Aimless wrote:
I think people make the mistake of assuming anyone who is religious is also a fundamentalist. They just make the most noise. There are plenty of religious people that believe in evolution and don't believe the world was created in 6 days. They are called e-d-u-c-a-t-e-d.
May I point out that believing that the world was made in six days doesn't necessarily mean six normal days, but could mean a more arbitrary period of time taken to mean a day? The beginning of Genesis has been considered metaphorical by the Catholic church for quite some time. Everything up to Abraham, I think? But anyways, it would say it was made in six days rather than "six periods of time" or something silly-sounding like that. Not to mention that so much of it is really just too big for words at all, let alone translations of words. What a word, phrase, story, etc., meant in the original language and cultural context is not necessarily what it seems to mean today.