magz wrote:
skibum wrote:
Isn't selecting behaviors and monitoring to achieve goals just another way of saying decision making and prioritizing?
Decision making and prioriterizing in EF does not need to be concious. In healthy EF most of it isn't.This is exactly what I've observed. This is one of the main differences between having it from not.
In my experience, it's a form of an intuitive 'bleep' sign and some form of knowing.
Within less than a second, the answers 'what to do first? Then what? And then what? And then what?? Pros and cons, Etc...' Are usually answered.
'Timing' in everything; conversations, activity, reactions... Instead of this awkward uncertainty that leads to over thinking or 'being slow'.
This 'sound judgment' based on your entire library of experiences and knowledge, that 'scope of awareness' that leads to foresight and insight, that ability to sharp turn between focused topic or activity... 'Visualizations' of timelines, that 'mini grocery lists', that 'note to self/reminders'...
All of these. Humans don't process these manually, nor realize these things exists at all. These are 'tools' that I already have AND I'd want it accessible. Consistent and constant access to this, is the biggest ticket to my personal freedom and independence. If only that were true...
No amount of 'teaching', repetition, or techniques could emulate it; I've tried for years.
But I do know the difference... I'd always remember and hold that memory of having it so tight.