garyww wrote:
I never assumed that I could spot people with autism or AS, not do I care to, so I should have been more specific. I meant that it was obvious from the way some people lead into their posts, for example "I'm not AS but I suspect it".
All I wanted to know is who is and who isn't. I don't care who posts here, after all they let me post here so it isn't a closed or invitational discussion board like some are.
And your querry is legitimate. Curiosity of other's Dx would be expected, yes? We're amongst friends, so garyww's question is valid and may be a way of establishing a dynamic amongst us...sort-of the 'Who's who of the Autistic Spectrum,' yes? And garyww has not insinuated any accusatory manner, just a question. Therefore, I answer in turn. Mutually understood, garyww.
Some on WP has different stories, some tragically sad, of how their 'discovered' their AS (or related diagnosis) and some are not officially Dxed but has sufficient cause to warrant this diagnostic label. Then some have chosen to pursue an offical Dx. This is acceptable and some of the older Aspies here I hold in awe - they've been through a lot! This should be recognized too.
My autism is noticable but that's all right, I am cognitively & sensory enhanced too; the 'Autistic Chemist.' In some ways, my identity.
For some, perhaps like Age1600 who just posted above me, the autism is noticable. And I like what Age1600 just wrote (!): paraphrase, "Basic autism at its best." Right on Age1600!
Another on Wrong Planet wrote about not just classic autism, but baroque autism, etc. Yes, why not?
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown