darby54 wrote:
wildgrape wrote:
As I just mentioned on another thread, I live alone in the woods. When out in the woods, I notice all sorts of beautiful things, including all kinds of flora and fauna and beautiful colors. To me, it is extraordinary, especially when I am in the right mood. Since other people don't seem to want to live like this, I suppose they don't see what I do.
I totally relate to this. I live in the remote high desert on a large acreage and am completely at home way out here with nature and my critters. (Fortunately my one friend, my husband, loves the hermit life as much as I do.) I bask in the natural beauty all around me. Even when I'm inside the house I'm surrounded by big windows that constantly bring that natural world in to me.
Exactly! I live a few miles from "the wild" and hike or run trails damn near every day. My goal is to learn the name/life story of every animal/plant/rock/landform I see. Immersing myself totally in their world is a double treat for me. I get to sample other lifeforms and I temporarily turn off my own ruminations in an area of exquisite beauty. Very rewarding!
Also, when traveling, I will sometimes see a little town or even a particular house and imagine what it would be like to be a person living a lifetime in that place, sometimes in other historical eras. I am less than patient when my husband persists in trying to converse with me while I'm telling myself these stories.
After nearly a decade of geocaching I am always looking for the tiny detail that doesn't quite belong. We have a brilliant cache hider in this area, and she has trained my eye in a way I can't turn off.
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data".