in. The devil in the details is that you don't have a cut and dry syllabus that tells you exactly what you need to do and not to do. It is sort of by trial and error and learning on the fly which is probably the most worst way you can learn.

Little oddball quirks in the class can be tolerated as long as you do not disrupt the class and do the assignments you are supposed to do. In a workplace you can be let go with or without cause. As long as the firing is not discriminatory all the boss has to tell you is that it's not working out and you're out the door. The boss doesn't have any obligation to tell you why. This might shed some light on why you are just flat out wrong in this regard.

Not through revolution but by evolution are all things accomplished in permanency.