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07 Jun 2009, 3:46 am

Silver_Meteor wrote:
ShadesOfMe wrote:
They stole that from Cracked. Cracked had that up first. They even stole the pictures from it. I posted about this awhile back. These people are such idiots that they can't even write their own article, they have to steal it.

I remember that magazine Cracked years ago. It was an imitator of Mad Magazine. When I saw the website I clicked on one of the links and yes it is Cracked Magazine online. There used to be another one called Sick Magazine that went out of business in 1980.

That autism poster is on the offensive side. I can't quite remember where I saw that but then again the same website that brought you the autism poster also has this:

[edited for content by sinsboldly]Funny Pictures

There was some other examples of their brand of "humor" :eew: that were just plain gross.

I was having fun until I came to the "free cat" one.
And this forum has crappy emotes. THERE ISN'T ONE FROWNY ENOUGH FOR FREE CAT. ):

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07 Jun 2009, 4:10 am

I found it funny even though I have never met anyone who I believed was using AS as an excuse. I am very difficult to offend though in general and I think I can see why some would be offended.


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07 Jun 2009, 12:24 pm

The opinions on that site being directed at "ret*d as*holes"? Pot, meet kettle. :lol:
@ them- At least we've got a medically recognised reason, sunshine. It's so stupid it's almost funny. Almost. Until you realise there's people who believe it. Oh well. Meh. :shrug:

Last edited by activebutodd on 12 Jun 2009, 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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07 Jun 2009, 12:47 pm

Asperger's has caused me a hell of a lot of pain, and will do so to the day I die. I have no idea how to function, and because of this the next sixty years of my life are going to be hell. I'm trying to improve myself, but it's not going to work. I can understand why they think the idea of Aspergers being a good thing funny, for the vast majority of people it's a very, very bad thing :( I'm not proud of it, but I think people should try be tolerant of our ineptitude. I think being proud of it is a little funny tbh :?

I thought that Autism poster on the first page was pretty funny though :lol:

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07 Jun 2009, 1:08 pm

I didn't find it offensive, it has its truths in some ways.

Though the author probably doesn't understand what it really is like to have it, still. I am pretty unmotivated to learn any branch of social skills.

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07 Jun 2009, 1:11 pm

ryan93 wrote:
Asperger's has caused me a hell of a lot of pain, and will do so to the day I die. I have no idea how to function, and because of this the next sixty years of my life are going to be hell. I'm trying to improve myself, but it's not going to work. I can understand why they think the idea of Aspergers being a good thing funny, for the vast majority of people it's a very, very bad thing :( I'm not proud of it, but I think people should try be tolerant of our ineptitude. I think being proud of it is a little funny tbh :?

I thought that Autism poster on the first page was pretty funny though :lol:

I agree, I thought the poster was pretty funny, too. I am glad to tell you, ryan93, that I have lived those 60 years you have yet to live of your life with Asperger's Syndrome. It is not always hell. It is not always heaven. If anything, I survived others trying to kill me, and trying to kill myself. (As someone on this forum pointed out "suicide is not a trip to Tahiti!")
No, I have pretty well managed my symptoms with out any understanding or help from others before I knew what was going on, and now that I do know, those people that can help me are few and far between.

So, I am one of those who are proud. Not of my AS, but of my figuring out how to live with it, even thorough the rough patches.

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07 Jun 2009, 2:32 pm

I'm sorry, reading that article threw me into my "depressed" bipolar state. I'm better now, for the moment. I react very badly to personal critisism, and that article made me feel worthless and nasty :cry: . I'm sorry if my post offended you all, you guys aren't inept, in fact you're all very intelligent and talented people.

So, I am one of those who are proud. Not of my AS, but of my figuring out how to live with it, even through the rough patches.

That makes a lot of sense, and you should be proud, I hope I can reach that point someday too. And it's good to see so many people with AS getting on in life on this forum, it gives me a bit off hope that I'll be able to get on in life myself :)


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07 Jun 2009, 2:51 pm

Lecks wrote:
I think it's pretty funny. The "article" isn't about aspies, it's about normal as*holes who use AS as an excuse to remain and enforce their assholism. It says it pretty clearly aswell.


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07 Jun 2009, 3:15 pm

ryan93 wrote:
Asperger's has caused me a hell of a lot of pain, and will do so to the day I die. I have no idea how to function, and because of this the next sixty years of my life are going to be hell. I'm trying to improve myself, but it's not going to work. I can understand why they think the idea of Aspergers being a good thing funny, for the vast majority of people it's a very, very bad thing :( I'm not proud of it, but I think people should try be tolerant of our ineptitude. I think being proud of it is a little funny tbh :?

I thought that Autism poster on the first page was pretty funny though :lol:

The article isn't about people with AS. It's about neurotypical people with poor social skills who convince themselves that they have AS so they can feel special. These people are usually narcissistic jerks.


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07 Jun 2009, 3:39 pm

Lecks wrote:
I think it's pretty funny. The "article" isn't about aspies, it's about normal as*holes who use AS as an excuse to remain and enforce their assholism. It says it pretty clearly aswell.

They may say that, and there may be people like that out there, but I think it's a bit of an overgeneralization. I think people are way too quick to pull that card anytime they see someone claiming to have AS defend themselves. They'll claim that people are faking AS in order to get a free pass at life, when in reality a lot of them actually are diagnosed and are really only asking for a little respect.


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07 Jun 2009, 3:56 pm

I didn't find it offensive, but then again, I'm functional enough to appreciate satire in written form.

The writer (crudely) makes a valid point. AS is a real condition, but how many people who claim to have AS are just using AS as a mask for a failure on their part to learn how to interact with others?

If you deal with welfare systems, you'll see there are people who are deserving of help and people who don't have a problem but act like they need help. They make an effort to play the part of a handicapped person so they can get the free aid, and sadly the people who exploit the system are larger than the number of deserving people getting assistance.

I know in my neck of the woods, getting a disability rating so you can live off the state is a big deal. People who can go out and do many things for a paycheck would rather sit at home and watch TV all day, and a disability rating is their meal ticket. They might have something wrong with them, but certainly nothing debilitating to the point that they can't hold a job.

Any group of handicapped people will be brought down by the numbers among them who really don't have the condition or deliberately overplay their symptoms to get out of being accountable.

My AS is a handicap, but I work to not let it hold me back as much as possible. I want people to be more understanding of me because AS affects my behavior, but I don't want people catering to me because I have AS. There is a difference.


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07 Jun 2009, 4:00 pm

I am proud of the AS. If people can have Gay pride events, why not AS or Autistic Pride?

I think the person who wrote that article is a drongo.. who are they to say that we should not be proud of ourselves.


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07 Jun 2009, 4:41 pm

zer0netgain--Having even a mild disability makes finding work a lot harder. For example, being an amputee; wearing leg braces; having ADHD... and, yes, the closer-to-NT parts of autism. People won't hire the guy who has something "wrong with" him even if it wouldn't impair his job performance; and it's nearly impossible to prove because you can always say the other candidate for the job was better qualified. And if you have any flaw on your record, at all--say, you got fired six jobs ago, or you haven't held a job before, or you don't have experience in that exact same position, you were awkward at the interview, or you were without work for a year... well, then, forget it. Those are automatic excuses for them not to hire you. In many cases, people that can work and want to work aren't working just because nobody will give them a chance. The disability rights movement is making some headway, but we've still got a long way to go.

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07 Jun 2009, 9:46 pm

Callista wrote:
In many cases, people that can work and want to work aren't working just because nobody will give them a chance.



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08 Jun 2009, 7:00 am

Callista wrote:
In many cases, people that can work and want to work aren't working just because nobody will give them a chance. The disability rights movement is making some headway, but we've still got a long way to go.

Oh, I don't doubt that, but if you ever get to work in a welfare program, it will sicken you how many people, who really have nothing wrong with them, draw benefits because they simply don't want the responsibility of having to work for a paycheck.

I have AS, I work, with a lot of difficulty in getting good jobs and keeping them. I know the difference between someone who is being held back by a barrier to employment and someone using the claim of a disability as an excuse to not have to work.


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08 Jun 2009, 7:43 am

It's funny when I think back to almost 10 years ago when I was diagnosed with AS, and it was pretty much unheard of in general culture - to reading satire articles like this today. Reading this was a bit of a shock to the system, as it made me realize just how mainstream AS has become over this time.

I'm not offended by the article (I don't get offended easily anyway, and if I do I get over it in about 5mins :lol:) but the whole excessive Aspergerian pride thing (and some of the stuff the article was implying) worries me a bit. For this sort of stuff, aspies could get a bad rep in the general population. I think every person should have pride in themselves, but I don't so much see the need for AS Pride (like Gay Pride) because there is really very little (intentional) discrimination against AS in everyday life.

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