Quit whining and just do it.
Some people here seem to think having Aspergers makes them superior or something, and that they shouldn't have to do something because they don't like it.
Some people want more special treatment, when I want the label Aspergers to be destroyed. Its just an excuse for special treatment, and I seriously dislike it.
I have no problems with my Aspergers, I have problems with the way they 'treat' it.
What about your own dislike about people posting threads about things they don't like?
What would you say if someone told you "just to get over" that??

Some people here seem to think having Aspergers makes them superior or something, and that they shouldn't have to do something because they don't like it.
Some people want more special treatment, when I want the label Aspergers to be destroyed. Its just an excuse for special treatment, and I seriously dislike it.
I have no problems with my Aspergers, I have problems with the way they 'treat' it.
You claim you are tired of people whining about what they don't like, and then you whine about how you don't like the label 'aspergers'.

If aspergers was destroyed I would drown. I'd probably be off rotting in some institution or maybe even dead. Maybe it hasn't done jack squat for you, I can accept that. But it has saved my life. This 'special treatment' as you call it, has helped a lot of people.
You have no problems with your aspergers? Great. I'm happy for you. Don't dump on those of us that do.

Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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Posts: 13,488
Location: Bandon-by-the-Sea, Oregon
Some people here seem to think having Aspergers makes them superior or something, and that they shouldn't have to do something because they don't like it.
Some people want more special treatment, when I want the label Aspergers to be destroyed. Its just an excuse for special treatment, and I seriously dislike it.
I have no problems with my Aspergers, I have problems with the way they 'treat' it.
What about your own dislike about people posting threads about things they don't like?
What would you say if someone told you "just to get over" that??

thank you, AnnePande. I had thought of that as well, but didn't want the grief by mentioning it.
I usually whine while I am doing it anyway, personally.
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon
Some people here seem to think having Aspergers makes them superior or something, and that they shouldn't have to do something because they don't like it.
Some people want more special treatment, when I want the label Aspergers to be destroyed. Its just an excuse for special treatment, and I seriously dislike it.
I have no problems with my Aspergers, I have problems with the way they 'treat' it.
To have Asperger's and to have no problems is a contradiction. Even though AS/Autistics find comfort in our conditions, each and every one of us struggles with something on a daily basis, be it sensory issues, social issues, communication issues, etc.. To say that you're sick of people complaining about things on a SUPPORT FORUM would be another contradiction. If you don't like it here, then don't come here anymore.
To write a condescending note to the people on here is a superiority complex in itself. WrongPlanet.net is a support forum. A place where we're supposed to feel comfortable interacting and relating with fellow ASDs. Not a place where we're supposed to feel belittled by ignorance, arrogance, and superiority complexes.
Its like telling an overweight person that wants to lose wait to stop eating as much.
Sure some people can't help it if they have medical issues, but most people are just fat and lazy.
I remember being just like you guys. I convinced myself that I couldn't do it.
Then one day I got tired of using everything as an excuse and just did it.
I've got a friend with Aspergers who is always saying "I NEED to use the computer to write." and "I NEED teachers to personally ask me for work" and stuff, and I went to his house once and I found out from his siblings that he's always been spoilt rotten and given everything hes wanted.
Its a state of mind.
Just do it and stop whining.
Some people here seem to think having Aspergers makes them superior or something, and that they shouldn't have to do something because they don't like it.
Some people want more special treatment, when I want the label Aspergers to be destroyed. Its just an excuse for special treatment, and I seriously dislike it.
I have no problems with my Aspergers, I have problems with the way they 'treat' it.
You claim you are tired of people whining about what they don't like, and then you whine about how you don't like the label 'aspergers'.

If aspergers was destroyed I would drown. I'd probably be off rotting in some institution or maybe even dead. Maybe it hasn't done jack squat for you, I can accept that. But it has saved my life. This 'special treatment' as you call it, has helped a lot of people.
You have no problems with your aspergers? Great. I'm happy for you. Don't dump on those of us that do.
Because my Aspergers gets me excused for everything.
I just want to do stuff on my own without people going "Oh, we should let him pass this year cuz he has aspergers" or something.
I know out of experience that many people abuse the label.
Its like telling an overweight person that wants to lose wait to stop eating as much.
Sure some people can't help it if they have medical issues, but most people are just fat and lazy.
I remember being just like you guys. I convinced myself that I couldn't do it.
Then one day I got tired of using everything as an excuse and just did it.
I've got a friend with Aspergers who is always saying "I NEED to use the computer to write." and "I NEED teachers to personally ask me for work" and stuff, and I went to his house once and I found out from his siblings that he's always been spoilt rotten and given everything hes wanted.
Its a state of mind.
Just do it and stop whining.
If it was a state of mind none of us here would even HAVE Asperger's since we would have grown up, stopped whining, and snapped out of all those traits.
Take ambient deafness for example. I can't choose to 'stop whining' and hear different patterns. Unless you come close to me and yell louder than all the other stimuli in that room, I won't hear you.
'You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hands on me, one last time' (Breaking Benjamin)
Its like telling an overweight person that wants to lose wait to stop eating as much.
Sure some people can't help it if they have medical issues, but most people are just fat and lazy.
I remember being just like you guys. I convinced myself that I couldn't do it.
Then one day I got tired of using everything as an excuse and just did it.
I've got a friend with Aspergers who is always saying "I NEED to use the computer to write." and "I NEED teachers to personally ask me for work" and stuff, and I went to his house once and I found out from his siblings that he's always been spoilt rotten and given everything hes wanted.
Its a state of mind.
Just do it and stop whining.
Some people here seem to think having Aspergers makes them superior or something, and that they shouldn't have to do something because they don't like it.
Some people want more special treatment, when I want the label Aspergers to be destroyed. Its just an excuse for special treatment, and I seriously dislike it.
I have no problems with my Aspergers, I have problems with the way they 'treat' it.
You claim you are tired of people whining about what they don't like, and then you whine about how you don't like the label 'aspergers'.

If aspergers was destroyed I would drown. I'd probably be off rotting in some institution or maybe even dead. Maybe it hasn't done jack squat for you, I can accept that. But it has saved my life. This 'special treatment' as you call it, has helped a lot of people.
You have no problems with your aspergers? Great. I'm happy for you. Don't dump on those of us that do.
Because my Aspergers gets me excused for everything.
I just want to do stuff on my own without people going "Oh, we should let him pass this year cuz he has aspergers" or something.
I know out of experience that many people abuse the label.
You're 14. What do you know? You have no life experience what so ever.
Being 14 doesn't make him a moron. His BEHAVIOUR makes him a moron.
People have their own life experiences. I'm 19, but I could point to plenty of people aged 40-50 who seem to have learned less than me from their lives. They still blame others for their own mistakes. They still spout ignorance and bigotry instead of learning from others.
Who should be listened to with more weight, a 16 year old who is tolerant and understanding of people, or a 50 year old right wing racist?
I do agree with you that views like these come from his immaturity and will probably learn better with age. But age alone doesn't mean you don't know anything.
'You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hands on me, one last time' (Breaking Benjamin)
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 31 May 2009
Age: 47
Gender: Female
Posts: 27
Location: California, US
so... should we do away with ADA regulations because it's 'special treatment' for people in wheelchairs? or closed captioning because it's 'special treatment' for the deaf? Let's take braille off things like ATM's because it's 'special treatment' for the blind. (that was an attempt at sarcasm, btw)
I think the problem here isn't the so called 'special treatment' but that someone feels like other's not being able to overcome their AS symptoms somhow reflects poorly on him. I know I don't feel any 'special treatment' in my lack of friends, my inability to go to a sit down restaraunt... or any of the other things I just 'can't do'.
As far as this 'spoiled rotten' theory goes... I was a latch key kid who was brutalized by my older sister, had my toys stolen by my own father for drugs, and was ridiculed by my classmtes for my hand-me-down clothes. Not to mention my near death at 14 because my mother thouht I was faking appendicitis for attention. Yeah... I totally feel spoiled.
I'm very happy you can 'just do it' Al. But if you don't want to be helpful... kindly 'do it' somewhere else.
I stoled this signature
Spoon!! !
There is no spoon...
There is only Zul
Well come on Daniel, quit whining and Just do it. For me. Please. I hate that slogan. I live in a suburb neighboring the one with Nike headquarters itself and I was four years old when that jerk Weiden inspired it. I got to grow up undiagnosed at the height of that advertising campaign with nobody believing me when I tried to explain I was not just lazy when entire skillsets would vanish in response to changes in context and stimuli. I've seen you do insert skill here before, Just Do It already you lazy punk.
I just want to do stuff on my own without people going "Oh, we should let him pass this year cuz he has aspersion" or something.
I know out of experience that many people abuse the label.
Yeah, that would get on my nerves to. How 'many people'? Because as you can see, there are also many people that have benefited from such a 'label' and aren't just using it.
"Oh, we should let him pass this year cuz he has aspergers"
You're so lucky!

Where I am, they're not letting me in the gifted classes even though I am well smart enough because I might 'scare' the other kids. They suggested 'lower' classes instead! They're certainly not letting me 'pass this year cuz she haz aspergers', they're doing the opposite of that. So don't just assume that's how things are going for you! But if it is, again, tell them to go screw themselves!8O
They wanted to fail me basically every year of school I attended until I finally decided to just get my GED rather then go through High School. I only did homework if I felt I needed the practice or if I could get it finished in the time between it being handed to me and getting off the bus at home. This lead to quite a few times where my homework for say math class, would get confiscated from me next period when I was doing it in social studies during the lecture. I went from perfect attendance in kindergarten to attending 50% of days in the eight grade. The lowest grade I ever got on a test was a B. But they wanted to fail me or just plain not consider me a student.
If it had been recognized at that point I was on the spectrum, they might have cut me some slack but I somehow doubt it. As far as anybody in authority was concerned, I demonstrated the ability to do things some times so I needed to be made to do them all the time. No excuses accepted. I am 25 and just now getting my parents to understand that when somebody has a brain that operates on stimulus differently than yours, you can very rapidly cross the line from being motivating into being emotionally abusive by virtue of the implication that I just have to try harder.
I vehemently reject the concept of that green jerk who said, "do or do not, there is no try." Instead I say "Try, Try again, Try smarter, Try differently. Do Your Best. Then Do Better."