Yes, I figured that possibility was the most likely. Gradin associates thinking in images with speech delay in regular autism. I was ponder, then, are all (regular) autistic people left brained while people with AS are split 60% left brain 30% right brain?
Left brain: words, logic and facts
Right brain: images, sounds and abstractness
How much left and right brain you have is decided by:
* Genetics
* The amount of input you receive until you are about 18 y/o (every unused braincell will die, this is to make the brain more efficient, unused braincells can be used to repair useful braincells)
* Training
Note that consciousness is a constantly changing subset of the brain existing of a conscious and subconscious. This depends also on the same factors as described above.
And consciousness can also be divided in these things:
* Input
* Output
* Internal Loop back (of the left and right brain)
And these things can also be divided but who cares...
If this gets out of ballance the person will receive disadvantages and advantages to his brain.
speech delay is caused by disadvantages with the input and the output. This can be caused by many many many things:
* The person is constantly in deep thought. (could be either left brain or right brain)
* The person has a very big conscienceness, making input and output relatively small. (could be either left brain or right brain)
* The person has a hearing problem (input problem, resulting in dead braincells)
* The person has an eye problem (input problem, resulting in dead braincells)
* The brain never computed that social interaction would be useful (could be either left brain or right brain)
* Input and output can be placed into subconsciousness because the brain decides it's not important at a moment in time (could be either left brain or right brain)
* A very big input can lead to a very small output. (could be either left brain or right brain)
* A very small input can lead to a very big output. (could be either left brain or right brain)
* Output is 7000000 times slower than the Internal Loop Back which means that a person who is very conscious of the internal loop back can get the feeling that if he talks for one minute he loses 7000000 minutes of his live which creates an emotional effect. (could be either left brain or right brain)
* A person who's only way of thinking is hearing themselves say words in their head has a brain that functions 7000000 times slower (causing a delay)
* There may be a problem with the speech area of the left brain.
* There may be a problem with the sound area of the right brain.
* The person is constantly repeating (any type of) pattern in the brain because by doing this the brain creates mind altering substances that make this person feel better. And the person wants to finish the current repetition in his head before speaking.
* The person may be thinking a lot in abstract concepts for which there are no words.
.., are all (regular) autistic people left brained while people with AS are split 60% left brain 30% right brain?
the answer is no because there are many reasons for this., good question though