Horus wrote:
richardbenson wrote:
thats fine horus. just dont ask for money at the end of your
"hey guys, i need some help in understanding what i might have?"
see now. are we going to get into it agian? golly i hope not.
I didn't and I won't. As tempting as it would be for me.....I just don't have the b***s to ask strangers on the internet (or strangers anywhere for that matter) for any financial assistance. Hopefully i'll be able to scare up the money for this soon on my own anyway. I have an appt. with my OVR counselor on Monday and she told me the first priority is helping me to find a job. I totally concur with that as I have $69 to my name right now. My family helps me with all my basic living necessities... but that's it. They will not even lend me the money for the procedure in question and I know better than to even ask. If they really believed the problems I sincerely believe I have were real, (that is....having a genuine neurological etiology) they might. No matter what I do or say though....I can't convince them these problems seem very real to me and are likely to be very neurologically (rather than UNINTENTIONALLY exaggerated or wholly imagined on my part) based. My insurance (which my family pays for) won't cover any of these diagnostic procedures (an MRI and/or a PET scan.....and any I would have which MIGHT detect the origin/s , nature and extent of the problems i'm speaking of would need to be very specific) and thus I have no other recourse here at this time. Assuming these problems are real.......all I can say is that there's every reason to believe they have been far more debilitating to me than all the other neurological/psychological issues I have combined.
There's a study running right now in New York on diagnostic testing with FMRI's (Functional).
The details are:
Jessica Raithel
Phyllis Green and Randolph Cowen Institute for Pediatric Neuroscience
NYU Child Study Center
215 Lexington Ave., 14th Floor
NY, NY 10016
They will pay you to diagnose you with aspergers, even if you have been diagnosed with aspergers (I think they prefer you to have a diagnosis already).
Anyway, don't worry that they are a Pediatric department, they are actually testing adults.
Good Luck and I hope that helps!