How Many People Here Are actually Autistic or have Aspergers
Age1600 wrote:
I always wondered if anybody can tell if im autistic by the way i type or what my posts are about. i have mini videos of me on the ning network, i'm prob add more soon, jsut right now haven't got a chance to take any new videos. i only put videos of me from my cell because thats the only way i know how to, if i figure out how to put other videos on, ill put some on of me signing for class also. anyways i'm diagnosed, i'm an autie, and a touretter, if you met me you'd see it both in me, depending on the situation, time, day, place, and how long you hang with me your either see me as severely or high functioning if you spend the whole day with me your see im just around moderate haha, because i can seem only high functioning for a little bit then the rest of the time its basic autism at its best lol.
No, you cant tell by how you write. You are very bright and have an active mind like a great teenager. There's no "impaired" trait.
The way you can tell by peoples' posts that they have AS is the stuff they say, what they talk about in terms of their issues, difficulties, experiences and interpretations of NTs. It's when they talk about the AS and their traits and their queries about themselves as AS people, that it becomes obvious that they're not "weird and strange" NTs collecting here because they are strange and lonely.
ephemerella wrote:
Age1600 wrote:
I always wondered if anybody can tell if im autistic by the way i type or what my posts are about. i have mini videos of me on the ning network, i'm prob add more soon, jsut right now haven't got a chance to take any new videos. i only put videos of me from my cell because thats the only way i know how to, if i figure out how to put other videos on, ill put some on of me signing for class also. anyways i'm diagnosed, i'm an autie, and a touretter, if you met me you'd see it both in me, depending on the situation, time, day, place, and how long you hang with me your either see me as severely or high functioning if you spend the whole day with me your see im just around moderate haha, because i can seem only high functioning for a little bit then the rest of the time its basic autism at its best lol.
No, you cant tell by how you write. You are very bright and have an active mind like a great teenager. There's no "impaired" trait.
The way you can tell by peoples' posts that they have AS is the stuff they say, what they talk about in terms of their issues, difficulties, experiences and interpretations of NTs. It's when they talk about the AS and their traits and their queries about themselves as AS people, that it becomes obvious that they're not "weird and strange" NTs collecting here because they are strange and lonely.
haha thats funny you said teenager, because doctors have always said to my family that mentally i wont age past 12 or 13, and i always wondered that. I think it was maybe 5 or 6 years ago, I typed much different, i didnt type in sentences, i'll give ya an example. Instead of saying If i wanted to say "I went to the mall, got pants, a shirt and ended melting down as I came hom"... it would come out as "went da mall, gotz mah self sum pants shirt lata melteddown" Its sorta funny looking back on how i use to type to now, in fact I took me so long to figure out how to type sentences, and phrases, and etc. I'm very proud of how I can type hehe, so thanks for your compliment !
Being Normal Is Vastly Overrated
garyww wrote:
The keyboard is a hard taskmaster.
I don't reed and right to well but I am good at spelling.
I don't reed and right to well but I am good at spelling.
yea, i can only tyep on these keyboards that are wavy if their straight i finger type haha. I was amazing at spelling in elemantary school, then somehow i lost it all lol, now thankfuilly you can highlight a word to get the right spelling sometimes, saves me a bunch hehe.
Being Normal Is Vastly Overrated
Age1600 wrote:
haha thats funny you said teenager, because doctors have always said to my family that mentally i wont age past 12 or 13, and i always wondered that. I think it was maybe 5 or 6 years ago, I typed much different, i didnt type in sentences, i'll give ya an example. Instead of saying If i wanted to say "I went to the mall, got pants, a shirt and ended melting down as I came hom"... it would come out as "went da mall, gotz mah self sum pants shirt lata melteddown" Its sorta funny looking back on how i use to type to now, in fact I took me so long to figure out how to type sentences, and phrases, and etc. I'm very proud of how I can type hehe, so thanks for your compliment !
Oh, I wasn't talking about how you type or how you structure your sentences. I'm not an expert about language. The other day when you were talking about how you had a bad time with that (excuse my language) as*hole policeman, you weren't at all immature about it. I'm not an expert with how people write sentences, but you seem more emotionally mature than a 12 or 13 year old, when talking about that upsetting experience. Your typing just looks like the email my boss used to send from his Blackberry.
ephemerella wrote:
-Vorzac- wrote:
I have had 3 different medical professionals diagnose me, (though I havn't gotten a piece of paper yet.) and one was a specialist in autistics.
The funny thing is, since I came to this board, I feel like a complete outsider. Everyone I've met bar a few have not been on my wavelength. I've met trolls, flamers, liars and right0wing concervetives, and religeous fanatics. People have talked down to me, and insulted me and defied the truth of my statements as I have done then.
What's really funnny? I don't think I have aspergers anymore. Because I certainly don't act like some of hte more unpleasent people here, even if I can be unpleasent myself. I've always attacked people by their character, not whether they're more autistic or not.
The Militant Us-And-Them attitude here is sickening. Still, what can you expect form idiots with no theory of mind, who aren't smart enough to read a psychology textbook and learn that We.Are.All.Humans.
Half of you are lovley nice people, and I wish you well in the future. the other half I wouldn't waste my spit on.
The funny thing is, since I came to this board, I feel like a complete outsider. Everyone I've met bar a few have not been on my wavelength. I've met trolls, flamers, liars and right0wing concervetives, and religeous fanatics. People have talked down to me, and insulted me and defied the truth of my statements as I have done then.
What's really funnny? I don't think I have aspergers anymore. Because I certainly don't act like some of hte more unpleasent people here, even if I can be unpleasent myself. I've always attacked people by their character, not whether they're more autistic or not.
The Militant Us-And-Them attitude here is sickening. Still, what can you expect form idiots with no theory of mind, who aren't smart enough to read a psychology textbook and learn that We.Are.All.Humans.
Half of you are lovley nice people, and I wish you well in the future. the other half I wouldn't waste my spit on.
I've highlighted the bits you seem to have overlooked in your attack.
I think your post is extremely judgmental and negative, and very insulting to AS people.
No, I was attacking STUPID people. There's a big difference. Not all aspies are stupid, as many on this board will show you. Some however, are arrogant and obnoxious enough to cause a kneejerk reaction.
It is far more negative than any negativity that you appear to claim to have been exposed to.
Oh, what about Slowmutant calling me a nazi because of my views on Satanism?
The AS you think are empathetic are those you will accept, the rest ("idiots with no theory of mind") are so contemptible you wouldn't waste your spit on them.
In my experience, my real life experience, of Aspies, they have been arrogant, or at least seemed to be so. Arrogance is somethign that strikes a nerve with me, and I lose my temper quickly. I accept people who are kind to me or others, not people who claim superiority because of thier poxy nuerons.
If some manifestations of the disabilities of social skills impairment are so despicable to you, how can you tolerate being here?
Don't talk to me about being disabled, I'm a schizophrenic. I was nearly thrown out of f*****g college becuase the rest of the class were scared that I would murder them, for no reason other than I told them about my illness. So don't f*****g preach to me about picking on people with disabilities.
Anyway, I point back to the Judging people by their personality.
Do you have similar feelings about people who have muscular dystrophy?
People with muscular dystrophy don't claim to be intellectually superior to everyone without their illness. Stop trying to be clever, and think about your argument.
You like those who tend to lurch to the left but spit on those who tend to lurch to the right?
Well, I am something of a socialist.
Is not your own judgmental animus a form of the same kind of unempathetic intolerance that you accuse the "Us-and-Them" people of having.
I am angered by the fact that people can be so outspokenly misanthropic of a whole group of people. I am angered by people who read about aspergers on the internet and get angry when a medical professional does not diagnose them. people have come on to this forum, tried to talk sense to us, and many of us chase them away. People hear don't listen. I doubt you've read my post and listened to my full intent, instead of piking out choice phrases to make a straw man argument.
(or worse?)
Oh, so I'm the antichrist now, am I? Calling doctors idiots for not diagnosing you with the desease Du Jour is fine. But telling people in a sardonic way that you think they should grow up and change is suddenly the root of all evil. Thats very aspie thinking, that is.
As my friend said "A community built around a Neurological disorder and a lack of empathy can't be but a bit unhinged'
Well, if you really want to experience "unhinged", try going to a politics blogs as someone from the other party, or religious blogs as someone contradicting the beliefs, or go to any place and unload on how crummy and despicable half of the community is, and see how unhinged they get
I'm not here to flame, as angry as I get. I stay on this forum in the hope that I can change people for the better. Maybe my phrasing's bad, but if you look through my posts, you'll see good and bad. admittedly the bad are longer.
But this is exactly the wrong attitude, the attitude I hate, the fact that anyone asking for change is pissed upon as a troll.
garyww wrote:
I just realized how rude I was with the question. It never occured to me to lead into it a little better.
Understood. Sorry if I mistook you for a troll who declares all of us fakers--we've had that before. I just don't see Asperger's as an exclusive club which needs to be guarded against so-called frauds. I've been professionally diagnosed, BTW, but I don't want to whip that out as an Authentic Autistic Person Card whenever this subject comes up. Thanks for clarifying your intentions.
neshamaruach wrote:
-Vorzac- wrote:
What's really funnny? I don't think I have aspergers anymore. Because I certainly don't act like some of hte more unpleasent people here, even if I can be unpleasent myself. I've always attacked people by their character, not whether they're more autistic or not.
The Militant Us-And-Theem attitude here is sickening. Still, what can you expect form idiots with no theory of mind, who aren't smart enough to read a psychology textbook and learn that We.Are.All.Humans.
Half of you are lovley nice people, and I wish you well in the future. the other half I wouldn't waste my spit on.
As my friend said 'A community built around a Neurological disorder and a lack of empathy can't be but a bit unhinged'
The Militant Us-And-Theem attitude here is sickening. Still, what can you expect form idiots with no theory of mind, who aren't smart enough to read a psychology textbook and learn that We.Are.All.Humans.
Half of you are lovley nice people, and I wish you well in the future. the other half I wouldn't waste my spit on.
As my friend said 'A community built around a Neurological disorder and a lack of empathy can't be but a bit unhinged'
A few points:
I try to be constructive here, and I have AS.
I am very, very empathetic (once someone verbalizes what's going on) and I have AS.
I do not flame anyone or shove my religion down anyone's throat (it's against my religion to do that) and I have AS.
I have read many psychology textbooks, and the people in my life are nearly all NT, and I love them all. And I have AS.
So what's not to like? Why throw away your diagnosis because you've found some lousy people around here. There are lousy people everywhere. Concentrate on the good people and hope for the best with the others. That's what I do, anyway, and that way, I get support for what's going on with me and I can try to be helpful to people having a tough time.
When I hear the us-and-them thing going on here, I figure that it's either coming from younger people who have been through bullying and the sting is still very fresh, or that it's coming from people who have had a lot of bad experiences in their lives and have chosen a life of taking sides. I don't take the us-and-them thing very seriously, because it's way too simplistic. But that's just me. To each his/her own.
As for this community being unhinged--it's no more unhinged than any other community. Ever belong to a religious community? An academic community? A corporate community? I've belonged to all three. I no longer belong to any of them. I prefer a life of sanity.
I apologise if I caused any offence, I wasn't thinking particularly straight when I posted this. I must say that you are one of Aspies that have shown sense, and I wish you well
srriv345 wrote:
garyww wrote:
I just realized how rude I was with the question. It never occured to me to lead into it a little better.
Understood. Sorry if I mistook you for a troll who declares all of us fakers--we've had that before. I just don't see Asperger's as an exclusive club which needs to be guarded against so-called frauds. I've been professionally diagnosed, BTW, but I don't want to whip that out as an Authentic Autistic Person Card whenever this subject comes up. Thanks for clarifying your intentions.
That's what I also thought of him. I guess he isn't after all.
-Vorzac- wrote:
I'm not here to flame, as angry as I get. I stay on this forum in the hope that I can change people for the better. Maybe my phrasing's bad, but if you look through my posts, you'll see good and bad. admittedly the bad are longer.
Fair enough, I was just responding to that one post without knowing anything about your other ones. So I should not have generalized my comments to drawing inferences about your ideas about AS people.
But this is exactly the wrong attitude, the attitude I hate, the fact that anyone asking for change is pissed upon as a troll.
I didn't piss on you as a troll and I didn't see that your post was asking for change. I just saw that you were dumping on AS people who had certain social skills issues for being "idiots with no theory of mind" "not worth your spit". I didn't accuse you of being a troll, just that the post was insulting.
But I have verbal outbursts too when I am deeply annoyed. So I can relate about not phrasing something well!
garyww wrote:
I also didn't realize that this was a question that somebody else had already posted. I didn't mean it to be a rehash of old news. It just seemed like the obvious thing to ask at the time.
I do not see why you should have known the entire history of the board. Since there is no rule about people having AS in order to post, it is a very reasonable question. I also feel curious about new 'environments' I find myself in.
-Vorzac- wrote:
ephemerella wrote:
I think your post is extremely judgmental and negative, and very insulting to AS people.
No, I was attacking STUPID people. There's a big difference. Not all aspies are stupid, as many on this board will show you. Some however, are arrogant and obnoxious enough to cause a kneejerk reaction.
It is far more negative than any negativity that you appear to claim to have been exposed to.
Oh, what about Slowmutant calling me a nazi because of my views on Satanism?
The AS you think are empathetic are those you will accept, the rest ("idiots with no theory of mind") are so contemptible you wouldn't waste your spit on them.
In my experience, my real life experience, of Aspies, they have been arrogant, or at least seemed to be so. Arrogance is somethign that strikes a nerve with me, and I lose my temper quickly. I accept people who are kind to me or others, not people who claim superiority because of thier poxy nuerons.
Just one more thought. A lot of AS people get dumped on for their social skills problems in the NT world. It is more than a little unfair for you to vent your disapproval of their flavor of social skills issues on them here. I.e. AS people aren't congregated here so that you can praise the ones you admire and be verbally abusive to those you think are poor examples of the syndrome.
I wonder just how much of your antipathy toward those kind of hated AS people (the "arrogant" ones), is just a form of venting hatred at your own AS traits that you dislike. So you may be taking out your own frustration with your own AS on other AS people here who you think embody those traits you dislike. I think that any time your posts get to the point of being verbally abusive is a good time to question where all that toxicity is coming from. Sucking up to "nice" AS people and being verbally abusive to "arrogant" ones, is pretty dysfunctional social behavior, too. So your judgmental inappropriate verbal behavior would put you in the category of those as*holes you despise.
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