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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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05 Jul 2009, 4:49 pm

I have a variety of memories from age 2 and possibly slightly earlier, when we still lived in an apartment.


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05 Jul 2009, 5:38 pm

I remember that, when I had 1 and 1/2 year, I was convinced that "1 1/2 year" was less than "1 year". These mean that:

- I have memories until 1 1/2 years

- when I had 1 1/2 years, I did not have memories of having 1 year

I also know that I have no memories before 17 mounths: I was born in an european family living in Africa, and my parents returned to Europe when I had 17 mounths. But all my memories are from Europe.


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05 Jul 2009, 6:09 pm

Probably my very earliest memory was of my mom strapping me into the car seat when I was around 2 years old, going to a doctor's appointment. After that, I remember being in our pool when I was about 3. My earliest vivid, yet gross and embarrassing memory, was when I was 4 - I had just taken a big dump in my diaper, and my dad had to change me. Awkward. :lol: Pretty much after that point in time, I can remember small little things as if they've just happened.

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05 Jul 2009, 6:17 pm

I don't know how old I was at the time, but my earliest memory was from the time I had just started drawing and eating cold cereal with a spoon (it was either Cheerios or Fruit Loops...some kind of circular cereal). I was using my left hand each time, but my mother made me switch to my right hand saying something like, "Wouldn't it be easier this way?" I don't know if I was verbal at the time.


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05 Jul 2009, 7:24 pm

I remember my grandmother taking me into the bathroom stall with her... :eew:


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05 Jul 2009, 7:46 pm

Mine i when I was one and a half it was domestic violence based, nott on me lol but yeah that memory stuck and my more happier one

when I got my first pair of glasses I think I was 3 but I kept shoving them off.
Also my third birthday party I was carrying a cake lol, it had white buttons in it


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05 Jul 2009, 7:56 pm

My first memory is from the age of 18 months, a powerful emotional one. I have several memories from the year I was 2.


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05 Jul 2009, 8:34 pm

I have memories of just about every time I was in front of a mirror at age two or three, then nothing until I am eight or nine.


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05 Jul 2009, 8:54 pm

My earliest memory is from Preschool. I do not have very many memories though, my memory isn't that great.

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05 Jul 2009, 9:09 pm

bluecup wrote:
How far back do your memories go? I have vivid memories from as early two as years of age. Many NTs I know don't remember anything before age 5 or 6. I am wondering if it is due to the rapid brain growth experienced by those on the autism spectrum causing the memory part of our brain to develop earlier.

I'm not sure what causes it, but my earliest memory is from when I was either 1 or 1 and a half years old. I was sitting infront of the TV watching a kids show. I turned around to see my mum run into the kitchen and duck as my dad threw a beer bottle at her.
No one else that I know remembers anything from before they started school.

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06 Jul 2009, 7:43 am

My memories go back to when I was 2, or slightly earlier perhaps. I started reading the alphabet and recognising a few words on flashcards before I was 2, and memorised all my storybooks around that time.

My memory of my brother's first birthday is pretty clear, I was 3 years and 10 months old then. He stuck his finger in the single candle on his birthday cake, and cried terribly when it burned, and after that I jumped to reach a balloon and smashed my head open on a metal leg of a bed. (It was rather normal for me to get stitches on my head when I was little!) :P

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06 Jul 2009, 7:57 am

I remember breast feeding and having my diaper changed many times.

They say memories don't go that far back. I disagree.


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06 Jul 2009, 8:45 am

Memories are made of this... topic

Like many here, I have an early memory. At 18 months I crawled into a laundry basket that had some clean stuff (I hope) in it and I fell asleep. Someone took a photo. I do not remember the photo obviously (I was asleep) but I do remember crawling into the basket. Kids. :lol:

What we remember when very small is random and rare, and it is amazing that there is a memory at all.

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06 Jul 2009, 8:57 am

I have one memory from before the age of one. After about 4, I don't remember much of my childhood. I was a case of child abuse, so I would prefer not to remember most of it. Sadly, I have had some of the memories of the past coming back to me, and it is not very pleasant when it does happen.


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06 Jul 2009, 10:17 am

I remember being in a crib, but I don't remember when exactly that was. I also remember being older in the crib, lying awake thinking to myself how much all of this napping was a waste of my time and that I had more important things to do.

Much to my mother's chagrin, one of my earliest memories was of me being gated out of the kitchen. I was 2 at the time. I also vaguely remember biting my tongue open and having to be taken into the hospital for stitches. All I remember from that experience were the bright fluorescent lights. That was around age 2 as well.

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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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06 Jul 2009, 2:42 pm

I don't remember too many things from my childhood, though I have 2 or 3 from before I was 5 years old.