How Can We Prepare for Social Unrest & Civil Disorder?
Is voodoo real?
I really am curious as to what people do think about voodoo in that area. The only movie that ever actually kinda scared me was the Skeleton Key. That just didn't set right with me. Other ones, they might of well named it Scary Movie 17 or something. Not that I totally believe in voodoo, but I do believe in dark magic as every culture seems to have it's own version of it. It's kinda like the police questioning like 4 people individually, and they all come up with the same story. If that's enough evidence to make the police believe their statements are accurate, then I figure a bunch of different cultures coming up with similar stories on their own might also make it accurate.
But on the yellowstone thing, I remember hearing 5,000 years because I linked it in my head with the Mayan Calendar thing. I can't remember the exact terms you used which matches what i've seen in research, but the long thing you were talking about would be like 25ish thousand years as I remember, but the shorter thing is every 5,000 years. I kinda figure this whole thing will probably affect more psychics type of people than anything else, whether they are really psychic and feel something or whether they are faking and have a pscyhosematic (however you spell that) moment. But a lot of science channel shows are about the approach of natural disasters. I also remember hearing something about earth's magnetism changing like between the poles where south pole and north pole will flip magnetically. That just doesn't sound good either.
The last three at Yellowstone, 640,000, 1,200,000, 3,100,000, so not as predictable as the New Madrid which has been regular at 200 years, for several thousand years. Why there is a nine on the scale. Nothing to worry about, not since 1811. Then 1815 was the year without summer. We were also attacked by the British.
The old African view, very old, Jesus made a zombie, among other claims.
In general, partly understood science, which is what we have today. Comets, rain, storms, were the work of the gods.
A second version is the power of thought, and focus, drugs, charms, like Psychology. Psychology misses out on the upside. They will try to drive out evil spirits, but fear them, and have none of the important love and luck charm business. It is like they are trying to run 10% of the business badly.
Just about all cultures say we are not alone here.
The white religion is built on older ones, Spirits for Dummies. Good, Evil, one god, one devil, two unions, and the church will fix things for money.
The credit default swaps the Pope sprinkled with Holy water still became worthless, but he got his bonus anyway.
Now if you have an evil spirit to fight, don't take the word of some weak goody goody, what you need is a bigger evil spirit. Most spirits could care less about humans, just like humans, and some are easily annoyed by humans, just like humans, I have never heard of any that want to help humans, just like humans.
So basically it is degrees and kinds of evil spirits. Which we call Powers. Since these powers do control the world of man, if you understand them you can get what you want. It's going to cost you, but what's new?
The world runs on greed, lust, and doing harm to others, shows of power. I cite Congress.
The church calls it's evil good, and covers for congress.
They are only the worshipers of evil here on earth, not the evil it's self. Evil spirits often help someone to great power, then drop them, it is a drug of power, and an illusion. Religious leaders and politicians keep getting caught with cheap hookers in cheap motels, or cheating on their taxes, because they got away with everything else.
One day they wake up hated and broke, with no friends. Wall Street is a good example.
An older western view is Greece, where Pan causes Panic, Eros and Amore love, there are spirits of knowledge, and of hot sex. The Elder Gods all personified a human trait, so worship was very clear. Aphrodite and Isis were hot sex temples. There were religions for every human type.
This one size fits all is a Department Store model, selling on store credit cards with high interest.
The Elder Gods were single issue, which helps simple minded humans. Truth is is you focus on one thing, you have a much higher likelyhood of reaching your personal goal.
You are a human, so you want money, love, and if you work at it, it can happen, but just waiting has a low probility of outcome.
People do get stuck in ruts, others put curses on them. A person who's family tells them they are a failure, and who then goes and tells everyone you deal with that you are no good, will have bad luck.
Voodoo is cleansing them of evil, sending them to a town far away on a special mission, where their past does not follow, and now they have normal luck. Family, jelous friends, neighbors, are the biggest evils here.
Those who seek love are told they must learn everything about the person for the spell to work, but learning everything about the person is the spell. Then doing the things they like to do, wearing colors they like, having common goals, you do become more attractive.
When the girl says she wants to get away from her family, to have a home of her own, and the guy says he wants her to love him, he is told he must get a piece of land, bury a magic charm, then build a doorway over it, and start building a house. She is told of a man in a red shirt, he is told he must wear a red shirt, the power of magic.
People fall in two classes, those without developed spirits, and those who live more in the spirit. It is not something you get from a Degree in Theology. Then there are spirits without bodies, Physics and such. Rain Gods make the crops grow and cause floods that kill people. Then there are almost human spirits, who mostly seem single issue. Eros and Amore are roughly in the same business, they just do it different.
Humans produce the most evil, and dealing with that takes an awareness of evil.
Voodoo is a full sevice program that can be customized to fit your personal needs.
ooga-booga mojo.
i shall dance with the chickens.
i'll cast a spell on you................
seems like more fun than all this gun-crazy bunkering down.
Now that's a good idea! Investing in precious metals and I would advise everyone here to do just that. You can't go wrong. 9ct is a good number. How expensive is it?
That's true. It can be dangerous because no one's around. People can do what they want out there. I have this phobia about rural areas.
Relative expensive. The price of gold per gramme is with the low alloys two or three time higher than with higher alloys.
Also: The USA has no system of Hallmarking, so anyone can stamp their fineness into an object. So in this case, you may go for objects bearing Hallmarks of member states of the Hallmarking Convention:
That's true. It can be dangerous because no one's around. People can do what they want out there. I have this phobia about rural areas.[/quote]
Rural areas are freaky as sh**.
Jeepers Creepers
Children of the Corn (Short story - even scarier than movie)
I'm sure there are more. I've driven through some VERY rural areas and some, hell, most are pretty damned creepy.
Let's just say, the gene pool is pretty small.
Comprendre, c'est pardoner.
Now that's a good idea! Investing in precious metals and I would advise everyone here to do just that. You can't go wrong. 9ct is a good number. How expensive is it?
9ct aka 375 is the lowest grade of gold (37.5%) very commonly used for jewellry. A simple wedding band or earing weighs a few grams. You can find the scrap value by checking the buy quotes on scrap websites (the price you would recieve today) last time i checked a gram was about £6. So a wedding band equals about £10.
The advantage of 9ct was that on the 'street' gold was traded generally as if it was 9ct scrap, regardless of the purity. Im sure most people would give you a more reasonable price for bullion (which they could then sell to specialist dealer) but its like a £10 vs a £200 note.
Silver is a good bet, and traditionally undervalued at $15 an oz. The best form is coin, 90%, Standing liberty, quarters and halves, silver dollars, which sell on ebay for scrap prices.
What are called sliders in the trade, worn, no collector value, but no problem to trade. A silver dollar is $15, a half $7.50, a quarter $3.75, so easy to use for small private transactions.
Traditional ratios were 40 to 1, silver to gold, that would put gold at $600, it is over $900, 60 to 1.
With a silver dime now worth $1.50, so goes inflation, and we are likely to see hyper inflation, as we run the Weimar fix.
The smallest gold coin is the Chinese Panda, 1/10 oz, now $90, so silver fills the smaller needs, and has the best upside.
I have scored a lot of silver over time in thrift stores, the two oz bracelet for $6. Same for a twenty oz plate.
Watch your ebay shipping, high per coin, but rolls, bags, not bad. On good days I have scored below scrap prices, for it is a buyers market, with lots of people trying to raise cash from collections. Coin dealers and pawn shops will not pay more than 75%, so people go to ebay trying to beat that.
I think it is the best small savings right now. In a good market crash, which is likely, gold could go over $2,000 and silver will follow. Silver can double or triple within the year.
Silver is not "undervalued": Today silver is for a good part a by-product of the production of lead and gold.
This ratio changed over time drastically in favour of gold. The discovery of huge silver mines during 18th and 19th century devalued silver in repect of gold. But also on the long gold is loosing value in real terms: Much slower than silver, but it does.
With gold you had to see also that the Central Banks, although reducing their holding of gold since decades, still hold very significant amount. Alone the German Federal Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank) holds roughly 3.4 Gg of gold (world production ca. 1 Gg). So the gold price is open to the manipulation of the Central Banks.
No one of the big player in the world economy has an interest in a re-monetisation of gold - otherwise countries like Peru or South Africa would become suddenly the mayor player in the world currency.
True, but markets and good sense do not go together.
After the Comstock Mine, silver was $1 and gold $20, then gold went to $35. 20 to 1 to 40 to 1.
At 60 to 1 it is not overvalued.
All the big players want to print paper money, which always becomes worthless, a government IOU.
Our current situation is typical, faced with paying the Social Security of 45,000,000 War Babies, they stole our savings, crashed the market, and are now expanding the money supply, all at our expense, as Social Security is not based on any true value, cost of living, just dollars.
They stole the biggest pile of money around, and wrote down their future costs.
Traditionally, real estate was the best inflation hedge, but not this time.
So dumping dollars for long term secure investments, there are not a lot of choices left.
You can never sell a diamond for anywhere near what you paid for it, art is down, food is hard to carry, that leaves gold and silver.
Right now we have deflation, dollars buy a lot more than a year ago. The United States has nothing left but the printing press, hyper inflation is coming.
Hence I see dollars becoming worth 1/4, perhaps 1/10 of present buying power.
Gold is price fixing between banks, silver has a free market price, and I think the best poor man's hedge against inflation. Coin is 90%, so set purity and weights built in.
My long term bets are in the means of production and commercial property, that will take another year or two. Preserving the value of assets in the short term leaves few choices.
"Coin" is in the US not really clear which alloy is described. Silver items with alloy named "coin" was mad in the 18th and 19th century of very different purity. The standard of the silver coins was only later fixed on 900/1000 Ag.
The most US-Silver is "Sterling": 925/1000 Ag. But: As said above, the US never developed a external controlled system of Hallmarking by which an independent institution, aka Assay Office, does test the alloy and verify the content with a special mark ("Hallmark" in the strict sense). Therefore buying US-silver is a matter of trust regarding the producer.
Sounds for me much more reasonable than to buy silver or gold.
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I don't know a lot about silver, but it's my understanding that unlike gold, which is basically only good for hoarding and looking at, silver has considerable use as an industrial material, despite the decline in non-digital photography.
I don't know the relative influence on the price of silver of it's status as an industrial metal versus it's status as a precious metal.
If the price of silver is largely determined by industrial use, I wouldn't expect to see the price going up for a while, same as copper or aluminum.
This has nothing to do with economics, but there's very few things as pretty as gold when it appears and disappears in the bottom of a gold pan. Gold jewelry is just a pale fragment of the memory of the stuff's real beauty.
They murdered boys in Mississippi. They shot Medgar in the back.
Did you say that wasn't proper? Did you march out on the track?
You were quiet, just like mice. And now you say that we're not nice.
Well thank you buddy for your advice...
Gold is also used for industrial purposes but the amount would be hardy enough to keep one single gold mine mine open.
Silver is today still used for jewellery, but to a much lesser extent for domestic use (plates, vases, pot etc.). In former times any "better" household must had his real pate - the more, the better. This times are gone.
Given the fact that the most silver is today a by-product of the production of other metal and a lot of silver is used for industrial purposes I don't assume that the silver price will raise significantly.
With gold it is different - Even I do not see the reason in investing in gold, short term speculation can produce here strange results (in both directions).
Xfractor Card #351
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glen beck is a fear mongerer, the guy shouldnt be alowed in broadcasting period. hes also mormon betch $10 the garden of eden was in missouri dude! reguardless i'll believe civil unrest an anarchy when i see it, until then then media shure does a great job at scaring people
Winds of clarity. a universal understanding come and go, I've seen though the Darkness to understand the bounty of Light
Americans have a very wild west reputation, but civil unrest and anarchy does not work here.
As an Algerian I know said, "if there were as many guns in my country, the shooting would never stop."
We do not have that many, only two per man woman and child, 600,000,000, and the government has another million.
We do not have football riots.
We do not do what the French do.
Where Europe has a government planned economy, we don't have any plan, lay off the workers, they give the house back to the bank and leave. Now it is on the bank to promote the economy.
Lay off the workers, they go form their own companies, and take the rest of your business.
A lot of the computer market was driven by IBM layoffs in 1980.
Our right wing Senators do go on talk shows and call for armed uprisings, so did Charles Manson.
They lost, they are bitter, and what is worse, is their whole program, sound money, well regulated economic systems, and low taxes, is being put in place by Socialist watermellon growers and Princeton eggheads.
They are the ones standing up to the Unions, the auto companies, the banks, brokerages, insurance, ands like Madoff, they are being allowed to stay in the penthouse till conviction.
We own AIG, we Own Citi, Bank of America, and we are going to take them apart.
Suddenly auto prices are down by half. Our houses are not worth much, but that is the bank's problem.
There are at least a million foreclosures sitting empty, and each is costing $1,000 a month, out of bank assets. That Billion a month is coming out of mortgage funds.
Breaking the big banks and brokers means the government gains almost all mortgages, and will have to sell them, to the 90% who are still making their payments, at current market, and 4% interest.
We own Fanny and Freddie, they hold half of all mortgages.
As Shela Blair, the head of FDIC said today, "Nothing is too big to fail."
The CEO of GM was told to clean out his desk, security escorted him off the property, with a box containing $23,000,000. He was given to March 31 to make it work, then fired.
The bankers have been bluffing, the Stress Test, the Nothing is too big to fail, they are next.
The higher the risk to the system, the higher capital demanded, will fold Hedge Funds.
The floor of The New York Stock Exchange is not a branch of Leyman, Bear Stearns, Madoff, it is where corporations raise capital, and investors support them.
Congress has shown that it is not fit to regulate the economy, and it takes bribes.
I favor going after the rich, a flat 3% tax on assets, as there will not be any income to tax.
A second way is printing money, watering down their power.
What can they do? Call for a labor tax on the unemployed?
Glen Beck is giant douchebag. Glad he's over at Fox. Now if they could just shuttle Nancy Grace off to Fox...
Comprendre, c'est pardoner.
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