StonedRoach wrote:
No. I just feel he's in the wrong by saying what all he did. Then again, I'll just shut up, I'm being a hipocrit by judging him.
LOL. This drives me crazy. It's unPC to judge whether someone else is being an idiot or not. That's not hypocrisy - it's critical thinking. And I'm all for it.
This is what I have to deal with as a special ed teacher. Kids who have been dx'd, maybe misdx'd, at a very young age so they grow up thinking they're special and a victim and no one else has the right to steal away the attention they think is
solely entitled to them. In other words, they're brats, and while I'm professionally bound not to call them that at work, I feel no such inhibition here. That aspie17's foaming at the mouth about supposed "attention whores" is simply because he is one (clinically, that's called "projection" - you see, if he gets to go around dx'ing other people, we should be able to dx him too). Obviously he has been made an attention whore, but he's still accountable for his behavior, so it's his own damn fault that he insists on staying one and bullying other people so he can claim center stage all for himself. For that, he does not get any sympathy from me.
Getting a dx is not an official certificate of entitlement or a free pass to play the victim all your life. It does not bestow you with any authority, least of which is the authority to decide who does and does not have AS. It's simply a professional acknowledgement that there are things
you need to
work on. I don't think aspie17 has figured that out yet. But for anyone going around boasting about having an IQ of 88, I suspect that realization is going to be a pretty big challenge in and of itself.