Irulan wrote:
[Lateral thinking is the name for this sort of thinking which is characterized by a high level of creativity, when you are forced to look for a solution of some problem you don’t use only logic but you do it using more indirect approach.
AAAHHHHH That explains why I've literally never been able top solve these puzzles, not even your "obvious" one about the man who turned out to need water because he was hiccuping.
I am not very creative at all, probably less creative than many people. I can play other peoples' songs on the guitar but I can't write one. I love to read but can't write a marginally decent story. I can draw or paint if and only if I'm looking at what I'm drawing or painting. I can't just "make something up". I need a cookbook or a memorized recipe to cook. I can't just "throw stuff together" and have it taste good. That whole sideways leap that is needed for creating unique art or coming up with a new idea or...solving these puzzles, it just escapes me. I can't do it. I can follow the leaps that others have made and appreciate them- how Coltrane broke away from melody, how Picasso broke away from form, how Darwin broke away from religion. But I can't can't can't make even the very modest leaps that are needed to solve these puzzles or write a poem, let alone anything grander. Sigh. I'll leave that to you creative, 3 eyed kitten types (I would never have thought to give a kitten a third eye) and plod along with my linear ways.
Last edited by Janissy on 21 Jul 2009, 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.