I scored 146.
I didn't realize that 'checking in' with someone else to see if they know what I'm feeling or what I'm supposed to be feeling (because I know that I should feel differently than I often feel or I can sense something is going on but I have no idea what) was symptomatic of a disorder.
My therapist keeps asking me how I know when I'm tense (the answers are when I can't move my arms properly, when I've ripped a muscle in my legs or when it feels like cold water is climbing my body)--I guess I didn't realize that this reaction is unusual. I thought everyone's emotions were expressed in their body, and less in their 'feels'.
I have a vivid imagination, but this doesn't stop me from having some of the other symptoms. I guess I think it's a little weird that imagining things is supposed to be emotional.
I do get very, very tired of being told I don't care by friends and/or lovers--if I didn't care, I wouldn't be actively pursuing a relationship with that person (and putting up with their exhausting crap, and altering the way I do things because they need me to do more of x or less of y.)
RAADS-R: 181
Eye Expression Test: 19
Alexithymic: Please explain conclusions if asked
The feels are shipped in by train once a week--Friday, I'm in love.