Your Aspie score: 161 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 37 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
I recall trying various online tests at the beginning of last year (when I'd just heard of Asperger's) and scoring only marginally Aspie in some cases.
After I'd done some reading, I took the tests again, and was quite surprised by the fact that I could now see that:
1) I'd guessed responses,
2) I'd responded with the answers that I'd /learned/ were the "correct" things to say.
3) or finally, and most significantly, I hadn't even understood what the question was about!
On the repeats, I tried to answer as honestly as I could.
All my scores were rather more AS.
A third time, I tested the tests. I.e. I looked to see how high or low I could make my scores. Most of them I managed both extremes - zero and max.
PS. I still don't understand some of the questions.
So... in 59 years, I've managed to learn how to fake being NT pretty well. At least as well as an NT handles it all... by the age of five!