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17 Jul 2009, 10:23 pm

Ref: 7
Sen: 1
Vis: 7
Glo: 7

Kinda extreme, but not an 11 to be seen... ?


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17 Jul 2009, 11:01 pm

My answer to most of those kinds of questions is "I really don't know."

When I am faced with these kinds of questions, I try to imagine examples of that kind of situation, and I just can't. Do I prefer theories and abstractions or concrete facts? I haven't the foggiest idea. I can't even begin to answer that. I suspect the answer is embedded right in that, but I haven't a clue which it is. How are people even able to think about these things? My brain doesn't do that!

And for some of the questions, my answer was "It depends on the subject and the instructor." I've had classes where the professor was an absolute delight to listen to, but his handwriting and drawing was so bad, that it was useless for him to put anything on the board. In other classes, it's the opposite. It's best for them to just put a diagram on the board and shut up. Ha ha! All things being equal, I don't know what I prefer. It's not that I can't make up my mind. It's that I can't wrap my head around what it is and figure out how they apply to me.


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18 Jul 2009, 2:23 am

im kinetic constantly touching thinks :lol:

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18 Jul 2009, 4:26 am

im the best of both worlds Introvert and extovert at the same time 750% intiuive/gut %25 logic very powerful combination.
but highon verbal side hate patterns i have none,very active hands on visual /kinesthetic. jhate math its to frusterating, but give me psycholy and parasycolgy i happy. even used psycholgy 2 alter my core personality many times so much i dont even kno the default settings lol.sself psych always also adhd but learned to control focuse lke surgei\ons capel precise.howe ayall doin

Snowy Owl
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18 Jul 2009, 7:16 am

11 VIS

Not sure I understand the results, and I can't do much with them to be honest.


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18 Jul 2009, 8:05 pm

3 - reflexive
9 - intuituve
7 - visual
3 - sequential

I don't know if I am AS or NT.

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18 Jul 2009, 10:31 pm

reflective 9
sensing 5
verbal 11
sequential 5

aspie all the way

"Life can be very confusing...filled with good things and filled with bad things. But it's my life...and I have choices." -Amber Brown


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18 Jul 2009, 11:03 pm

7 reflective
9 Intuitive
11 Visual
5 Sequential

I'm most likely Aspergers but I don't have a diagnosis on paper. But considering the psychologist who diagnosed my daughter pretty much concluded I probably am Aspie, I think it's a safe bet. But like I said, it's just not formalized. More like a common law marriage as opposed to a contracted marriage or on the opposite, kids playing house.

I kinda liked that test. I've seen one in a study skills book that had just figured whether you were visual, audio, or kinesthetic, but the whole idea of ranges like a Myers Briggs and then adding the Sequential vs global was pretty cool.

I think this is beyond learning as we use our learning process outside of an academic setting on a regular basis. First we got normal life events we learn without school (from walking to parenthood). Then, we also got new ideas we learn on a regular basis, such as events in the news. Then everytime someone talks to us, it too becomes a learning experience like reading a book and trying to understand what the paragraph says. In addition, we tend to communicate and write the way we think sometimes. So it almost takes on personality roles as well. The reason I say that is I can see my mom being the exact opposite of me, and many of our arguments result from that, but we both learn a lot from each other because we are mother/daughter and put the patience and tolerance it takes to make that happen.

And I often find myself just stating details expecting people to figure out the big picture on their own. This just makes me realize that everyone else doesn't think that way.


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19 Jul 2009, 3:55 pm

Reflective: 11
Intuitive: 7
Visual: 9
Global: 7

DX'ed with AS, ADD, Bipolar II.

MBTI Personality type: INFJ
Enneagram Personality type: 4w5 sp/sx/so

My Blog: My Autistic Life

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20 Jul 2009, 2:56 am





I just kinda "guessed" a good deal of them since i can't really recall if I've ever been in those situations.

Also what do the acronyms mean?


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20 Jul 2009, 3:26 am

I'm NT, and I got:

11 REF

My personality type is INFJ.
I have a type C personality.

I'm not diagnosed with any mental conditions, nor do I suspect any.


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20 Jul 2009, 7:50 am

The way I understand the acronyms...

Active vs reflecting ... I think this means are you the type to shoot first and ask questions later, or do you like to think about things before you go out and do it?

Intuitive and Sensing... I think it's like the Myers Briggs...sensing being using the five senses God gave you and intuitive meaning using that sixth sense that some don't believe exists.

Visual vs Verbal... Pictures vs words. Pretty self explanatory, but they say that visual people should make use of colors (through highlighters and/or pens) when highlighting or taking notes. I'm a visual person, and I do well when I categorize my notes (write things out really short and simple and then make little note maps). I think also that visual people do better reading (even though it's all words) than listening to lectures (unless the lectures come with a lot of charts/graphs).

Global vs Sequential ...Seems to me that Global means you think Big to small, and Sequential is small to big. Like Global, you see the big picture first and then go to the details whereas Sequential, you prefer to find the big picture by learning all the details. Like baking a cake, do you have to know you are baking a chocolate cake in order to put in the ingredients and follow the recipe, or are you content with having no idea what you are baking until you are done putting in all the ingredients and following the instructions? This one I liked because I tend to be the type to mention details and examples and make people assume the main idea when most people don't care about all the details and just want the main idea.

Either way, all this stuff is a scale. We all are all these things, but we tend to lean to one side more so than the other. Like the results said, like a 2 or 3 is pretty balanced out between the two whereas a 9 or 11 would put you way over to one end meaning you probably have a difficult time with the other side. I think ideally you want to be right in the middle with low scores. So if you have a visual score of 11, you might benefit most from working on finding enjoyment and learning verbally, but at the same time, know that you have a strong preference to learning things visually meaning to try to adapt all your notes and study habits in a visual manner.


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20 Jul 2009, 8:01 am

REF 11




I'm an Aspie.

Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.


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20 Jul 2009, 8:03 am

Other info: DX'ed AS, personality type: ISTP

REF: 3
INT: 3
VIS: 3
SEQ: 3
I'm very balanced then.

What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.


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20 Jul 2009, 9:21 am

buryuntime wrote:

There is the correct link.

As for me I don't know enough about my learning style to answer the questions. For instance, what do you mean think it out or try it? Aren't I supposed to do both?

I answered think it out because I must think it out in order to try it, but if I answered try it, that would have meant just jump in and figure it out as I go, which, come to think of it, is what I often do.


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20 Jul 2009, 9:32 am

I love taking online tests and comparing my results to others for some reason.

My results are:

Reflective: 9
Intuitive: 11
Visual: 5
Global: 11

On some of the questions I had to answer more on the words side because in some situations I tend to remember images that I translated from their words, more often than images that I actually saw.

I am undiagnosed other than for Auditory Processing Disorder. Some members of this forum have asked me, "Are you sure you don't have a PPD?", and the Aspie-Quiz says I have attributes of both, so I am now calling myself natspie, though that doesn't really fit. Most Aspies, and Auties, it seems, have NLD. Visual/spacial processing, reading body language, etc. are my strengths, and the listed strengths of NLD are weaknesses for me.